The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 65 Mucous membrane

When Adam heard Gaia's words, his eyes widened, he took a deep breath, and thought about what the Lord once said, calm down, the world is so wonderful, but I am so irritable, this is not good.

Adam: "Lord, since Gaia has an idea, please tell it to you first."

Zhang Fan felt the change in Adam's mood, but he didn't criticize it. He just felt very relieved: "Well, let Gaia talk first."

Gaia also felt Adam's abnormality, and there was always an indescribable change: "Dad, I said, we can work on the mucous membrane to increase its tension. In this way, the entire volume can be relaxed. "

Zhang Fan: "This kind of tension is difficult to control. Once you increase the tension, other small units will not be able to hatch successfully."

Gaia: "Dad, you are right."

Gaia understood that this was the first time that Zhang Fan had rejected its idea, and it did so with some motives. First, it wanted the magma worms too much, and second, it heard Adam's speech and couldn't help but come over to compete for his favor.

Gaia: "Dad, let Adam talk, I'll listen."

Adam cleared his throat: "Master, I think that under the current circumstances, there is no need to increase the tension of the mucous membrane."

Gaia: “If it doesn’t increase, it doesn’t mean it will break.”

Zhang Fan said displeasedly: "Gaia, shut up and listen to Adam."

Gaia obediently shut her mouth immediately, and Adam continued as if he didn't see it: "Master, Adam's idea is the same as your great idea. The current state of the mucous membrane is just right for hatching small soldiers."

Gaia secretly muttered in her mind, "Why are you whining? You know better to hurry up and say it."

Adam: "Master, let us think about it from another angle. The original mucous membranes are secreted from the larvae's bodies, right? The main reason is the conversion of nutrient solution into mucus."

Zhang Fan thought thoughtfully: "I understand what you mean. Do you want to start from the bacteria carpet? There is something wrong with letting the bacteria carpet release mucus. They will block the transmission tube."

Gaia: "Tch, it's not like me, it was rejected by dad."

Zhang Fan warned Gaia again, and Adam continued: "Master, no, Adam's purpose is still based on the larval body, but we can increase the transmission volume of nutrient solution and the production of larval secretion mucosa. Adam can also be genetically modified. .”

Zhang Fan suddenly realized: "Oh, Adam, you seem to have done some genetic modification for the hatching of specific larvae, right? Just like this magma worm, ordinary larvae secrete one layer of mucous membrane, but you can make this larvae secrete three to five layers. It actually increases the tension of the mucous membrane, which is good.”

Adam hurriedly said some flattery, and the veins on Gaia's head were pulsing. Isn't this the same as what I just said! Adam, you are indeed my opponent.

"Okay, Adam, I'll leave this matter to you. Gaia, you go back to the north and wait for support."

"Master (Dad), I understand." The two brainworms answered in unison.

Adam returned to his research institute and was doing his happiest work in the evolution chamber.

Gaia was wandering around on the fungus carpet as bored as she could, directing the worker bees to lay the fungus carpet.

It was wandering around while observing the environment in the distance. This place was a hilly area with lush and short vegetation, some of which were quite aggressive.

If we rely on a conventional army to attack, the advance will be slowed down. It seems that we have to wait for the magma bugs to arrive.

that whoever! Worker bees! Have you found the flint and steel? Gaia complained unhappily, but the worker bees said not yet.

Time is like saliva, slowly passing through the fingertips.

After Adam studied the genes, he couldn't wait to let the larvae hatch. This hatching was successful, there were no signs of rupture, and the larvae were very quiet.

The body of the larvae continues to grow larger, and the skin begins to be broken by the exoskeleton in the body. The entire magma worm has completed its most important prototype.

Just wait for a while for them to fully hatch.

There was a huge cracking sound, and a magma worm nearly twenty meters in size crawled on the fungus blanket.

It shook its head, and there was always a command to eat in its head, and it began to eat the fungi on the ground desperately.

Zhang Fan looked at this magma bug and immediately felt a headache again: "Isn't this guy too good to eat? If it weren't for the fact that the resources are still enough to make up for it, he would have to live in poverty. It seems that there is no way to mass-produce it."

The magma bug that Gaia was waiting for finally woke up, and it hurriedly dispatched its host to transport it.

The transportation work was extremely difficult. The magma bug was too big and heavy. The ten hosts barely managed to carry it to the top of the mountain.

Because they didn't eat for a day, the magma bug became extremely irritable, twisting its body constantly and almost falling off several times.

Gaia knew that she personally controlled this transport team. Fortunately, the weather was good these days and the magma worms landed safely.

The eager eating sound of the magma bugs after landing reached Gaia's mind.

Gaia had no choice but to let it eat first, and kept circling around the big guy, observing this powerful body. Gaia felt very excited.

"With you here, why can't we realize our hegemony? Oh, you are so delicious!" Gaia looked at the magma worm and was as speechless as Zhang Fan.

"Forget it, just eat. After we finish eating, we will go out to fight." Gaia shook her head speechlessly.

Many days later, the second and third batches of magma worms have also arrived one after another.

The next goal is ahead! hills! attack!

When you don't have the strength, you should shrink back and fight as little as possible. You must conserve your strength in order to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy.

But on the other hand, it already shows a crushing combat effectiveness, so there is no need to be wretched and just attack.

Now Gaia has accumulated a large number of soldiers. If it doesn't fight at this time, it will have no tactics except destruction.

"Turn everything in front of me into a carpet of bacteria!" Gaia laughed wildly.

The magma bug began to spray flames, and no grass grew wherever it went. The enemies it killed alone were several times as many as those of the springtails.

However, this guy was very "short and soft". After a while, all the methane gas in his body was ejected, and he could only eat and digest again.

Despite this, the Zerg soldiers still advanced with a devastating momentum.

After completely conquering this hilly area, the next step is to see how the worker bees are laying it out.

After conquering the hills, Gaia was ready to recharge her batteries first. She could not attack for a long time. Now that the land was outnumbered, she had to reward her soldiers well.

Some words were not deleted by me, but were deleted automatically by the system. I didn’t even see them myself.

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