The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 46 Loneliness

In this way, the counterattack organized by Emperor Jie Jing ended.

Zhang Fan breathed a long sigh of relief, thinking that he would be beaten back to his original form this time.

Looking at the devastated land, Zhang Fan smiled bitterly in his heart, and it was time to rebuild.

Deep in the forest, Emperor Mosquito Jing had woken up, lying on the back of the mosquito king, looking at the sun in a trance.

"Big Mosquito, what do you think they are?" Emperor Jingjing asked Big Mosquito through his brain waves.

"Oh, by the way, you can't answer now." Emperor Mosquito Jing said again.

The Mosquito King is silent, just like what Emperor Mosquito Jing said, it has no way to answer, it is a listener.

"Big Mosquito, I found that I suddenly fell in love with the feeling of explosion. It is so beautiful." After Emperor Jingjing said, the Big Mosquito King couldn't help but tremble. It didn't think it was beautiful, but that it was too scary.

"Have you seen the sun in the sky?" Following Emperor Mosquito Jing's voice, he raised his head and looked into the sky.

The brilliant sky lanterns and the radiant sun are the bright eyes of nature. Light is alive. The sun is always as always, giving warmth and light to the world every day.

Emperor Jingjing continued, his voice full of profundity: "I have been thinking about what the sun is. It brings us warmth, brings life, and nourishes the earth, but what is it made of? Now I seem to find out The answer is an explosion."

The Great Mosquito King begins to land, and this is the habitat of the Mosquito Emperor.

With a huge gust of wind, the Mosquito King fell to the ground smoothly.

Emperor Mosquito Jing seemed to have no intention of coming down, and King Mosquito was not in a hurry and just waited quietly.

"We can enjoy the warmth brought by the sun, but we don't know why the sun brings warmth. It is gentle but not hot. This explosion made me feel hot. You know, I thought I was the strongest, I won't be afraid of anything, but let me tell you, I am afraid, I am afraid of explosion." Emperor Mosquito Jing slowly stood up and stood on the back of the mosquito.

It continued: "Such horrific explosions excite me for some reason, and I feel this is true art."

Emperor Mosquito Jing started to flap its wings and flew towards its lair, where there were various ores that it continuously collected.

I thought this was its hobby, but I didn't expect to be exposed to the beauty of explosions. Looking at these ores, I thought it was nothing more than that.

"Big Mosquito, I'm tired and need to rest for a while." Emperor Mosquito Jing conveyed the message a little tiredly.

The big mosquito king lay on the ground and hesitated again and again, but finally flew into the sky, drawing circles in the sky to convey his thoughts.

"It's useless, we can't take revenge anymore, they reproduce too fast." Emperor Mosquito Jing closed his eyes and stopped looking at the big mosquito king.

The Great Mosquito King didn't know that Emperor Mosquito Jing was asleep, but he was still flying unremittingly. Now he was not only a listener, but also a guardian.

In the past, the forest was full of flowers. If you saw the giant mosquito flying in the sky, the flying insects around you would definitely sing and dance in celebration, but now it has become completely silent.

Whose fault is this? It's not the Zerg's fault, nor the fault of Emperor Jingjing, but the fault of the world.

At this moment, the big mosquito king's heart was full of loneliness. Although the smelly mosquito kings scolded it and bullied it every day, it never cared about it.

This is the way of survival for the great mosquito king. Take a step back and the sky is vast. We are all mosquitoes, living in harmony and loving each other.

Where are you now? I can't see or hear your voices. I want to play with you, but I can't.

Seeing that Emperor Mosquito Jing's voice had disappeared for a while, the Great Mosquito King slowly descended from the air again. This time the landing was a little gentle, as he was afraid of disturbing Emperor Mosquito Jing.

Looking towards the nest, Emperor Mosquito Jing seemed to be asleep, and his body was still shaking.

For a moment, the Mosquito King didn't know what to do. It originally accepted the instructions of Emperor Mosquito Jing and went east when it went east, and went west when it went west. The only time it didn't obey the order was to hump Emperor Jing Jing back. .

The sky is getting dark, and the stars are beginning to dot the sky. The night is so beautiful. I haven't spent such a quiet night in a long time.

The big mosquito king fell asleep leaning against the mosquito king's nest without even realizing it.

After Zhang Fan led a large force to clean up the remaining insects, the sky was getting dark.

This was the first time that he paid so much attention to the sky. The stars were shining on the earth. Judging from the arrangement of the stars, this must not be the earth.

It seems that there is a poet on earth who wrote a poem about homesickness. What is it about? I really want to forget, it's been too long.

How long have I been in this world? century? millennium? Ten thousand years? Or a hundred million years?

In fact, Zhang Fan didn't know how long it had existed. As the saying goes, there is no time in the mountains, and there is no age in the cold. His impression of the original world began to gradually fade.

Zhang Fan's days have been repeating, constantly experimenting with death and devouring in battles, and then experimenting with battles and devouring death.

Except for Adam, who Zhang Fan would regularly replace cells with, the rest of the Zerg would suffer from birth, old age, sickness and death. This was the cycle of life and the best way to solve the resource problem.

Some things are better left to the world to decide. Under Zhang Fan's influence, the Zerg have been making progress, but the world also gives them choices.

Survival of the fittest and natural selection are not empty words, but something Zhang Fan has personally experienced.

No longer considering such complex philosophical issues, Zhang Fan turned his attention to scientific issues again.

In addition to stars in the sky, there are still stars. Even so, this world still has so-called satellites.

It's just that these satellites, please note that these represent a large number. The individuals of these satellites are too small, so small that there is really no way to detect them without careful observation.

Without a complete satellite system, there would be no such terms as a bright moon and a bright moon. The nights in this world would be dark.

Maybe, it was once complete, who knows.

Early the next morning, Zhang Fan began to order Adam to take action. The post-war reconstruction work must be completed before the forest recovers.

Adam was also very nervous about this, but he was more happy. He knew that the balance of victory had tipped to the great Zerg. As long as he launched another attack, the master would conquer the entire forest.

Listening to Adam's words of praise, Zhang Fan enjoyed it quite a bit this time. After enjoying it, he began to think about dealing with Emperor Mosquito Jing.

Adam is studying the work of strengthening the Zerg. As long as his research is successful, the strength of the Zerg will surely reach a higher level. Apart from Emperor Jingjing, I don’t believe there are other creatures in the forest that can block such a terrifying tide of insects.

I almost forgot to post it

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