The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 446 Connor

Hao Xin was flipping through the files in the police station and looking at some cases with a long history.

These cases have not yet been solved, and the prisoners seem to disappear out of thin air.

It may be a bit exaggerated to say that they disappeared out of thin air, but it is almost the same, except that they have been spotted coming and going in some places through surveillance.

These guys are as cunning as rats hiding underground.

"Eh? Why didn't I think of that? They might be underground." Hao Xin closed the file and called a biochemical man in.

These are the newest cyborgs, and they also have a blue ring on their temple.

"Director, do you need anything?" the cyborg said. There was no expression on his face, but for some reason he looked sincere.

Hao Xin said: "Connor, you sit down first."

Cyborg Connor nodded, then sat on the sofa, poured a glass of water, took a sip, and looked at Hao Xin intently.

Hao Xin picked up a file and said, "You have also seen recently that many wanted criminals have been arrested, but I am very surprised. Where have they been before? Do you have any ideas?"

Connor put down the cup in his hand, put his hands on his knees, straightened his back, and said sideways to Hao Xin: "Director, I'm not good at guessing about this, but I can help you check it out."

Hao Xin nodded and said, "Well, okay then. By the way, Connor, we need someone to cooperate with this matter. You go find the captain of the detective team."

Connor said doubtfully: "Captain of the detective team? You mean Zhang Qifeng, Captain Zhang?"

Hao Xin nodded again and said, "Yes, it's him. You also know that he doesn't like cyborgs very much, but he still has abilities. Don't be emotional."

Connor stood up, saluted Hao Xin and said, "Director, don't worry, I am a cyborg, so I will definitely not have emotions."

Hao Xin said with satisfaction: "Well, very good, you go ahead, he should be at the bar."

Connor nodded, then walked out of the room, closing the door gently.

The place where the police station is located is one of the most prosperous cities on the planet, full of science fiction style.

There are high-rise buildings, holographic projections, and buses that are constantly shuttling to show off their wealth.

Connor stepped onto the bus, and the blue chip on his temple flashed twice.

"Dip, biochemical card."

After paying the fee, Connor chose a seat by the window and sat down.

Looking at the crowds of people coming and going outside the window, he couldn't tell which ones were humans and which ones were cyborgs, because cyborgs had been integrated into human life.

However, there is always a group of people who are very disgusted with cyborgs and think that cyborgs have taken away their jobs.

However, the upper echelons of the Dragon Emperor's civilization don't think so.

Cyborgs made a great contribution to the expansion of the Dragon Emperor's civilization.

Some dangerous tasks can be completed with high quality and quantity by leaving them to biochemical humans.

Moreover, in some space battlefields, cyborgs are more powerful than those soldiers.

What humans in the Dragon Emperor Civilization have to do is to continuously improve their strength and awaken the Force.

How the Dragon Emperor Civilization discovered the Force can only be discussed later.

The bus staggered to the door of a sake bar called Blue Mood.

Connor got out of the car and looked at the dark sky, thinking that he might not be able to investigate the case tonight.

Then, he opened the door of the bar, looked around, and found that there was no cyborg inside.

A waiter spotted Connor and was about to ask. After seeing the blue ring on his temple, he turned his head away in disgust and went about his own business.

Connor walked into the bar and sat down next to an unshaven man: "Captain Zhang, I received an order from my superiors to come and assist you in your work."

Zhang Qifeng glanced at Connor, drank all the wine in his glass and said, "I can handle this myself, why do I need you, a cyborg!"

Connor said: "I received a call from my superiors"

Zhang Qifeng stood up and said, "But I don't agree."

After saying that, he stood up and walked towards the door. Connor hurriedly caught up with him. The waiter stopped Connor and said, "Hey! I haven't given you the money yet."

Connor pointed at Zhang Qifeng and said, "Didn't he give it to me?"

The waiter nodded in disgust, Connor pursed his lips, and then the blue ring flashed a few times. After hearing the sound of payment, the waiter let Connor leave.

When they arrived, Connor looked around, but unfortunately, Zhang Qifeng had already left.

Suddenly, Connor's communicator rang. After picking up, Connor said: "Director, Captain Zhang has left."

"Well, I understand. He should be handling the case now. I'll send you the location. You go and meet him." Hao Xin said.

Then, Connor received a location, hailed a taxi, and went straight to the scene of the incident.

Outside a residential building, a yellow cordon has been drawn up, and the cyborgs with live ammunition are watching the people coming and going.

Connor came to them, revealed his identity and got into the yellow alert.

The yellow cordon had the feel of frosted glass, and it was difficult to see what was going on inside clearly from the outside, but after entering, Connor could see very clearly.

"This is this?" After Connor's eyes scanned the dozens of corpses, the information was fed back one after another.

"Are they all wanted criminals?" Connor walked forward with some confusion, "How did these people die?"

At this time, Zhang Qifeng saw Connor, and he said angrily: "What are you doing here?"

Connor said: "I will assist you in your work."

"Hmph, look, what kind of attacks did these people suffer?" Zhang Qifeng said.

Connor knelt down, scanned the corpses with his eyes, and put some of their blood on the tip of his tongue.

After rolling their eyelids and collecting some hair, Connor stood up and said with some confusion: "These people seem to have been attacked by wild beasts, but I am very surprised that there should be no wild beasts in the whole city."

Zhang Qifeng folded his hands on his chest and said: "It's still a bit of a skill. My analysis is that it's a wild animal attack. Most of their wounds are scratches. The wounds are very deep. It's not like a normal fight. Even some people who have learned martial arts are... This laborious method of killing will not be used.”

Zhang Qifeng showed his professional level, which was exactly the same as Connor's analysis.

Connor stood up and said: "Captain, will there be any mutants? You know, the ethnic composition of the Dragon Emperor civilization is relatively complex."

Zhang Qifeng snorted and said: "I prefer to believe that it is a biochemical person with disordered programming."

Connor smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Qifeng said: "Then take some people to clean up these corpses, and you and I will go investigate the case tomorrow."

"Okay, sir."

At this time, Zhang Fan's brain has been completed. After the most complicated work is completed, the next step will be simple.

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