The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 58 Lurker

After landing the host on the fungus carpet, Gaia began to consider the issue of attack.

At this moment, Zhang Fan came with good news: "Gaia, Adam's genetic engineering has made a breakthrough, and he has studied a new creature, which may be helpful to you."

Gaia asked doubtfully: "Dad, is that guy Adam's research successful?"

"Well, it worked. Now I will pass the information to you." Zhang Fan replied.

"Well, since dad said it, I'll put it to use."

The new unit that Zhang Fan introduced to Gaia this time is called the mercury mantis. This is a reconnaissance creature that can quickly dig holes and lurk. It is more concealed than its host.

"Dad, can this thing work? I'm not telling you, Adam's artistic sense is really bad." Gaia observed the mercury mantis and said with some displeasure.

"I know what you are thinking in your heart. You'd better put aside your bad thoughts. If you are willing to compete with Adam, then go for it. However, I still say the same thing. Everything must be for the benefit of the Zerg. , Do you understand?" Zhang Fan discovered Gaia's evil thoughts towards Adam and hurriedly came out to stop him.

Gaia's mind suddenly calmed down. It was so dangerous. She had the idea of ​​killing Adam just now. Fortunately, her father reminded her.

"Okay, dad, don't worry, I will definitely do better than Adam." Gaia replied.

Zhang Fan nodded: "That's right. I've also read about the Northern Territory, but I'm still not sure whether there are more powerful creatures. You must be careful."

"Okay, Dad."

After saying that, Zhang Fan cut off the connection with Gaia and returned to Adam.

Ever since Adam knew that Gaia had successfully created a host, he could not express his jealousy.

Subtly and indirectly, Zhang Fan was told the attitude of "I don't have it, I don't have it".

Of course, Zhang Fan couldn't let this kind of thing expand, so he asked Adam and Gaia to compete to see who could secure the top spot among the brainworms.

Seeing that Adam was an old employee, Zhang Fan secretly told him about the lurker.

Although Adam was reluctant to ask Zhang Fan for help, he still accepted the lurker's suggestion and created the Mercury Mantis.

Adam said to Zhang Fan resolutely: "Master, Adam knows very well that Adam is a scientist, not an artist like Gaia. What Adam can do is assist the Master and make the Zerg stronger! Master, Adam's heart can be learned from the world. ah!"

Loyalty is hard to say. Anyway, Zhang Fan feels that both brainworms are quite loyal, but there are some differences in the way of expression.

Just like Adam said, it is just a scientist and a technical geek. It can stay in the evolution chamber day and night until it completes the task assigned by Zhang Fan.

But Gaia is different. It is difficult to let it stay quietly. It prefers to run outside. Even if it can spread its mind, it will not stay in the mother nest. It has no patience, but there will always be many weird things popping up. idea.

According to Gaia, as a brain worm, you must have a brain and creativity. Otherwise, would dad have worked so hard to create them just for work? In that case, it would be more cost-effective to be an auxiliary creature like a signal tower, so why bother letting Dad work so hard.

Zhang Fan thought about what Gaia said and what Adam did was right. It was just a conflict caused by the different personalities of the two idiots.

In terms of creativity, Adam was still lacking, so Zhang Fan could only secretly help.

Speaking of Adam, this guy is quite stubborn. He is determined not to use some of Zhang Fan's tricks and wants to develop new gadgets on his own. He politely rejected Zhang Fan's kindness.

Of course, this is all within Zhang Fan's authorization. Otherwise, how could Adam have the courage to use the master's things?

Closer to home, after Gaia got the mercury mantis, it began to think about how to use it. It proposed its own improvement method to the mercury mantis to Zhang Fan.

After Zhang Fan agreed, it immediately transformed the Mercury Mantis beyond recognition, even changing its name to Lurking Spider.

It’s not that Adam is the master and doesn’t help you, but Gaia is too capable.

The new version of the Lurking Spider has a better lurking effect than the Mercury Mantis, and it also has a certain degree of aggression.

Similar to the attack method of ground thorns, the silk they produce has strong toughness. This toughness is not easy to be broken. In the moment of sudden attack, it will cause huge damage to the enemy.

But how to transport the latent spider there has become a big problem.

Hosts can be transported, but not in large numbers.

Gaia weaved something like a vegetable basket out of fungi for the host to carry, and then let the latent spider crawl into the basket.

A basket can only hold ten lurking spiders. If there are more, the host will be unable to lift them.

After a lot of effort, the host finally lifted into the air, and Gaia could clearly feel the host's legs exerting force.

It felt like climbing a mountain with a barbell, very painful.

The host in mid-air kept insisting, and Gaia was really worried that it would be too much to bear and let go, so Gaia replaced its thinking and shouldered the weight herself.

After crossing the mountains, we came to the north again. We had to choose a more suitable environment. Gaia had already found the location.

This time, ten hosts came. In that case, there would be a hundred lurking spiders. After putting down the lurking spiders, the hosts left.

This is a flat land with a natural cave behind it for the Zerg to hide.

Divide the lurking spider into two parts, one part enters the cave for detection, and the other part expands outward from the center point for detection.

The cave is deep and pitch black, but fortunately, the spider's eyes have night vision.

Dozens of lurking spiders crawled inside. If there were no other creatures, this place would serve as the starting base of the Zerg.

The space gets bigger as you go inside. It seems to be a cave, covered with stalactites.

The ground in the cave began to become moist and stiffer, and there seemed to be a pond in front of it.

The lurking spider cautiously approached the pond, and suddenly a newt jumped out of the pond.

This stone salamander has no glasses and a large mouth. It is about the same size as a lurking spider, but it can be seen from its sharp teeth that it is an aggressive guy.

The stone salamander bit the lurking spider without saying a word, and the lurking spider was not to be outdone and began to spin silk.

The path of the newt's path was covered with spider silk, and some wounds appeared on the body of the newt that was attacked by the spider silk, which made it afraid to get closer.

So he lay down on the ground and made a cooing sound as if he was whispering.

More and more stone newts crawled out of the pond. You can feel that the pond is very big. They are looking at the lurking spiders with eager eyes.

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