The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 90 Crystal Cave

Find you? You said it so easily. This sea is five times the size of the continent, not counting some bottomless trenches.

Zero said at this time: "You don't have to search deliberately. As long as you avoid the unknown, you can find me. Okay, without further ado, my time is up."

Zhang Fan was surprised and asked: "Wait, Zero, what time is it?"

Then a "pop" sound was heard in the insect shark's abdomen. The octopus egg was dissolved by the stomach acid in the insect shark's body. This was even when Zhang Fan specifically reduced the gastric acid.

Well, now that Zero is gone, let's do what we want.

Should you go to the fork on the right or not? After thinking for a long time, Zhang Fan finally decided not to go and leave the unknown to the future to solve. Maybe this problem will become eternal.

Then there are only two roads left, one in the middle and one on the right.

How to go? Will there be any danger? Forget it, don’t think about it so much, just divide your troops.

Then, the insect sharks divided into two teams again, one team swam towards the left, and the other team swam towards the middle.

Both roads seemed quite safe, and no dangerous creatures were found after swimming for a long time.

"Am I so dark-faced? Did I find the most dangerous path before?" Zhang Fan thought mockingly to himself.

The insect shark on the far left kept swimming forward, and a few light years appeared in front of it. Could it be another lantern fish? Go check it out.

There is plenty of oxygen here, and the concentration is getting higher and higher.

The insect sharks passed through the cave, and then their eyes were flashed by a sudden bright light, and they didn't recover for a long time.

After a while, the insect sharks adapted to the environment here and were stunned by the scenery in front of them.

This place is like another world, a huge cave.

"It seems that I have been swimming down to the bottom just now. Could it be the underground world again?" Zhang Fan thought as he looked at the scene around him.

The entire cave is filled with azure crystals, and there seems to be hot lava flowing behind these crystals.

The space is huge, and there are many unknown creatures.

Each of these creatures has big eyes, and they are looking at the insect sharks curiously.

These creatures living underground are not very large, and the largest ones are only about the same size as a lantern fish.

In the crystal gap on Zhang Fan's left side, Zhang Fan saw a fish with a human face.

At first, he thought he saw intelligent creatures again, which frightened Zhang Fan. If intelligent creatures were seen so often, it would be really worthless.

This kind of fish is called human-faced fish, which means that its face is more like a human face, its body has no muscles, and its body is very soft. Zhang Fan thinks that this fish should be more appropriately classified as a mollusk.

The human-faced fish seemed to be afraid of the insect sharks that were several heads taller than itself. When Zhang Fan turned his gaze towards it, the human-faced fish shrank back in the cracks in fear, with fear revealed in its big eyes.

Since this kind of fish is not a threat to you, let's continue to look inside.

The insect sharks continued to move deeper into the crystal cave.

The scenery here is very beautiful. The magma transfers heat through the crystals. It is neither too high nor too low. The temperature is just right. No wonder so many creatures live here.

Zhang Fan also saw worms that he had not seen for a long time. These worms had long, snow-white bodies and big heads. They fed on the plants in the crystal cave.

Oh, by the way, let’s talk about the ecosystem in this crystal cave.

The first is the producers, which are plants that can absorb the energy of magma. These plants grow in the gaps between crystals and rocks. They are very numerous. Some are like blooming flowers and are red in color.

Zhang Fan discovered through the crystal that these plants were able to bring their roots close to the magma. He could see clearly that those unusually dense roots were drifting along the surface of the magma.

"Eh? Is this magma flower growing backwards?" Zhang Fan thought strangely.

Magma flowers are the name given to them by Zhang Fan. The real scientific name cannot be verified. The roots of magma flowers absorb the minerals and temperature spilled from the magma.

These temperatures are then fed back to the red leaves growing in the water, which absorb the water, forming a cycle.

During this process, magma flowers also emit oxygen and excess salt.

The amount of oxygen released is scary. Small bubbles emerge from the leaves of the magma flower, and then rush to the top.

Some of those bubbles merged into the sea water, some just lay quietly on the crystal, and others entered the new world through the gaps.

In addition, the excess salt was discharged. Zhang Fan thought that this might be the reason for the production of crystals, because he observed that the color of these rock spirits was vaguely bluish, but they were so small that it hurt the eyes of insect sharks.

I won’t go into too much detail about the number of consumers here. In addition to the human-faced fish, there are also some crustacean creatures.

The crystal crab is really a crystal crab. The carapace of its body is transparent. Zhang Fan can clearly see the internal structure of this crab's body.

This is the gills, this is the heart, this is the brain, hey, what is this?

Zhang Fan looked at the crystal crab curiously. The crystal crab was alert. Looking at the big guy that suddenly appeared above its head, it raised its large pincers angrily.

These pliers are much inferior to worker bees, and there is no threat at all.

Zhang Fan ignored the intimidation of the crystal crab and controlled the insect shark to stare at the yellowish thing on the back of the crystal crab.

The crystal crab clamped the insect shark's skin unceremoniously, but it couldn't be clamped no matter how hard it clamped.

After the crystal crab ran away, Zhang Fan realized that it should be the female crab, and the yellow things inside should be its crab eggs.

After continuing to observe the surroundings for a while, Zhang Fan found that this place was very suitable for use as a submarine base for the Zerg, but there was still a lot of preparation work to be done.

The main problem is to transport the seeds of the mushroom blanket and be able to adapt to the seawater environment here.

Although worker bees can paddle water, they seem to be in a hurry once they dive into the sea. In this case, a new construction unit is needed.

Zhang Fan turned his attention to the crystal crabs. The crystal crabs seemed to sense them and raised their two large pincers alertly, gesturing threateningly at the insect sharks.

"Well, these guys are quite suitable, but they are a bit small. I'll ask Adam to optimize them when the time comes." Zhang Fan nodded and thought.

Then, let’s take a look at what other creatures around us can be used.

This one shouldn't be too brittle, and this one shouldn't be too thin. Needless to say, this one has only the skeleton left.

After looking for a long time, I couldn't find anything that could replace the crystal crab, so I'll just make do with it for now.

"Let's see, where are the insect sharks transporting supplies now." Zhang Fan shifted his perspective to the insect sharks transporting supplies.

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