The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 60 Rainy Night

The rain became heavier and heavier, and what Gaia was worried about finally happened. The hosts were unable to get down in mid-air.

The hosts were swaying unsteadily in the storm, looking like they might fall at any time.

Gaia wouldn't say stupid things like making the storm worse. Wouldn't it be better to land calmly?

Its thoughts have entered the bodies of the host and the worker bees. The worker bees were fine. They huddled together, without fear or worry, and seemed to simply be asleep.

"These guys." Gaia found these little worker bees a little funny.

The main focus was still on the host, who was already quite exhausted. He took over the body again and felt the impact of the rain hitting the body.

"What? It's actually mixed with hail?" This was the first time Gaia had experienced the feeling of being hit by hail. This kind of thing had only been seen in Zhang Fan's records.

The hailstones hitting the host's body were very uncomfortable, as if they were constantly hitting the body with a small hammer.

Gaia felt that if the host was allowed to fly by itself, it would be too much to fly for a while, and she felt a little overwhelmed.

At this time, Gaia suddenly thought of Zhang Fan. How did his father survive when he controlled so many Zerg? very impressive.

"Dad, are you there? Dad." Gaia began to call Zhang Fan.

"I'm always here." Zhang Fan replied.

"Dad, this hailstone hurts me so much. Is there any solution?" Gaia asked.

Zhang Fan's shadow appeared in the host's mind. Gaia could clearly see Zhang Fan's shadow. Zhang Fan said: "Oh, this is the feeling of hail. It's not worth mentioning. Gaia, this kind of pain How do you feel about death?"

Gaia thought for a while and said: "If it's an instant death, it won't feel pain, and if it's a dying insect, I will free my mind. When fighting, it will secrete a kind of dopamine, and I won't feel pain." , I think this kind of long blow is more painful."

Zhang Fan didn't expect Gaia to give such a serious answer. He coughed and said: "Ahem, Gaia, you are right. Death is not the most terrifying thing, but when facing death, I used to be very I’m afraid of this kind of thing, but it took too long to get over it.”

Gaia said helplessly: "Dad, did you have an erection before? I'm afraid it will hurt to death."

Zhang Fan said: "Don't worry, mainly because you haven't learned the diversion method yet."

"Diversion method?" Gaia was confused.

"That's right, it's the shunt method, which is to shunt the pain you feel." Zhang Fan said.

"Oh! Dad, I understand, it means that your pain is transferred to other bugs that cause pain, right?" Gaia suddenly realized.

"That's the truth, give it a try." After saying that, the black shadow disappeared from the host's mind.

Gaia began to feel the worker bees in the basket, and then transferred her pain to the worker bees.

Sure enough, the host didn't feel much pain anymore, just a little numb.

The worker bees in the basket were awakened by the pain and seemed a little nervous, so Gaia could only control them to comfort them.

The surroundings became pitch black, no matter it was seen from the ground or the sky, it was pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers.

At this time, a bolt of lightning flashed across the dark clouds.


Lightning pierced the sky and illuminated the entire cloud layer. The terrifying sound did not scare Gaia, but she became more and more excited.

"So touching! Great! I really want to record the beautiful moment forever. Is this lightning? Is this thunder? This is the explosion I want most!" Gaia was once again fascinated by the thunder.

"Oh, by the way, now is not the time to consider this matter." Gaia came back to her senses and continued to control the host.

The hail and rain became heavier and heavier, and there were more lightnings in the sky.

Although Gaia admired these lightnings, it was still quite scary when they hit her.

Just a few minutes ago, Gaia was carefully landing the host, and a yellow lightning struck horizontally.

The lightning spread out in all directions, cutting the entire sky into pieces.

A host was hit in this way. The moment it was hit, all the hosts shuddered suddenly, and so did the worker bees.

This feeling is like being stabbed through the heart by countless fine needles, which is very uncomfortable.

But this feeling went away very quickly. When it disappeared, Gaia tried to connect to the host who was struck by lightning just now.

However, the message was never received.

Immediately afterwards, a host with a black body and a hole in its body was seen passing by other hosts, and the worker bees in the basket were also hacked to pieces.

"The power of this lightning is so powerful. I really hope that the Zerg race in the future will also be so powerful." Gaia quickened his pace. He didn't know when the rain would end. He only knew that the longer he stayed in it, the more he would be hurt by it. disadvantage.

After passing through the clouds, I saw my location through the peripheral light of lightning, which was slightly off.

The wind under the clouds became even more violent, as if it was about to tear the whole world apart, not to mention that it was still a violent wind mixed with hail.

One of the hosts has been penetrated by the hailstones, and hydrogen gas is constantly emerging from the inside of the body.

Then the host seemed to float into the distance uncontrollably, drifting further and further away.

Gaia kept feeling the host's thoughts until they completely disappeared.

The same goes for other springtails. They all lost news. This was really a terrible plane crash.

Despite the pressure, the hosts were still landing, and Gaia felt that her pain was getting stronger and stronger as she kept watching the deaths of the hosts.

In the end, I couldn't hold on anymore and gave up control of the hosts. These hosts gave up faster than Gaia, and fell to the ground like dumplings, falling into pulp.

Fortunately, a few worker bees managed to survive. They took advantage of the night rain and hurried towards the lurking spiders.

In fact, Gaia was really lucky the first time she transported the Lurking Spider. She didn't expect that it would be successful in the first attempt, and there would be no natural disasters.

This time it really felt the power of nature.

After arriving at the destination, the worker bees began to lay the bacteria carpet non-stop. Under such conditions of sufficient rain, the bacteria carpet began to grow uncontrollably.

In the blink of an eye, the fungus blanket has been laid to the entrance of the cave. There seems to be something in the cave attracting the fungus blanket, making it keep moving forward inside.

Those uninvited guests that were driven away by the indigenous rock salamanders came back this time with a stronger one. They kept chewing on the fungus carpet. To be honest, it tasted really good.

I hope that all viewers can go to the comment area to give me comments or suggestions. I hope you can point out some oversights.

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