The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 56 Northern Territory

Many cubs were buried under the snow. They did not freeze to death, but died of lack of oxygen.

Although these creatures are not afraid of cold, they still need oxygen to survive.

After all the living hyena beasts crawled out of the snow, the hyena beast king roared helplessly. They couldn't climb this mountain.

Ever since Gaia began to develop its own flying creatures, Zhang Fan has been thinking about a question: why must we imitate the Zerg in StarCraft? Is this really a good idea?

In fact, the imitated Zerg has a large part of its shortcomings, which is the lack of biological diversity. Once it encounters the existence of a restrained Zerg, it will form an avalanche-like collapse, eventually leading to the collapse and even death of the entire Zerg.

So now Zhang Fan would rather be an observer. As a creator, his contribution is enough. Next, it depends on how the Zerg develop themselves. If an irresistible force appears, he will show his face again.

Adam's biological transformation was very successful. He just selected some genes from the gene pool and combined them to form the large flying creature in front of him, the host.

The host is five meters in size and is currently the largest creature among the Zerg species. It has a large amount of hydrogen in its body.

This kind of hydrogen can lift the host into the air, and the production method is very simple. It can be produced by reacting a weak acid with an active metal, and does not require anything like ignition.

After taking off, the host can propel itself by emitting hydrogen through the six exhaust holes on its body. The speed is not very fast, but it is quite stable.

There are five hosts currently eating, and they can take off after finishing eating.

Gaia observed the host while taking notes, and filled in all the imperfections.

The host began to take off, quietly, unlike the flying dragon and the self-destructing mosquito that made the manic sound of breaking through the air. It was more suitable to be a scout.

After the five hosts took off, Gaia adjusted her perspective to the hosts and began to control the hosts' flight.

The higher you fly, the oxygen content and pressure in the air will change, which has a great impact on the host.

However, Gaia was already prepared. Another organ in the host body is filled with a large amount of oxygen, which can provide internal needs.

Originally, I wanted to solve this problem by producing oxygen by myself, but after calculations, I found that once the host of the current size uses self-produced oxygen, it will inevitably lead to weight gain and difficulty in flying.

The air pressure is easy to solve, and the air pressure can be adjusted by discharging hydrogen.

Solve these two problems and continue to take off. The weather will become extremely cold. There is currently no way to solve this. The main reason is that the Zerg currently lacks genes for cold resistance. This time Gaia's first task in conquering the north is to obtain genes for cold resistance.

The host's ankles have begun to freeze, and Gaia can clearly feel that the host is tired.

"Just hold on a little longer, we'll be here soon." Gaia cheered for the host in her heart.

After passing through layers of fog, no matter how strong the storm was, the clouds opened and the moon could be seen, and finally Gaia saw the top of the mountain that she had dreamed of.

The snow here seems to have existed for tens of thousands of years, but this has nothing to do with it.

The host began to move, and several host sphincters began to contract at the same time, relaxing to a certain extent. Then the body began to squeeze hydrogen gas while releasing hydrogen gas again.


With a sound like a balloon deflating, several hosts began to slowly move towards the other side of the mountain.

The mountain peaks are very quiet, and the silence is a bit scary. This was once a restricted area for life, but now it has been conquered by Gaia. In order to satisfy its desire to conquer, it specially allowed the host to stay on this snow-capped mountain for a few minutes.

The host took off and then continued to move forward. The mountain gradually became shorter, and it should be possible to land.

The sphincter is enlarged again, this time emitting a lot of hydrogen, and the production of it in the body has stopped. The host's forward movement speed increases, and it is also landing slowly.

There were layers of clouds and mist again, making it difficult for the host to observe the situation below, and continued to descend.

After all the hardships, I finally got through the clouds and saw the vast land.

According to Gaia's guess, the northern border should be a world of white snow, but what she saw was very different from her imagination.

What it sees now is still green, but there is a lot of white snow at the foot of the mountain.

"Huh? What is that?" Gaia saw a creature squirming at the foot of the mountain, and then asked the host to start landing.

When they landed at a certain height, Gaia saw clearly this strange beast, which was the Hyena Beast.

They are clearing the snow and digging out the surviving eggs from the ground.

Because their eyes are on their chests, the hyenas cannot detect their hosts, but these hyenas are very alert.

Gaia controls a host to touch them, and they will immediately shrink into a solid ball.

This movement is very similar to watermelon bugs, but Gaia knows that they are definitely not watermelon bugs in name. There is no record of this creature in Zhang Fan's information.

Leave one host behind and the rest move on.

This host discovered that hyenas are social creatures and their lairs are also underground.

However, there is no creature like the queen ant. It is still a single-sex breeding system. They will lay the eggs uniformly. Once they become larvae, they will drive the larvae out of the nest and wait for the next pairing.

This kind of hyena is an omnivorous creature. They not only eat plants, but also eat some small insects, although they themselves look like insects.

Their pairing method is also very strange, and they do not hide like other creatures.

In broad daylight, two hyena beasts were intertwining.

Gaia wanted to use the host to interrupt their pairing, but was met with a crazy counterattack and almost bit off one of the host's legs.

By the way, I forgot to mention the mouth of the hyena beast here. It has two mouths, one is located below the head, and the other is located above the head, with sharp teeth. The upper mouth is probably prepared for attack.

A very common alien beast that would not have any impact on the Zerg, but this defense gave Adam a headache.

Its exoskeleton is particularly stiff and can be felt through the host's leg sensory organs, somewhat like stone slabs.

To this end, Gaia also conducted a small experiment, catching a hyena beast in the air and then throwing it in the direction of the big rock.

The hyena beast screamed and fell on the rock, smashing a hole in the rock, but the hyena beast only had slight cracks in its exoskeleton, and then ran away with a grunt.

After watching the hyena beast, the host no longer stopped and began to move in the direction of the large army.

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