The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 63 Incubation Pool

"Lord, no, Lord! Your poor Adam really can't do such a thing!" Adam answered Zhang Fan's words with tears streaming down his face.

Just kidding, Adam's current job is to do some genetic sequencing work. Once this automated equipment is started, won't it be unemployed? What's more, it's the method thought up by that abominable Gaia.

Zhang Fan: "Then tell me how to solve it?"

Zhang Fan has already made a decision in his heart. This incubation pool must be built. It's just a matter of time, depending on what Adam says.

"Master, your most loyal Adam believes that this kind of hatching tank is very unreasonable." Adam's expression was serious.

Zhang Fan: "Where is it unreasonable?"

Adam: "Master, look, it says that the incubation pool is divided into three areas. What if the materials in the area are accidentally mixed up? Also, various pollutants will enter such an open-air pool. Not to mention Gaia’s terrible idea.”

Zhang Fan: "I think you think the last one is the most important."

Adam's face was full of bitterness: "Master, yes, Adam was wrong. Master knows things like a god."

Zhang Fan: "Adam, don't belittle yourself. I have always seen your work. You and Gaia are the same, just like my children. There is no distinction between high and low. It is a good thing for you to fight, and it is for the sake of the Zerg as a whole." Benefit development, but as the eldest son, you should learn to be tolerant, admit your shortcomings, and correct them."

Adam suddenly became energetic, and his whole skin glowed with a dazzling red light. The master actually said that I was the eldest son! It’s the eldest son!

Adam: "Master! Adam must do his best and die for the Master and the Zerg without any regrets! In order to conquer the world, Adam will shed the last drop of his blood."

Zhang Fan: "It's a good idea to have this idea. Go ahead and optimize and build the incubation pool. Don't let me down."

Adam: "Lord! Yes!"

In fact, the way to deal with these two brainworms is very simple. To deal with Adam, you only need to coax it a little and it will do anything. To deal with Gaia, you only need to let go. It yearns for freedom.

Although this incubation pool was Gaia's idea, Adam was very unhappy, but because it was Zhang Fan's order, Adam was very happy. It was really contradictory.

The incubation pool is used to replace the genetic memory bank in the brain. Indeed, as Gaia said, no matter how powerful the memory of the brain worm is, it will be saturated.

Adam had this kind of problem. Not only did he have to memorize the information Zhang Fan shared with him, but he also had to memorize various genetic maps, as well as some of the movements and status of the bugs of various arms. It was very hard.

Sometimes Adam would forget the pattern of one or two gene chains. He did not dare to tell Zhang Fan for fear of disappointing Zhang Fan.

Gaia is still having a good time. She can freely make discoveries or have any ideas, just throw away the information and forget about it. She still has to work hard to organize the information.

Adam ordered the worker bees to start opening up an area on the carpet. Gaia had indeed done a good thing, at least it had solved a lot of Adam's energy, so that he could use his thinking on other scientific research projects.

The area of ​​the incubation pool is very large, hundreds of square meters. The main reason is that the surface of the bacteria carpet is too shallow and there is no way to dig deep.

Forget it, that's it.

Adam began to divide the incubation tank into three parts. The gene bank storage area occupies nearly two-thirds of the area, and the arrangement area and culture solution area account for one-third, half and half.

Okay, now that we've finished all this work, we can start injecting the culture fluid and extract it from the bacterial carpet.

But this culture medium is different from ordinary culture medium. It is more inclined to brain fluid.

Incubation tanks used as storage areas must contain neuronal cells.

In this case, it would be inappropriate to define it as a building. It is more like an immovable animal.

The construction of these neuron cells will not win over the worker bees. Adam can solve the problem by himself. It just takes a little longer. Now that he has the basis for brain modification, it is not a big deal for Adam.

Those neuron cells are arranged one by one on the wall of the incubation tank like a grid. They are definitely invisible to the naked eye. They are like cells in the cerebral cortex.

Then, countless mental cells began to connect, and slight electric currents flashed through the culture fluid.

In order to solve these current problems, Gaia also installed conductive metal on the walls of the incubation tank, so that the current can be diverted into the carpet without damaging the genes in the tank.

After all the work was completed, Adam began to experimentally throw the larvae in.

Then, the larvae were decomposed layer by layer through the neuron cells in the pool wall. Sure enough, the genes in the larvae were not perfect, and many of their genes were missing.

The decomposed gene pool began to become active, and then Adam once again ordered the neuron cells to remember each cell corresponding to a gene chain.

He kept putting larvae into the pool, checking for leaks and filling in the gaps. Once something was missing, Adam would reorganize the genes in his mind into the larvae.

The neuron cells were full, but there was still a lot of genes left, so we had no choice but to continue making neuron cells. I didn't expect that such a huge amount of genes would be accumulated over so many years.

The arrangement and combination area did not stop. The neuron cells here were more complicated. Adam had to go through a lot of troubles to do this. It felt like he had gone back to the time when he was building brains for Zerg soldiers.

Fortunately, it was successful in the end. Ten thousand permutations are performed in the permutation pool every minute. Of course, most of them are repeated, and there is only a small probability of genetic mutations.

The entire Zerg race needs this kind of genetic mutation of uncertainty.

After all genes have been entered, Adam's work is not over yet. It still has to consider safety issues.

A part of the brain is taken out to connect with the incubation pool, and Adam will be notified as soon as the gene mutates or some situation occurs.

After clearing the genetic map information in his mind, Adam felt relieved, and then reported the situation to Zhang Fan: "Master, your most loyal servant Adam has built the incubation pool according to your most perfect instructions."

Zhang Fan felt the gene map in the incubation pool, as if countless pictures flashed through his mind, and whatever he wanted would appear in front of him, which was very easy to use.

"Adam, you did a very good job, but one pool is not enough now. We need more pools as backup. Do you understand?" Zhang Fan said.

I forgot to post it at noon

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