The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 59 The Adventure of the Lurking Spider

"Retreat." There were too many enemies, and the terrain was very unfavorable for the Lurking Spiders. Gaia decisively chose to retreat.

Leaving behind a batch of defensive spider silk again, the lurking spider ran towards the outside of the cave, with the newt behind it chasing after it.

"These guys are really biting." The newts move very fast in the cave, and the wet and smooth ground reduces their friction.

This situation is very unfavorable for claw-type latent spiders.

After a while, a latent spider was bitten on the hind leg by the newt.

Of course, Gaia would not give up. The lurking spider turned around and stabbed the newt on the top of its head with its forelimbs.

Although the top of the rock salamander was hard, it still could not withstand the attack of the lurking spider and was pierced into the brain.

Then, the rock salamander let go of its mouth, and lay on the ground holding its head with its front legs, rolling around desperately. After a while, it lost its breath.

The other rock salamanders seemed not to see this disaster and attacked the lurking spider one after another.

Gaia controlled the lurking spiders to fight each other, but it was difficult for both of them to fight against each other. In the end, they were surrounded by a large group of rock salamanders and then devoured.

The other group is still chasing, and more and more rock salamanders are crawling out of the cave.

"Huh? Did you see the exit?" The lurking spider controlled by Gaia noticed the bright light ahead and began to quicken its pace.

On the contrary, the pace of the newts slowed down, Gaia stopped curiously, and the newts seemed not to continue pursuing.

It tried to get the lurking spider to walk back, but the newts were unmoved and were a little afraid of the light at the entrance of the cave.

"It turns out these guys are afraid of light." If you look closely, these newts seem to have no eyes. They should communicate through a method similar to sonar.

"By the way, next time we get the modified cells and get their genes, it might be useful." Gaia thought.

The lurking spider came out of the cave, and the dazzling sunlight had already passed above the head. It seemed that it was already afternoon. I didn't know how the other lurking spiders were doing.

Gaia ordered the lurking spider to escape to the ground, and then adjusted the perspective to another lurking spider.

Some of the lurking spiders were attacked by creatures called ticks.

Tick ​​lice are careful parasites that often lurk in grass, attaching themselves to passing creatures.

The parasites are small and difficult to detect, and they themselves release a paralyzing substance that paralyzes some of the creature's sense organs.

It was this substance that prevented Gaia from discovering the lice in the first place.

After confirming the paralysis, they will use their mouthparts to bite the skin or muscle where it is located.

He continued to penetrate his mouthparts deep inside, into the blood vessels, and then continued to release the anesthetic substance.

The creature itself has no feelings at all. When walking, it will become sleepy due to lack of oxygen in the brain, and finally fall to the ground.

At this time, the opportunity for the ticks comes. They will mercilessly change their mouthparts, open them like petals, bite the flesh of the creature fiercely, and eat it up.

Gaia doesn't like these small parasites. The latent spiders are too big for them to eliminate. Besides, these ticks are so ugly that they completely subvert Gaia's aesthetics.

"Let's clean up these parasites when the big army comes." Gaia thought this way.

Another group of lurking spiders came to a small stream, which was the finish line of Gaia. It seemed that no large and aggressive creatures appeared.

"Well, in that case, let's put the first brood nest here." Then he controlled the lurking spiders to gather at the entrance of the cave.

The host is still on the way to transport the worker bees. The modified worker bees have become heavier and the host is struggling to carry them.

Gaia was wondering if the host could be made larger so that more troops could be transported.

A bright red sunset shines on the Western Mountain, and large white clouds float in the azure blue sky. They show a flame-like red under the glow of the setting sun.

"It looks like there will be a heavy rain tomorrow. I wonder if the host will be able to make it in time." Gaia thought with some worry.

The sun continues to set in the west, and gradually the world is once again shrouded in black, and the buzzing of insects around them also rises and falls as the sun sets.

Suddenly, dozens of colorful cantharis appeared in front of Gaia. These cantharides were called cantharis.

But they are different from ordinary cantharides. They are larger in size. You can tell from their mouthparts that these guys must be carnivorous.

The spots on the back seem to have a fluorescent component, and they also emit a nice smell.

"Dozens of cantharides? That's fine, I'm bored to play with you now." Gaia sneered in her heart and said.

Zhang Fan observed the situation throughout the whole process and couldn't help but think: "This guy is much more courageous than me. Not bad."

I saw that Gaia had no clue as she controlled the latent spider and rushed towards the cantharis.

The cantharides seemed to have seen the delicious food, and their eyes glowed fiercely.

But even so, the cantharis did not take it lightly. Both sides were about the same size, so it was better to be careful.

Seeing that the cantharis were about to move, Gaia stopped and let two of the lurking spiders walk towards the cantharis, while the rest lurked secretly underground.

Seeing only two lurking spiders coming, the cantharis couldn't help it. Aren't they here to deliver food? They all rushed towards the Lurking Spider.

Lurking spiders react very quickly, turning around and running. After running a certain distance, they will wait for the cantharis. These large insects are too bulky.

"Okay! It's now!" The cantharis have been lured above the lurking spider.

They were completely unaware of the danger underground and were still chasing the other two lurking spiders.

Suddenly many sharp thorns appeared from the ground, and they pierced into the abdomen of the cantharis.

Although it hurts to eat cantharides, it is not as painful as expected. The main reason is that the spider silk is too thin.

But it doesn't matter, quantity changes quality, Gaia is also an expert, so countless spikes emerged from the ground, constantly piercing the body of Cantharis.

The whole little battle crackled like firecrackers, the sound of spikes piercing the exoskeleton.

"Ah~ It's so beautiful~ The sound is so nice, I'm so intoxicated without realizing it. Hmm~ The smell is also very good. It looks like my little babies will have a good meal today." Gaia looked at it When faced with this attack, the entire body fell into a state of being unable to extricate itself.

In a short time, the entire cantharides army was riddled with punctures, and finally became the delicacies of the lurking spiders.


"Huh? Is it raining?"

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