The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 498 Physical Fitness

The police came to Bai Kai's side and found that he had passed out.

A policeman looked at Bai Kai and said, "This guy actually comes out to train at night. Does he want to take the martial arts test?"

Another policeman complained: "If he was not the subject of special observation, I would not care about him. It would be really troublesome and I would have to work overtime with him."

"There's nothing we can do about it. The boss said we can't use biochemical surveillance, so we have to do it ourselves."

"What should we do now?"

The policeman looked at Bai Kai and shook his head and said, "Send him to the hospital first, and then report what he knows."

"That's all."

Later, the police sent Bai Kai to the hospital again.

Bai Kai opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

He suddenly woke up: "Me? Did I travel through time? Is it time reset?"

Quickly flip down and open the airtight curtains, revealing the bustling city.

Bai Kai covered his mouth and shed tears in excitement.

"Um, what's wrong with you?" Doctor Qin opened the door of the ward and saw a scene that surprised him.

Bai Kai secretly wiped away his tears of excitement, looked at Dr. Qin, and returned to the hospital bed without saying a word.

Doctor Qin said strangely: "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Bai Kai shook his head and said, "No, I'm fine. Where is this? Why am I here?"

Doctor Qin breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing what Bai Kai said, he should be fine mentally.

He said: "Two policemen sent you to the hospital early this morning. I didn't expect that you came to the hospital twice in such a short period of time. You are really a talent."

Hearing this, Bai Kai's face turned gloomy, so gloomy that he almost dripped water.

Doctor Qin looked at Bai Kai in confusion. He didn't know what he said wrong.

Bai Kai gritted his teeth and said, "So, I came to the hospital this morning?"

Doctor Qin said: "Yes, they said you trained in the middle of the night and lost strength."

Then, as if he remembered something, he comforted: "Mr. Bai, I know you want to take the martial arts exam. I had this idea before, but it is too unrealistic. The odds of one million to one are too small.

Moreover, your current physical fitness is worse than those of junior high school girls, so I tell you as a doctor, give up.

Of course, if you want to take the liberal arts exam, I can help you. After all, I am also a medical student who graduated from 211. "

It is obvious that Dr. Qin is very proud of his profession.

Bai Kai said unhappily: "But liberal arts students are not being stepped on by martial arts students."

Doctor Qin said with a smile: "You can't say that. After all, there are only a few ancient warriors. Anyway, I have only seen a few in my entire life."

Bai Kai curled his lips and asked again: "Doctor Qin, if I really want to take the martial arts exam, is there any shortcut I can take?"

Dr. Qin laughed and said, "You asked the right person about this, there really is a shortcut!"

Bai Kai sat up suddenly, looked at him with bright eyes, and said excitedly: "What can I do? As long as I can pass the martial arts exam! I am willing to do anything."

Doctor Qin looked at the excited Bai Kai, shook his head helplessly and said, "Tell me, you'd better give up. This is even harder."

Bai Kai said unhappily: "How could you know it wouldn't work if you didn't tell me?"

Seeing Bai Kai being so stubborn, Dr. Qin sighed and said, "Have you ever heard of the force?"

Bai Kai nodded: "I've heard of it."

Doctor Qin said: "If you can awaken the force, Guwu University will admit you as an exception."

Bai Kai's eyes were full of light, and he followed the force that Zhang Fan told him before.

He was reborn. Although he didn't feel that much power, he was reborn!

Doctor Qin looked at the ignorant Bai Kai and said, "Don't think about it. As we all know, a tenth-level warrior is called a force warrior because he no longer belongs to the category of human beings.

They can absorb the free energy of the universe, be baptized by the universe, and become strong men in the universe.

Also, generally people in The Force Awakens are their descendants because their genes have been optimized.

And you, according to the data, there are no Force practitioners in the three generations of your ancestors, so you should understand. "

Bai Kai listened thoughtfully to Doctor Qin's words.

Seeing Bai Kai thinking, Dr. Qin shook his head, told him to take a good rest, and then left the hospital.

Adam, who felt threatened to leave, said: "Sure enough, your only way out now is not to practice ancient martial arts, but to awaken to the Force."

"But, from what he said, it's difficult to awaken the Force."

"You have the force, so what are you afraid of?"

Bai Kai said: "Sometimes, I really doubt that I have cultivated a fake force."

The next day, after replenishing his nutrition in the hospital, Bai Kai came to school again.

After explaining the situation to the head teacher, Wang Donglin gave him a sympathetic look.

The class is still going on, and everyone is working hard to get a good grade in the exam, and no one cares about someone dropping out of class.

However, Su Ya was different. She came to Bai Kai and said, "Yesterday, why didn't you come to class?"

Bai Kai did not hide it and explained his situation.

Su Ya was stunned when he heard this: "No way! Do you want to take the martial arts exam?!"

Maybe the voice was a little loud, and the students all turned their heads, their eyes full of sarcasm.

At this time, Su Ya showed the character of a manly woman: "What are you looking at?!"

Everyone seemed to be afraid of Su Ya and started reading the book again.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, your aura is really great." Bai Kai sighed.

Su Ya rolled his eyes and said, "It's not that they are afraid of me, but they are afraid of my future."

Bai Kai asked puzzledly: "Afraid of your future?"

Su Ya said proudly: "To tell you the truth, I am the only student in our middle school who has to take the martial arts exam."

This made Bai Kai a little surprised: "The only one? Are so many people in the school not taking the exam?"

"No, they are all people with a physical fitness of less than 100. How can they compete with me." Su Ya said disdainfully.

"Physical fitness?" Bai Kai was confused again.

"Oh? So you don't know?" Su Ya was a little surprised, and then said, "Physical fitness is measured. In previous years' Guwu University exams, the physical fitness level was generally 120.

It can be considered a relatively good body. Only with this kind of physical fitness can one keep up with the practice of ancient martial arts. "

Bai Kai looked at the proud Su Ya and asked, "What's your physical fitness?"

Su Ya said with pride: "I'm not talented, now I only have one hundred and three."

When he heard this number, Bai Kai was a little silent. According to the physical fitness measurement Adam gave him, it was only 80.

This kind of value is far from the qualifications of Archaeological Martial Arts University.

Bai Kai asked again: "In addition to physical fitness, is there anything else that archaeological martial arts universities should pay attention to?"

Su Ya thought for a while and said: "One is"

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