The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 77 Dealing with Ice and Snow Monsters

"Gaia, are you okay?" Adam asked with some concern.

Gaia shook her head: "I can't say yes or no, thank you dad for saving me, and thank you too."

Adam thought he heard wrongly and wanted to say more, but Gaia said: "Okay, I'm tired, I'm going to take a rest first."

Looking at Gaia's retreating back, Zhang Fan said: "Don't disturb it. The failure of this northern offensive has a great impact on it."

Adam nodded and said: "Master, Adam understands, Master, what are those big monsters?"

Zhang Fan: "I don't know either. I can only investigate further. Hey, what are these things?"

Adam quickly comforted Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan waved his hand and let him leave.

Zhang Fan once again sent the host to the north. Now that the weather is gradually warming up, the host's mobility and endurance have increased.

The ice and snow monsters are still digging through the creatures underground, as if they never have enough to eat.

The host flies very high, and when it raises its head, it looks like a small black dot, which is difficult to spot with eyes like an ice and snow monster.

Some of the hosts were left behind for reconnaissance, while the other part went further north. He wanted to see where these guys came from.

The further north you go, the colder the weather becomes, the sky becomes darker, and the aurora appears in the sky again.

The North Pole and Antarctica have relatively high dimensions. From the autumnal equinox to the spring equinox, the night dominates the entire world, and there are very few days.

Under this sky, the hosts' proud eyes could no longer see clearly, so Zhang Fan had no choice but to let them land slowly.

Suddenly, a blue tentacle shot out from the ground. Zhang Fan didn't react for a moment, and a host was sucked into the mouth by the ice and snow monster.

"Damn it, there's still one here." Zhang Fan cursed secretly, and the controller host began to climb up.

"These monsters don't seem to be afraid of the cold at all, and their hosts can't bear it." Zhang Fan thought secretly in his heart.

In the entire northern border, the number of ice and snow monsters is not dense, but very scattered. However, because of their large size, they seem to be very close to each other.

They are like chess pieces on a chessboard scattered everywhere, maybe they really won’t leave until the weather gets warmer.

After observing for a while, Zhang Fan began to control the hosts to return.

Along the way, the ice and snow monster still found no trace of its host.

Back in the south, Zhang Fan began to gather brainworms to come up with plans.

But at this time Gaia said that she had no idea and did not want to participate in this meeting.

Zhang Fan didn't force himself. Adam said: "Master, this Gaia is too outrageous. You don't even attend such an important meeting. How can it be that you are in ruins after just losing a battle?"

Zhang Fan also felt that there was something wrong with Gaia's behavior, but as he spoke, he said: "Forget it, Adam, Gaia has her own plans. Tell me what you can do to deal with those monsters in the north."

Adam said: "Master, Adam thinks that we can transport the poisonous banelings to the north, dig a deep hole in the ground through the latent spider, and create a big explosion like before."

Zhang Fan's eyes lit up: "Yeah! Adam's idea is good, so let's do it. Arrange the poisonous baneling insects, and I will use the host to lure them away."

After speaking, Adam began to arrange various matters for the poisonous baneling bugs.

The poisonous banelings were quietly arranged to the northern border. The surroundings were safe and no ice and snow monsters discovered them.

The Lurking Spider quickly got up and went underground, this time not to hide, but to dig a hole.

The land here is a bit soft because it has been frozen by ice and snow. This kind of land is more suitable for poisonous baneling insects to ambush.

There were more of them this time than the last time in the grassland. Zhang Fan didn't believe that he couldn't kill them by blowing them up.

After all the ambush was completed, the remaining bugs began to look for the ice and snow monsters and attract them.

Two kilometers away from the poison explosion area, there are three ice and snow monsters digging for tree roots buried in the ground. This may be the only food left in this northern territory.

At this time, they discovered the hosts floating in the air. They had the impression that these guys were on fire and were very painful to fight, so they could not get close.

As a result, these big monsters ran in the opposite direction.

Zhang Fan was a little overwhelmed when he saw this situation. The plan couldn't fail like this.

The hosts began to move in front of the ice and snow monsters to block them.

What are these little guys going to do? Do you think we have no temper? The ice and snow monster waved its tentacles.

Zhang Fan was well prepared and dodged lightly.

The monsters stopped again, let's go, let's go, these guys are fleshless and difficult, there is no need to spend time with them here, the ice and snow monsters turned around and left again.

What the hell! Are you big guys so timid? Zhang Fan felt speechless as he looked at the fleeing ice and snow monsters. Perhaps the flames of their previous hosts had frightened them.

Damn it, he didn't take the bait. Since he didn't take the bait, Zhang Fan stopped chasing them and started looking for new ice and snow monsters. He didn't believe that every one of them didn't take the bait.

The overwhelming host began to attract ice and snow monsters, and some ice and snow monsters also followed because of curiosity, and there were more than a hundred of them.

"Haha, let's see where you run now! Blast the poisonous baneling bugs for me!" Zhang Fan ordered loudly.

The poisonous banelings began to produce chemical reactions in their bodies, and the temperature gradually increased. Just when the poisonous banelings were about to detonate, the ice and snow monsters stopped.

They were very sensitive to changes in temperature and began to turn around and escape.

Zhang Fan cursed, and then the poisonous baneling insect exploded.

The green venom turned the ground upside down, and the ice and snow monsters began to escape desperately.

In the end, not even one was left. Such a good strategy failed. Zhang Fan was a little angry and controlled the hosts to start chasing, but the ice and snow monsters ignored the attacks of the hosts.

After chasing for a certain distance, the ice and snow monsters began to turn around and attack the hosts. Zhang Fan was well prepared and pulled the hosts away from the attack.

"Damn it, I didn't expect these guys to be so sensitive to temperature." Zhang Fan felt a little unhappy.

Back in the south, Zhang Fan found Adam and said, "Adam, your idea is not good, those big guys are too sensitive."

Adam was also a little speechless: "Lord, there is nothing Adam can do about this. Please, Lord, punish him."

Zhang Fan: "Why should I punish you? Think of a way quickly."

Adam thought about it, but he just couldn't think of a good way. It was difficult for the Zerg to form an effective comprehensive attack.

At this moment, Gaia's voice reached Zhang Fan's mind: "Dad, I have a solution. It may take a long time, but it can solve the problem once and for all."

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