The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 64 Incubation

Red flames spurted out from the magma bug's mouth, illuminating the entire earth.

But the good times didn't last long. When the magma bug sucked back, it accidentally sucked the flames into its body, which then caused a huge explosion.

Although this kind of explosion looks powerful, its lethality is relatively limited, and it is still more powerful than gunpowder.

Considering this problem, Zhang Fan gave up the idea of ​​transforming self-exploding mosquitoes.

"Is there a problem with flame retraction?" Zhang Fan was thinking, "By the way, there is a way."

Zhang Fan's method is very simple, with only two points.

The first point is to design a front jaw made of flint at the mouthparts of the magma bug. This protruding front jaw can prevent the mouth from being damaged by flames.

Under normal conditions, the front jaws are located on both sides of the magma bug's cheeks and have no attack function. Once it is ready to spray flames, the front jaws will be brought together to fire.

After the flame is ejected, the front jaw will open instantly to prevent the flame from damaging the flint on the front jaw.

The second point is to build a valve in the mouth of the magma worm. This valve is composed of muscles. If the flame is sucked back, it will quickly close together to prevent it from entering the body and causing an explosion.

Another advantage of doing this is that the biogas is compressed, and the distance of the fire becomes farther.

The experiment started. After the clicking sound, the blazing fire burned again, and the attack distance actually reached ten meters.

All living creatures within ten meters will be burned.

The magma bug was handed over to Adam for optimization. Adam couldn't help but flatter Zhang Fan. After solving the problem, Adam entered the gene into the incubation pool.

"Gaia, give you a good thing. You will definitely like it." Zhang Fan said.

Gaia: "Dad, I like everything you gave me."

"That's good, accept it." Zhang Fan stopped talking after saying this.

"My Lord! Dad! You really brought me a huge surprise!" Gaia looked at the production and attack methods of the magma bugs in confusion.

The worker bees were ordered to do everything they could to find flint and steel, but this was not a resource-rich area, and even after searching for a long time, no flint and steel was found.

Gaia, who was itching and unbearable, stopped giving orders to continue the attack after finishing dealing with the Da Miji clan.

Focusing on creating magma worms in the southern region, it is preparing to use its host to hoist them over.

The big base camp of the southern Zerg.

A larva hatched from the mother's nest, covered in sticky liquid, which was all nutrient solution.

It raised its head curiously and looked around. There were eggs waiting to hatch all around, and some larvae were squirming inside as if they were about to hatch.

The larvae felt hungry and began to eat the fungus carpet. There was relatively little fungus carpet in the mother's nest. It began to crawl out of the mother's nest instinctively, leaving white traces on the ground like slugs crawling across.

After leaving the mother nest, the larvae couldn't help but squint their eyes. The sunlight outside was really dazzling.

After adapting to the outside environment and looking at the endless purple, the larvae lowered their heads and ate the fungus carpet to replenish their physical strength.

The bacteria blanket makes a clicking sound when bitten in the larvae's mouth. The teeth in its mouth are flat and specially designed for chewing the bacteria blanket.

After eating a few large mouthfuls of bacteria carpet, the larvae felt that they were full, and then their bodies began to slowly change.

The color of the body gradually turned brown, just like the color of the earth. The toughness of the body increased rapidly, and the size also increased.

After doing all this, the larvae began to eat the fungus carpet again, and now all it has to do is wait for the order to hatch.

Suddenly, an instruction came to the larvae's mind.

The larva suddenly felt very uncomfortable and was twisting and turning, as if its whole body was twitching.

It began to spit mucus from its mouth and coat its body.

Two thick tubes under the carpet swung into the abdomen of the larvae.

The larvae's eyes begin to become bloodshot, and if you observe its eyes carefully, you will find stripes of white ripples appearing in its eyeballs.

The larvae's brain has fully accepted the hatching instructions, its abdomen has begun to absorb the nutrient solution sent by the fungus carpet, and its body has begun to secrete mucus continuously.

In a short time, the mucus covered the entire larvae.

A strong heart is beating normally, and from the outside it looks like a beating cocoon.

After a while, the larvae's skin began to crack, but the internal organs were intact.

It started to try to grow, and with a click, the skin completely burst, and the brown skin completely concealed the inside of the cocoon, and no one knew what was going on inside.

Inside the cocoon, discarded genes are continuously being dissolved, and these genes can also supplement the larvae with a little protein.

It felt like there were some bulges on both sides of the body, and it was very uncomfortable as if the body was exploding from the inside.

"Chi Chi Chi" The larvae kept roaring. This was the first time Zhang Fan heard such painful sounds from the larvae.

I hurried over to investigate the situation and saw that the body of the larvae continued to grow larger, and the speed of absorbing nutrient solution was also gradually increasing.

Soft limbs began to stretch out from both sides of the body, suddenly supporting the entire cocoon.

Zhang Fan was a little worried that the larva would burst the cocoon. If it burst, all the previous efforts would be wasted.

Previously, Zhang Fan only used a very primitive method to create spliced ​​magma insects. This was the first time that they evolved through larvae.

The ten tender calves kept squirming in the cocoons, as if they wanted to crawl out in pain.

The body is still growing, and there are obvious cracks in the cocoon.

"No, it's going to break." Zhang Fan quickly controlled the genes in the larvae to stop its growth.

Gaia felt that the larvae had stopped working and asked, "Dad, what's wrong?"

"Not yet. The magma worm is too big and the mucous membrane surrounding it cannot support it." Zhang Fan replied.

"Ah?" Gaia was surprised, and then adjusted her sight to the location where the magma bugs hatched.

This cocoon has grown to three meters, and the cracks on the outside are already very obvious.

Why didn't this happen when the five-meter-long host was hatched?

Because there was no hydrogen in the host body at that time and the body was not propped up, the body size inside the cocoon was still relatively small.

Now this magma bug belongs to an advanced strategic type and is quite large. It is difficult to meet the needs of this big guy with conventional hatching methods.

"Master, Adam has a way. I wonder if I can give it a try?" Adam also realized the problem at this time.

"Well, Adam, tell me." Zhang Fan said.

At this time Gaia came out and interrupted: "Dad, I also have a way."

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