The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 85 Shallow Sea Area

Zhang Fan believes that how and where to enter the sea are crucial. You must choose a direction with a small number of enemies to enter the sea.

So the best place is on the easternmost side of the mountain range. Zhang Fan gave this place a nice name, Shanhaiguan.

Shanhaiguan is surrounded by the sea on three sides and backed by mountains. There is a long and narrow tunnel, which can just block the landing operations of large marine creatures.

As for smaller marine creatures, Zhang Fan can easily handle them.

After finalizing the place to go into the sea, Zhang Fan asked the stinging jellyfish to conduct reconnaissance around Shanhaiguan, not letting go of any small fish or shrimp.

This sea area is a shallow sea, with a sea depth of only a dozen meters, and many reddish-brown coral reefs can be seen under the sea.

You can also see many small animals on the coral reefs, such as worms, sponges, etc.

There are just some creatures that Zhang Fan can't name. Their images are too different from what Zhang Fan had in mind.

For example, the seahorse-like creatures dangling in front of the stinging jellyfish have their heads bent at right angles to their bodies, and they also have a tubular mouthpart.

Looking further back, this seahorse-like creature is a little different. It has color-changing scales on its body and sharp thorns on its back.

There are several long tentacles under the abdomen, and there are suction cups on these tentacles, which can easily cling to anything. Zhang Fan is too lazy to name it, so let's call it seahorse-like.

No, a seahorse-like creature that didn't know whether to live or die swam toward the stinging jellyfish.

At first, the stinging jellyfish ignored it because it was too small to pose a threat.

But this move made the seahorse even more aggressive. It raised its tentacles and grabbed the top of the stinging jellyfish, and it immediately stuck to it.

Of course, the stinging jellyfish couldn't let it attack Tai Sui's head like this. He shook his head crazily, but he couldn't shake it off.

At this time, the seahorse put its tubular mouthparts on the head of the stinging jellyfish and began to suck.

I saw a large piece of membrane heading towards the seahorse-like mouth, and the stinging jellyfish hurriedly hit its tentacles towards the seahorse-like creature.

This seahorse-like reaction was quite clever. It slapped its tentacles on the stinging jellyfish's head, then released its mouthparts and dodged away.

Of course, the stinging jellyfish couldn't let it go like this. The moment the seahorse-like creature left, a sharp thorn quickly pierced the seahorse-like creature, piercing it all at once.

In addition, Zhang Fan also saw fish here, the first fish he saw in this world, stickleback fish.

The stickleback has hard spines at the front of its dorsal fin, pectoral fin, pelvic fin and anal fin, and a crooked tail. The pectoral and pelvic fins are fully developed, but the fin rays are not developed. There are additional even fins between the pectoral and pelvic fins.

There is a primitive jaw, an enlarged maxilla that occupies a well-developed lower jaw, the upper jaw is toothless and the lower jaw is toothed.

These sticklebacks all live in groups, causing great trouble to the stinging jellyfish as they expand their search range.

These guys seem to be born to be the nemesis of stinging jellyfish. Their hard fins can block the sting attack of stinging jellyfish, and their powerful jaws can bite the stinging jellyfish into pieces.

It would be difficult for Zhang Fan to handle this situation.

There is a characteristic of marine organisms, that is, the body excretes salt. This characteristic is also shared by stinging jellyfish. This salt excreted is to balance the water in the body.

But this kind of salt discharge also caused a lot of trouble for Zhang Fan.

It can be said that on the ground, Zhang Fan can obtain the genes of other organisms by modifying cells, thereby converting them into his own genes.

Even some aquatic creatures can also be obtained. In addition to freshwater creatures that can be transformed directly in the water, saltwater creatures must be captured ashore and then transformed.

But in the sea, this transformation becomes very difficult, because the modified cells cannot survive in the sea for a long time due to ocean penetration.

If the modified cells are injected into the organism under such circumstances, they will be quickly purified and instead add nutrients to the organism.

Zhang Fan also considered making modified cells into cells that could survive in the sea, but after such cells were produced, the effect was far reduced.

Not only that, marine organisms have evolved their own immune system. When modified cells invade, lymphatic vessels will secrete lymphocytes to eliminate all these foreign invaders.

This is also the reason why Zhang Fan has not been able to obtain the genes of marine organisms for so long.

Without superior biological genes, the Zerg will have far less control over the ocean. Without such control, large-scale attacks will be impossible.

Zhang Fan can only grind slowly now, one step at a time, and it will no longer develop as fast as on land.

The stinging jellyfish was intercepted by the stickleback. After some testing, Zhang Fan was able to confirm that these creatures were not controlled by Zero. They were pure native life forms.

In addition to the stickleback fish, the stinging jellyfish had already cleaned up the surrounding small creatures, and Zhang Fan dispatched the worker bees to Shanhaiguan.

Lay a carpet of bacteria at the pass, and then settle the mother nest near the ocean.

This mother nest is half in the sea and half on the ground, so that stinging jellyfish can be hatched quickly without the need for hosts to carry them around.

Ever since, the mother nest began to ovulate crazily, throwing stinging jellyfish eggs into the sea one after another.

Those marine creatures rushed here after smelling the fishy smell, and the stinging jellyfish that had hatched were desperately blocking the creatures here.

In an instant, the shallow sea turned into a pool of blood.

Further into the ocean depths, those large primitive sharks smelled the fishy smell and rushed towards here.

A shark's sense of smell is so sensitive that it can smell blood from several kilometers away.

It's just that it's in trouble when it gets here. The shallow sea is not enough to support its huge body to swim.

Zhang Fan looked from a distance and saw a few primitive sharks swimming left and right. Once any creature left this sea area, it would be attacked wildly by the sharks.

"This is really troublesome." Zhang Fan thought a little irritably.

At this time, Adam found Zhang Fan and sent a message: "Master, Adam has good news for you."

Zhang Fan asked: "What's the good news?"

Adam replied: "Master, just now, Adam and Gaia worked together to develop a new marine insect race."

Zhang Fan said happily: "This is indeed good news. Take me to see it."

Zhang Fan's vision returned to the evolution chamber. Adam and Gaia were both here, and they paid close attention to the situation in the chamber.

In a chamber filled with nutrient solution, there is a dark eel swimming curiously.

Zhang Fan asked: "Isn't this an eel?"

Adam replied: "Master, yes, this is an eel, and it is an electric eel."

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