The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 76 Ice and Snow Monster

This ice and snow monster turned the ground upside down through its powerful tentacles, sucking all the creatures underground into its mouth.

Even some creatures that have been frozen into ice sculptures are no exception and have become their meals.

This was really a disaster for the Northern Territory. Zhang Fan lost his vision of the Northern Territory and really knew nothing about the outside world.

He is also concentrating on studying methods of environmentally changing gene combinations.

The southern region has gradually returned to normal. Zhang Fan, who has many experiences, is second in laying mushroom blankets and no one dares to be first.

Because of the snowstorm, some microorganisms that were not completely eliminated were also completely eliminated during this rearrangement, which can be considered a good thing.

"Why do I feel heart palpitations? There's no reason?" Zhang Fan felt a little bit distressed.

In the north, Gaia is still hibernating in its mother's nest. It cannot wake up without Zhang Fan's order, and it is also unable to sense the situation outside.


A crack suddenly appeared on the roof of the brood nest, and then with a crash, the entire roof of the brood nest was lifted out, revealing a huge hole.

A huge eye looked into the nest, and then the eye left, and blue tentacles reached inside.

A large number of worker bees were swept away in a single stroke, and these worker bees were still sleeping until they died.

The ice and snow monster seemed to think that eating in this way was too slow, so it kept beating the outer wall of the nest in an attempt to break it.

The top part is a little fragile because of the large eyeball, but the nest under the eyeball is the hardest part.

After filming for a long time, the ice and snow monster was unable to move it even a little bit, and the somewhat anxious ice and snow monster began to roar.

This time it suddenly attracted other ice and snow monsters eating around them.

There was no eye contact, and no need for tentacles to touch. They were just like the ice and snow monster before, patting the shell of the mother's nest.

Finally it was broken, revealing a soft inner wall, which was also very delicious food.

The ice and snow monsters rushed to eat these inner walls, leaving a jelly feeling in their mouths.

After chewing through the inner wall, the densely packed bugs inside were revealed. These were all Zerg soldiers who had entered hibernation.

These ice and snow monsters felt super excited, and dozens of tentacles stretched into their nests.

But the opening was a little small, and the tentacles of the ice and snow monsters were all stuck there, unable to get in or get out.

These ice and snow monsters seemed to start blaming each other, and gradually the struggle escalated into an earth-shattering fight.

This fight also alarmed Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan quickly adjusted his perspective to the northern border and revived a worker bee.

Then he slowly crawled outside. It was good to have the cold resistance gene. Although he felt very cold, he wouldn't freeze to death all of a sudden.

After finally peeling away the snow at the entrance of the cave, Zhang Fan came to the snow and saw a scene that stunned him.

Huge monsters that are at least over 30 meters tall. These monsters may be close to 50 meters if you include tentacles.

This is the largest creature I have ever seen. The surface of these monsters seems to be covered with a layer of grease, which is smooth and clear, and snowflakes cannot adhere well to them.

What shocked Zhang Fan even more was that these monsters were actually fighting, and they were fighting fiercely. They were coming and going, and every time they moved their tentacles, they would set off huge waves of snow.

Those snow waves followed the entrance of the mother's nest and entered the interior, and the temperature dropped again.

Only then did Zhang Fan notice the nest that had been shattered by the ice and snow monster.

"No! Gaia is still inside!" Zhang Fan felt nervous as the worker bees in the nest began to wake up one after another.

They ran towards the outside of the nest to see what was going on.

The number of ice and snow monsters exceeds a hundred, and each one is extremely huge. With these few bugs in the north, they will undoubtedly die.

Now Zhang Fan's only thought is to play Gaia.

"Adam! Completely create a host! Move quickly!" Zhang Fan shouted loudly.

Without any hesitation, Adam cooperated with Zhang Fan and began to issue instructions to each larvae.

I saw that the whole south was covered with calluses, which were like small pimples on the face. If you encounter a patient with trypophobia, you will definitely faint from fear.

In this emergency situation, Zhang Fan hurriedly woke up Gaia, closed Gaia's vocal organs, and then woke Gaia up with sensory stimulation.

Gaia's eyes widened. She hadn't felt the pain from her soul for a long time.

"Gaia, don't sleep! It's dangerous!" Zhang Fan shouted loudly.

Gaia also woke up in an instant, thinking outside the box, and adjusted her perspective to the outside of the nest: "Dad, what is this?!"

Zhang Fan: "I don't know either. Adam and I are organizing to rescue you now! Protect yourself."

Gaia: "Dad, is this possible?"

Zhang Fan was furious: "How will you know if you don't try! Remember, you only need to protect yourself! We will definitely come to save you."

Gaia: "Old."

Before Gaia finished speaking, Zhang Fan cut off contact with it, and Zhang Fan's energy was completely attached to the host.

"Adam, I'm going to rescue Gaia. You take good care of your home here. As long as you have the resources, you will do your best to create a host for me. I can feel it." Zhang Fan said in a calm voice.

Adam also felt the Lord's nervousness: "Lord, yes."

So, Zhang Fan started to take off with the vast number of hosts.

The air pressure in winter is different from the air pressure in summer. The air pressure in winter is higher, which also makes the host's flight more difficult.

It took a lot of effort for Zhang Fan to bring all the hosts over the mountains. The view here was cloudless, and all the clouds had turned into snowflakes and fallen to the mortal world.

This gave Zhang Fan a very good field of vision, and he discovered that these big guys were right under his nose.

As a result, these hosts began to violate common sense, and their sphincters faced the sky, ejecting large amounts of hydrogen gas.

With this powerful dive, the surrounding airflow squeezed the host into some deformation.

The ice and snow monsters stopped fighting. In fact, they had stopped moving a long time ago and were constantly eating the bugs in the mother nest.

Following Zhang Fan's instructions, Gaia had retreated to the far corner. Its golden appearance had lost its luster, became dim, and blended into the shadows.

These ice and snow monsters eat happily, and Zhang Fan will make them pay off their debts one day.

The ice and snow monsters heard the sound of breaking through the air, and then they all raised their heads and saw small black dots above their heads. These black dots were gradually getting bigger.

By the way, today is Children’s Day, I wish everyone a happy holiday!

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