The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 86 Electric Eel

"I remember that electric eels seem to be creatures that live in fresh water." Zhang Fan said.

Gaia replied from the side: "Dad, this electric eel has been modified. Please feel it carefully."

After listening to Gaia's words, Zhang Fan covered the electric eel with his thoughts.

Ordinary electric eels are not true eels, but are closely related to Caturiformes species. The dorsal fin and tail fin are degenerated, and there is a long anal fin on the lower edge. It swims by the movement of the anal fin. It has a generator at the tail, which is derived from muscles. tissue and innervated by the spinal nerves.

But this electric eel is different. It has a very subtle dorsal fin on its body, and there are also faintly visible pelvic fins on both sides of its body.

There are also thick nerves inside the body.

At this time, Zhang Fan asked: "How can it discharge electricity like this?"

Adam: "Lord, please look."

I saw the body of this one-meter-long electric eel begin to straighten, and then the cells all over the body began to become active, and a blue light was released from the body of the electric eel.

The blue light disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the electric eel returned to normal again.

Zhang Fan said in surprise: "This electric eel discharges its whole body? That's okay."

Gaia said happily: "Dad, I designed the shape of this electric eel. After deducing the protective film of the ice and snow giant squid, I have been thinking about the research method of this film. The electric eel you see now It actually has a thin membrane on its body, and these membranes can prevent it from being injured by its own current."

When Adam saw Gaia speaking, he couldn't lag behind and said: "Master, the electric eel discharge was created by Adam. This effect is amplified by the nerve microcurrent and can emit a voltage of at least 1,000 volts in an instant."

Gaia glanced at Adam unhappily: "Dad, have you seen the dorsal fin and pectoral fin on the electric eel? They are designed by me to speed up the electric eel's movement speed in the sea. Of course, this electric eel has more than It's so simple to discharge electricity, and it can also destroy enemies through the sharp teeth in its mouth."

At this time, Adam said more forcefully: "Master, you should have carefully observed the inside just now. This is what Adam did specifically. It can convert food into energy, and can release strong current when the positive and negative electrodes of the nerve are in contact.

Gaia: "Hey, you just said that."

Adam was unconvinced and said, "So what."

Zhang Fan came out to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, stop arguing, everyone has contributed. Without further ado, let's hatch the electric eels as soon as possible. I can't wait to see their performance."

After the electric eel genes were recorded, the information was fed back to the mother nest, and then the larvae began to hatch into cocoons.

Hatching in the ocean is somewhat different from that on land. On land, larvae can hatch through the nutrients provided by the fungus carpet.

But there are not so many resources to use in the sea, so the larvae need to be completely fed.

The larvae ate one after another until they became fat and strong, and then plunged into the sea water. The body began to curl up, and the mucus they spit out slowly covered the whole body.

Then it slowly sank to the seabed. After a period of incubation, the eggs burst and the electric eel emerged.

Dozens of electric eels swim in the opposite direction of the original shark.

These primitive sharks don't know that danger is coming quietly, and their eyes are full of blood.

They are hungry for food, and have become lost in the smells wafting from the ocean.

But they still have some instincts, knowing that shallow seas are very dangerous for them, and if they get stranded, they will die.

Sharks are a very special kind of fish. They cannot stop swimming. They rely on this continuous propulsion method to obtain oxygen in the sea water. As soon as they stop, they will die of lack of oxygen.

These primitive sharks were about three to five meters in size and did not look particularly large.

The electric eels slowly swam to the side of the primitive sharks.

A primitive shark's eyes focused, its tail fin swung, its body twisted, it opened its big mouth and pounced towards the electric eel.

You can clearly see the inside of the primitive shark's mouth, the upper and lower rows of densely packed teeth, sharp and sharp.

Zhang Fan heard that shark teeth can grow indefinitely. I don’t know if it’s true. I’ll try it again in the future.

"Electric eel! Discharge me!" Zhang Fan shouted.

Dozens of electric eels began to tense up, and the nerves in their bodies began to contact. After two squeaks, the electric eels' bodies began to emit blue light.

After these blue currents came into contact with the sea water, they began to spread out in all directions, lashing out hard on the original shark's body like a series of bolts.

The primitive shark closed its mouth and began to twitch all over.

I saw that this shark had its mouth closed, its upper lip biting its lower lip, its head slightly upward, its tail fin also slightly upward, and the two pelvic fins beside it also swung outwards.

The whole body was crackling and flashing under the stimulation of electric current.

The moment the current ended, the original shark's head lowered, its tail fin also lowered, and the blood in its eyes was gone. Only the white eyes turned up slightly, and gradually sank to the seabed.

Some primitive sharks around who were not attacked by the current were frightened by the strong current and fled in all directions. They thought God was angry and thundered.

On the other hand, the electric eels were actually very uncomfortable. These dozens of electric eels also fainted after releasing a round of electric current.

Zhang Fan said to Gaia dissatisfied: "Is this the insulation you are talking about?"

Gaia said politely: "Uh, Dad, this needs to be improved, needs to be improved, hehe."

Zhang Fan didn't care about Gaia. He turned his attention to the fainted primitive shark and ordered the stinging jellyfish to drag the primitive shark ashore.

Give them a good makeover before they die.

The tentacles of the stinging jellyfish wrapped around the primitive shark one after another, lifting it up.

The remaining tentacles waved lightly, alas! No pull! Here are a few more, alas! Still not pulling, why is this guy so heavy.

When the group of stinging jellyfish completely covered the original shark, it could finally be gently dragged back.

With the help of the worker bees, the original shark was thrown into the mother nest.

There is no need for the Zerg soldiers to release modified cells this time, as that would be too slow, and we cannot just watch the hard-won trophy die like this.

The floor of the mother's nest was also made up of fungus carpet, and needles protruded from the ground, and then penetrated into the spine, abdomen and head of the original shark.

This is a cram-feeding injection method. The modified cells injected by this method can quickly cover the entire body of the creature and obtain the opponent's genes. However, the creature finally meets God.

After the original shark had completely lost its breath, the modified cells had completed their work.

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