The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 438: Clan division

Zhang Fan knew that when those advanced civilizations noticed the anomaly, they would definitely use thunder to eliminate him.

Because my existence is so special.

Thinking that Zhang Fan was a little nervous, he gathered the brainworms together again to discuss the future.

The brainworms also find this matter quite troublesome. Although their strength has gradually improved, compared with higher civilizations, they are like a star's fire competing with the bright moon.

Zhang Fan asked: "What do you think about the promotion to level 2.4 civilization?"

Tianqi said: "Sir, according to past experience, choosing a reliable backer is the most important."

Gaia glanced at Tianqi, and then said disdainfully: "Choose a backer? Who to choose? Is the Dragon Emperor civilized?"

Adam shook his head and said: "No, we have some conflicts with the Dragon Emperor Civilization, and all the current practices are to prevent the Dragon Emperor Civilization."

Zhang Fan said at this time: "Adam is right. Bai Kai is slowly advancing. I have a hunch that he will bring us different surprises. Therefore, we can't be civilized with the Dragon Emperor yet." Initiate a conflict.”

After a pause, Zhang Fan added: "Moreover, we have no way to choose a backer, and we can't find a backer. No higher civilization would allow a race with such potential to be its subsidiary civilization."

Maya is a little anxious. The improvement of civilization cannot be stopped at will. Once the opportunity is reached, it will naturally improve.

He asked: "Lord! What should I do?"

Zhang Fan rolled his eyes and said, "So, I summoned you all to discuss this issue."

Seeing the meeting fall into silence, Athena asked Zhang Fan cautiously: "Master, can this slave continue to practice?"

Zhang Fan looked at Athena and said, "Of course, you are our secret weapon. Keep practicing, and the same goes for Elise."

Elise didn't understand why the Lord pointed the finger at herself, pointed at her nose with her finger and asked: "Me?"

Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Yes, it's you. I believe in your potential."

Elise curled her lips, turned her head and stopped talking.

Seeing the silence around him, Zhang Fan said impatiently: "Is there no other way?"

At this moment, Eva was waving her stupid hair, and Zhang Fan said: "Eva, tell me what method you have."

Eva gently shook Daimao twice, and Zhang Fan said doubtfully: "Split into clans?"

Upon hearing the news of the clan split, all the high-ranking aliens turned their attention to Eva, waiting for his next words.

Eva swayed her dull hair again, the frequency became faster and faster, and Zhang Fan's eyes gradually flashed with light.

After Eva finished speaking, Zhang Fan clapped fiercely and said, "Very good! Eva! We can give your method a try!"

Then, Zhang Fan said: "After the Sekent civilization is eliminated, we will proceed with all matters of clan division. Now we still need to discuss some details."

Splitting the clan means breaking up the entire alien system, hiding some advanced technologies, and turning the entire sphere of influence into a decentralized alliance system, with each area developing independently.

The first is the aliens. They must be independent and Elise will be responsible for them personally.

With the help of the Zerg, Zhang Fan quietly moved them to another light source.

This light source is relatively remote, and there are no very powerful races. Zhang Fan believes that Elise will be able to conquer that area with her own strength.

Then, the subordinate races led by Athena migrated, and Donagon, a powerful secret weapon, also followed Athena.

Of course, the engineers were also taken away.

What Athena has to do is practice, keep practicing, and eventually become the overlord of a party with her physical body.

Zhang Fan has high expectations for Athena, and he believes that Athena will not disappoint him either.

Then there is Angela. Angela has followed him for the shortest time, but Zhang Fan is the closest to her.

Although the two are different species, they are the closest species.

Zhang Fan gave Angela a brand-new biological experience, which also played an important role in the recent battles of the alien race.

That is the Flood.

Flood means a creature that floods like a flood. After the aliens transformed it to a certain extent, the entire Flood clan has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The basic structural architecture system has not changed much. What has changed is their reproductive ability. They can infect any organic matter.

Of course, in comparison, aliens are still more powerful. At least aliens can copy other people's attributes and are immune to energy weapons.

The Flood couldn't do this yet, so Angela was left to develop the things she had written down.

After the aliens, hundreds of tribes, and flood demons are determined, only the Zerg race will be left in the entire alien world.

The Zerg have been with Zhang Fan from the beginning.

It grew from scratch to such a huge army today.

To be honest, Zhang Fan was really reluctant to separate the clans like this.

However, he knew that this was currently the only effective way to resist detection by advanced civilizations.

However, it is a bit difficult to separate the Zerg clan, and it can be said that it is difficult to let go.

There are so many types of Zerg that Zhang Fan himself can’t even count them.

There are too many to count, but their classification is quite clear.

In the end, Zhang Fan decided to divide it in the simplest way.

It is worth mentioning here that since the Zerg replaced them with demon cells, all Zerg creatures can survive in space and will not die due to oxygen and moisture.

Therefore, sea creatures can still become space creatures, and these original sea creatures are left to Maya.

Maya reluctantly moved his sea creature army to another light source, and the skins of all the sea creatures turned blue.

The flying creatures were handed over to Gaia. He had always had a dream of flying in his heart. After a series of evolutions, the flying army also became a huge branch.

Gaia took this group of flying creatures and flew out of the atmosphere with flapping wings.

Then he used the ATP force field combined with anti-gravity to fly along the curvature trajectory and disappeared after the two branches separated in the distance. The entire Zerg world suddenly became quiet.

Zhang Fan looked at the three people around him with a sense of loss.

"Apocalypse, I will leave the seeds to you in the future. You can go to Fuwu Light Source." Zhang Fan said.

Tianqi understands, and he also knows how powerful the modified seeds are, as can be seen from the biological mecha currently being developed.

The seeds of Fuwu civilization not only have the ability to stimulate vitality, but also possess thinking consciousness. It is a special civilization.

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