The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 445 Pretending to be a brain

Countless corpses were piled up in front of the headless Bai Yaksha.

The only one who felt scared was Yuan Xiyao. She didn't expect that a good battle would turn into this.

She looked a little scared, but she believed in Bai Kai, even though Bai Kai looked like a headless man.

Zhang Fan ignored Yuan Xiyao. He looked at the pile of corpses in front of him and nodded with satisfaction: "Well, not bad. This body should be able to be upgraded to a higher level."

After saying that, the headless White Yaksha opened his arms like a roc.

Yuan Xiyao, who was standing by, felt deep fear, and a strange aura filled her young heart.

Zhang Fan's momentum was so terrifying that Yuan Xiyao rolled her eyes and fainted.

Zhang Fan had no time to take care of Yuan Xiyao, so he used huge force.

A crushing force enveloped the pile of corpses out of thin air.

Then, the pile of corpses began to shrink visibly to the naked eye, and a large pile of rotting corpses began to make a "click-click" sound of broken bones.

Zhang Fan has gathered the spiritual power of two light source creatures, so his force power is very huge. Even ordinary force warriors are not as powerful as him.

Facing this pile of corpses, Zhang Fan only had to move his fingers.

Gradually, the corpses were intertwined together, and it was no longer possible to distinguish what was a face and what was a hand.

It's like the scrapyard crushing those cans.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-red flesh ball appeared in front of Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan's hands also came together, in perfect synchronization with the condensation of the corpse.

He stretched out his hand and took the ball, which was as big as his head, and weighed it: "It's a bit heavy. It will take a lot of time to digest. Then I'll start pinching my face."

Under the admiration of a group of strangers, Zhang Fan found a few strangers who were better at carving.

Then let them carve the head according to Bai Kai's previous appearance.

There is no need to be too precise, because for Bai Kai, as long as he fuses with this meat ball head, he can restore his original appearance step by step based on his thinking pattern.

You must know that Bai Kai's body contains mutated demon cells. They have been integrated into Bai Kai's body and Zhang Fan cannot control them.

It is precisely because of these cells, combined with Bai Kai's own rebirth force, that his cell activity is more powerful than that of ordinary Zerg.

Watch the alien sculptors perfect the meat ball head step by step.

Zhang Fan turned his attention to Yuan Xiyao, this little girl who surprised him a little.

Because in a series of previous incidents, this little girl showed amazing mental power.

Zhang Fan tried to use his thinking power to control her, but there seemed to be a layer of protection in this little girl's thinking, firmly protecting her.

"Hmph, there will always be mistakes." Zhang Fan felt Yuan Xiyao on the ground and thought to himself.

Then he waved to several strangers to come forward and take Yuan Xiyao down to settle down.

The sculptor's work has also been completed, with a smooth head, a bit like Wu Ke, without any hair on his face.

It would look a bit ugly if it was just installed like this.

Zhang Fan thought for a moment, and then decided to turn the hair on his head into a kind of attack.

A tiny tentacle similar to that of a spine crawler.

Generally speaking, there are 100,000 human hairs, and including eyebrows, eyelashes and scattered hair, there are about 130,000 to 40,000 hairs.

It doesn't seem like a lot, but as long as it's processed carefully.

"Well, put it on first and do it slowly." Zhang Fan felt that it was better not to let Bai Kai's thoughts out first, otherwise she would never be able to accept it.

Then, Zhang Fan installed the meat ball head on the headless body.

At Bai Kai's broken neck, the capillaries began to squirm, as if they were excitedly welcoming the return of his brain.

However, they don't know that the current brain is just an empty shelf, and the brain cells in it have not yet taken shape.

The capillaries successfully accepted the brain, stitching the two together like threads.

Then, the demon cells began to invade. Only after these cells replaced the original cells in his head, Zhang Fan could continue to do the next step.

The demon cells happily invaded the original cells, but some of these cells lost their activity, and the demon cells spread very quickly.

Outside, you can see that the muscles on the face of this head embryo are constantly squirming, looking very disgusting.

Zhang Fan didn't pay attention to these. Demon cells also have another advantage, that is, they can transport the nutrients in the meat ball's head and some unnecessary substances into the body to nourish Bai Kai's body.

After about an hour, Bai Kai's face stabilized, but it was still bare.

The next step is to transform the eyeballs and brain cells. Do the inside first before you can continue with the outside. To deal with the outside, you must first fix the inside.

When it comes to brain cells, Zhang Fan is pretty good at it, because the heads of the brainworms are inferior to those that Zhang Fan pinched himself.

"I feel so nostalgic." Zhang Fan kept sighing in his heart.

First, the skulls are generated. These skulls are not the kind of skulls before the Dragon Emperor's civilization. They are too brittle and can be crushed by one foot just like Li Qing did.

Therefore, Zhang Fan decided to use the alien skull structure model. It cannot be seen from the outside, but if you look at it from the inside, you will find that the arrangement of these bones is still very different from the Dragon Emperor civilization.

After the internal skull was constructed, Zhang Fan started working on the brain. This was done bit by bit, so it took a long time.

So, Zhang Fan sent the stranger out to inspect the underground world to see if there was anything that could be used.

The aliens observed the originally noisy and bustling underground world, but after the aliens made such a fuss, the whole city became extremely quiet.

Zhang Fan didn't know that he was doing a good thing by doing this.

This planet can be regarded as a planet abandoned by the Dragon Emperor civilization, with poor resources and a barren environment.

Anyone who can get out will leave this place, but there are always some people who stay.

Those were the former residents and some criminal elements.

Although the Dragon Emperor Civilization abandoned this planet, people cannot abandon it so easily.

So, a police station was set up here.

Hao Xin is a policeman at the police station. He is responsible for a very wide area, but with the help of Ling Yin, the work does not seem so troublesome.

Two cyborgs pressed a man with a bruised nose and face into the police station.

Hao Xinxin said: "How many waves is this already? Why are the wanted criminals from the past popping up like mushrooms after a rain in the past few days?"

Hao Xin was very confused, but he seemed to have discovered some secrets in his doubts.

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