The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 499 The Cleaners Are Coming

"One is your cultural class level, that is, liberal arts." Su Ya said.

"Do you still want to pay attention to liberal arts?"

Su Ya rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't this nonsense? You are not good at liberal arts and don't even understand some basic knowledge of ancient martial arts. What's the use of it?"

Bai Kai smiled and said, "You continue."

Su Ya nodded and said: "In addition to cultural classes and physical fitness, it is your professional class level."

"What are the professional courses?"

Su Ya explained: "I heard from my elder brother that there are four professional courses, one is the command course, one is the combat course, one is the management course, and the other is the support course."

"What's the difference between these four classes?"

Su Ya continued: "The so-called command course, basically I will study on the fleet after I come out. As a reserve fleet commander, the learning content is very comprehensive.

As for the combat class, they are the warriors who charge on the front line, the kind who drive mechas.

After you come out of the business class, you can study it in the space merchant fleet, which is about trade.

The support class will join a group of scientists or the government, and the types of learning are also various. "

Bai Kai pondered for a moment and said, "Then what professional course do you think is the best?"

Su Ya said without hesitation: "That must be the combat class! The top few on the hero list were all born in the combat class, and even the current emperor was born in the combat class."

Bai Kai once again said firmly and affectionately: "Well, I also want to take the combat class!"

Su Ya gave him a sympathetic look and said, "In addition to the above three subjects, there is another important factor, and that is the exam ratio."

"Based on past ratios, a physical fitness of 120 is enough, but the empire is always improving, so 120 is not necessarily safe.

The enrollment ratio of Guwu University is very low every year. You must know that there are trillions of people in our empire. "Su Ya said with lingering fear.

Speaking of this, she felt that her physical fitness of 130 was no longer safe, and said to Bai Kai: "That's all I have to tell you, I have to go train."

After saying that, Su Yafeng left as usual, said hello to Wang Donglin, and went home to train on his own.

Bai Kai was chewing books silently in the classroom. His speed was not slow, but no one noticed.

Everything is recorded in Abathur, and it is also important information obtained by the alien race.

As time goes by, Bai Kai has become a frequent visitor to the hospital, and Dr. Qin is no longer surprised.

He shook his head and still persuaded Bai Kai not to take the martial arts exam.

However, what Bai Kai decided will definitely not change.

When Dr. Qin asked him why he trained so desperately.

Bai Kai just smiled slightly.

Of course, I won't tell him the reason for being so stupid. I don't have money to buy nutritional medicines, so I come to the hospital to get them for free.

If Dr. Qin knew his true thoughts, he would definitely blacklist him.

The first monthly exam is here, and it is also the first mock exam of this semester.

As an ordinary liberal arts student, everyone has to experience it once.

Su Ya's academic performance is very good. I wonder if it is because of her physical fitness. Her brain memory and logical analysis ability are very good.

As soon as the results came out, I ranked first in the school.

Bai Kai is at the bottom of the school.

It’s not that Bai Kai didn’t work hard, or that the brainworms didn’t work hard, it’s that the questions above were completely out of scope! Haven't learned that step yet.

Wang Donglin didn't blame him for this.

Wang Donglin was still thinking: "I guess after he graduates, he will have no choice but to work in the mining team."

Bai Kai didn't know what Wang Donglin was thinking. Now he could only study harder.

"I must be admitted to Guwu University!" Bai Kai swore secretly as he looked at the outrageous results.

The brainworms concentrated all their energy on reading the knowledge in the Dragon Emperor's civilization books.

The entire foreign race seemed to have fallen silent, and Zhang Fan was happy to see this scene.

Because that knowledge is a huge room for improvement for aliens.

"Huh? Here?" In Zhang Fan's majestic perception, the cleaners finally arrived.

This is a dark green ship, shaped like a shuttle and only 10 meters long.

It seems a bit insignificant in front of the huge Zerg creatures.

Zhang Fan concealed a large amount of strength and continuously weakened his apparent strength, creating a certain illusion for the enemy.

The spacecraft arrived at a planet and slowly landed under the pull of gravity.

The hatch opened, and a stick insect-like creature crawled out. He was also green all over.

This is the Stinke tribe, a race affiliated with the five major civilizations. He is one of the superheroes in the tribe.

The name of the stick insect is Stinko Sekt. Stinko is the surname and Sekt is the given name. Only Stinko people who have made outstanding achievements can have a racial surname.

Sekt means despicable in the clan, and it is this name that reflects Sekt's insidiousness and cunning.

He is a Force warrior, so he has few opponents in the universe. He received orders from his superiors and came to this area to investigate.

"I heard that a medium civilization appeared here, but it feels very desolate." Sekent observed through life detection instruments and civilization level instruments.

His hind limbs landed on all fours, and his forelimbs suddenly penetrated the ground.

After the force emerged, a larva was pinched on his forelimb.

"The evolutionary level of biological civilization is good, but it has just passed level 2 civilization. There is no threat. The cell analysis in the body is clear and there is no threat."

After breaking open the larvae, a portion of the genes were extracted, and Sekter began analysis.

"The genetic component is single and can be used as a threat. There is no defense in the genetic chain. Huh, it's a weak race.

It does have some transmissibility, the virus itself carries it? Nothing to worry about. Sekter said mockingly.

Then, he relied on his Force Warrior ability to continuously analyze the surrounding Zerg creatures.

The more I read, the more boring I feel. This race may evolve, but it will consume a huge amount of time, and it is estimated that it has no evolutionary potential.

Returning to the spaceship, Sekter left a drop of dark green liquid before taking off and leaving.

However, as a group of insects watched, dark green liquid splashed out.

Absorb all the resources of the entire planet.

"Bang!" In the end, the planet was turned into fragments in the explosion.

After Zhang Fan received the last picture, he cursed secretly: "This cruel guy."

Sekter's work is not over yet, he must find more living planets and destroy them.

This purpose is to prevent the entire civilization from improving its strength level. They do not want to encounter a second Dragon Emperor civilization.

Sect continues to destroy the surrounding planets.

Zhang Fan transmitted the scenes he observed to the minds of the brain worm and the queen.

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