The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 45 Golden Flash

Emperor Mosquito Jing had already reached the top of Springtail's head, but Zhang Fan failed to spot it.

It was looking forward to another explosion, but now it had to consider the entire forest.

The body turned into golden light again, and this bright light was particularly eye-catching under the reflection of the sun.

The Hydralisks raised their heads and stared at the golden light.

Zhang Fan was surprised: "It turns out to be a mosquito, how can it be so strong?!"

Facing such a terrifying enemy, Zhang Fan was not afraid. His last batch of self-exploding mosquitoes were on their way, trying to cooperate with the Hydralisks to capture them in one fell swoop.

Emperor Mosquito Jing moved, and this time his speed was much slower. He knew that he had played a bit too hard just now, and his body was a little exhausted. It would be difficult for him to recover within a few months, but this speed was enough to deal with the enemy.

The moment Emperor Mosquito Jing took action, the Hydralisks began to attack.

However, Emperor Mosquito did not immediately attack the hydralisks. It passed through the dense venom shooting area.

Arriving in front of the only remaining flying dragon, it wanted to take a closer look and see how these guys could compete with Aedes.

Zhang Fan didn't expect that Emperor Jie Jing would come to deal with Fei Long, but he couldn't think about it now.

Controlling the flying dragon, he launched the projectile, which brought sparks of sparks caused by friction with the air. Emperor Mosquito Jing was dumbfounded.

It found that it was particularly fascinated by explosions, somewhat obsessed.

By the time Emperor Mosquito Jing came to his senses, the projectile had already arrived in front of him.

You can clearly see the shape of the ejection projectile, with Martian oval-shaped eggs, and there seem to be dead larvae inside.

Are these guys so disrespectful of future generations? Emperor Mosquito Jing felt a little uncomfortable.

Then, it moved a short distance to the side very gracefully, and the ejection bullet flew out along its side.

Emperor Mosquito Jing easily dodged all the successive projectile attacks.

Zhang Fan only felt that he saw a light spot that was constantly shaking.

When the flying dragon could no longer fire projectiles, the Hydralisk troops came over staggeringly.

Looking at the group of hydralisks, Emperor Jingjing moved and flew into the group of flying dragons.

Zhang Fan was a little hesitant, not sure whether he should shoot or not. He didn't want to kill his flying dragon.

He couldn't move his hands, and others would not stop. Emperor Mosquito Jing used absolute speed to shuttle among the flying dragons, and the time around him seemed to have stopped again.

The golden light shone through the flying dragons one after another, and these flying dragons continued to fall like raindrops.

Zhang Fan no longer hesitated and ordered the Hydralisks to spray venom. The sky was filled with venom. Emperor Mosquito Jing stopped his movements and flew towards the outside of the venom-covered area at an extremely fast speed.

"On the left!" Zhang Fan was shocked and turned the hydralisks in another direction to prepare to shoot again.

Emperor Mosquito Jing, who was in mid-air, braked suddenly, and then rushed towards the Hydralisk as if turning a ninety-degree turn.

Zhang Fan reacted quickly and raised the Hydralisk's scythe high. Since long-range attacks are not possible, let's fight in close combat.

Estimating the distance, and after thinking for a ten thousandth of a second, the Hydralisk in the front row swung down the scythe heavily.

There was a "ding" sound, and the scythe of a Hydralisk broke and flew into the air.

And the golden light was knocked to the ground.

Emperor Mosquito Jing was a little confused now. He seemed to have been hit just now. He shook his head and got up from the ground again, his body staggering involuntarily.

Absolute speed is used too much and must be dealt with quickly.

Emperor Mosquito Jing rushed towards the Hydralisks again. This time, he did not give Zhang Fan time to react. He shuttled back and forth among the Hydralisks, constantly cutting down the Hydralisks.

This time there were no sparks or explosions. Emperor Mosquito Jing focused on piercing the hydralisk, but the speed slowed down a lot.

Hydralisk also reacted very quickly. It put away the venom in its mouth and slashed Emperor Mosquito Jing with its sickle.

After almost hitting it several times, Zhang Fan thought this was an excellent opportunity and mobilized the springtails over.

The springtail moves faster than the hydralisk, and its attack speed is also very fast. It can completely knock down this golden mosquito.

Just as the springtails were preparing to attack, Emperor Mosquito Jing flew up into the sky again.

In mid-air, Emperor Mosquito Jing lost his golden light and returned to his original appearance as a Culex mosquito. It was panting.

Emperor Mosquito Jing has never felt so tired. This time he used absolute speed for a bit too long, but he was unwilling to fail to completely annihilate the opponent.

In the distance, the "buzzing" sound appeared again, and the self-exploding mosquito rushed towards Emperor Mosquito Jing at an extremely fast speed.

The Hydralisks were also prepared and swallowed the venom again. The self-exploding mosquitoes in the sky and the Hydralisks and springtails underground completely blocked the escape route of Emperor Jingjing.

"Hmph, let's see where you run away this time. It seems like you can no longer use your abilities." Zhang Fan thought to himself.

Emperor Jingjing is indeed very tired, but this does not mean that it cannot use absolute speed.

Forcing himself to shine again, Venom and the Self-Exploding Mosquito were already approaching a very close distance.

After moving a short distance and dodging a batch of venom, he encountered another batch of venom, and his body began to heat up.

Emperor Jie Jing knew that no matter how obsessed he was with explosions, he had to leave this time.

It was really difficult to deal with. These attacks were so intensive. Emperor Mosquito Jing narrowed his eyes and rushed towards a gap at the critical moment.

The self-destructing mosquitoes exploded and made a "rumbling" sound again. This was Zhang Fan's last batch of self-destructing mosquitoes. Without resources, he could not organize a new round of attack. All he could do now was hope. Get rid of this smelly mosquito.

God seemed to be joking with Zhang Fan, as a golden light rushed out from the thick smoke and flew into the distance.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Fan didn't know whether to be happy or pity.

There were several scars on Emperor Jingjing's body. He was still unable to completely avoid the explosion at the moment, and the shock wave also caused some pain in his head.

If it weren't for his tenacious willpower and the use of absolute speed at the last moment, this time it would really be revealed.

After being far away from the Zerg army, Emperor Mosquito Jing lost the golden light on his body again. His expression was a little dazed, and he flew towards the forest unsteadily. He was too tired.

The forest was still in front of him, but his body was not under control. His wings stopped working and he fell towards the ground.

At this moment, the Mosquito King flew out close to the ground and held the Mosquito King Emperor on his back who was about to fall.

Then it climbed up again and flew towards the depths of the forest.

All this is in Zhang Fan's eyes. He intends to pursue, but the opponent's speed is too fast. Even if the flying dragon catches up, it may not be able to kill the opponent.

Last update today

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