The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 55 Avalanche

Facing huge mountains is an insurmountable problem for the Zerg without transportation.

"It's really high." Gaia raised her head and squinted at the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was shrouded in mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

"Forget it, let's start preparing." Gaia lowered his head, then began to leave the foot of the mountain, and ordered the explosive mosquitoes to take off.

The self-exploding mosquitoes appear again. This time, what they want to do is not to deal with the enemy, but to blow up the mountain.

"Buzz buzz"

Gaia listened to the sounds of these self-exploding mosquitoes and walked forward without looking back.

The self-exploding mosquitoes are getting closer and closer to the mountains, and their whole bodies are still turning red. There are a lot of self-exploding mosquitoes this time, and the power of the explosion is also particularly powerful.


The explosion shook the earth and Gaia heard the sound, and then she began to count silently in her heart: "One"

After the explosion ended, there was a period of silence, and then the entire ground shook like an earthquake.


A deep sound came from the top of the mountain, which seemed to be an avalanche.

The sound of the avalanche kept getting louder, like thunder that kept exploding.


The avalanche passed through the clouds and appeared in front of the Zerg people. It was a kind of terror from nature, like the sky falling, with a powerful momentum rushing to the sea.


The avalanche is still rolling, destroying everything along the way. This destructive force is extremely powerful, and nothing can stop it.

Trees were uprooted one after another and thrown into the distance. The avalanche was like a giant made of ice and snow, roaring continuously, full of dissatisfaction with the world.

Gaia's ears could hear the roar of the avalanche, but it still walked forward unswervingly.


The avalanche was still howling, getting louder and louder. Adam in the distance seemed to be affected by the avalanche, and he couldn't help but turn his gaze to the foot of the mountain.

Through the eyes of the nest at the foot of the mountain, I saw a scene that shocked me.

White, the whiteness of the whole world, shrouded it like a huge curtain, swallowing up everything around it.

Those extremely tall trees seemed to be sucked into this torrent like small children and were being ruthlessly destroyed.


Although Adam was shocked by the avalanche, he was even more annoyed by Gaia's actions. You know how many Zerg warriors would die if this avalanche fell!

It was too late to organize a retreat now, so we could only wait quietly for the avalanche to come.


The trembling of the earth became more and more intense, and cracks began to appear on the ground. Countless Zerg were swallowed up by these cracks. They were not afraid of death, but they did not want to die in an unknown way.

Without giving any orders, the Zergs began to retreat involuntarily and decided to leave this ghost place.


When Gaia counted to eighteen, it suddenly stopped, turned around slowly, and waited for the avalanche to land.


The avalanche has not completely touched the ground, and Adam has already left the nest. It does not want to feel the suffocation of death.

"twenty two"

This mountain range is as lonely and huge as the glaciers on the eternal tundra outside. They pile up higher and higher in the snow and wind year after year, never melting, getting taller and sharper.

When the weight of loneliness exceeds its limit, it will collapse, and the avalanche will swallow up the entire world.


Finally, the avalanche descended on this fertile land with huge momentum, setting off a sheet of white smoke that seemed to cover the entire world.

At this time, Gaia was no longer counting, it just stood here proudly, feeling the pleasure brought by the impact of the avalanche.

"Oh oh oh oh, come on!" Gaia's eyes were full of desire, which was its desire for destruction.

There were waves of fluctuations on the ground, and the feeling of shock was particularly strong.

If Gaia had hands at this moment, it would definitely open its arms and feel the terror of nature.

"Ah, it's so beautiful. Dad, have you seen it?! This is the real horror!" Gaia called Zhang Fan loudly.

Of course Zhang Fan saw it, he was watching the whole process, including the dead Zerg.

Gradually, the avalanche stopped and stopped right in front of Gaia.

Gaia began to report to Zhang Fan: "Dad, I have completed the calculation of the height of this mountain."

Zhang Fan said: "It's too much fun."

"How could it be possible? Dad, this avalanche is not just coming towards us, there will also be avalanches on the other side of the mountain." Gaia laughed conspiratorially.

"Gaia, I know you are very smart. Before you do this with one hand, I hope you can transfer your own people. Don't let me see this happen again next time." Zhang Fan knew Gaia's actions this time. But there is still some dissatisfaction.

Gaia also fell into deep thought and felt the master's dissatisfaction with it: "Are they of the same race?"

After completing the calculation of the snow-capped mountains, the next step is to fly over the mountains.

Gaia uses something similar to the Baneling Mantle.

It's just that the texture of this outer membrane is stronger. It ignites and lifts off, and the whole thing rises into the sky like a hot air balloon.

But the good times didn't last long. In the end, the flames went out in the air, and the hot air balloon staggered and fell on the fungus blanket.

Gaia is just a small experiment this time and does not hold much hope. It wants to create a living creature that can float and name it a host.

Originally it was Zhang Fan who decided on these new arms, but in order to prove that he was stronger than Adam, Gaia proposed this concept to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan felt that this thing looked very much like a host, so he only obtained the right to name it, leaving all the rest to Gaia.

In this regard, Adam expressed his dissatisfaction with Gaia many times. How could such supreme creative rights be given to Gaia so easily.

Zhang Fan said that if Adam has any ideas, he can put them forward, and he will be satisfied with everything he can agree to. Of course, the premise must be under Zhang Fan's control.

Gaia continues its work, but the ice and snow in the north have fallen into chaos.

Alien beasts are unique creatures in the North. No one knows where these alien beasts come from. They seem to be born to adapt to this environment.

There are many types of strange beasts, but this time only one ethnic group suffered from the snow disaster.

Their eyes are on their chests, with a strong protective film on the outside, and a hard armor on their back. When attacked, it will shrink its entire body into a ball, and is called a hyena beast.

If Zhang Fan sees these creatures, he will definitely be shocked, because he has never seen such creatures in his world view.

A hyena beast emerged from the snow and looked at the top of the mountain angrily. They heard the explosion, and then the avalanche came down. This was obviously the movement on the other side of the mountain.

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