The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 91 Anomaly shrimp

The mouths of the insect sharks contained a large number of carpet seeds, which Adam had prepared for Zhang Fan a long time ago.

This time, in addition to insect sharks, Zhang Fan also mobilized stinging jellyfish and electric eels. Having more strength is never a disadvantage.

It was just that they encountered some trouble during the transfer process. The large army encountered a group of migrating Anomalocaris.

These strange shrimps range in size from several meters to dozens of centimeters, and are ferocious in nature. Wherever they pass, no grass grows.

These gathered anomalies have a Zerg-like appearance.

Zhang Fan felt that he was not strong enough in the ocean, so it was better to stay away.

However, those strange shrimps don’t think so. Those little shrimps are still hungry and waiting for food.

After finally seeing the delicious guys, there is no reason to let them go, go ahead, eat meat!

Those strange shrimps all rushed towards the Zerg Navy.

I respect you a foot, but you actually give me a foot, okay, okay, you have many people, I can't afford to offend you, why don't you hide?

The group of strange shrimps that followed him pursued him for two miles.

When Zhang Fan was running for his life, he remembered a report, which had nothing to do with Anomalocaris, but was about Antarctic shrimp.

That kind of shrimp lives in Antarctica. They serve as a staple food for many animals and are a source of nutrition for almost all marine animals.

Antarctic shrimps are social animals, and their colonies are huge, some even reaching 500 million tons.

Zhang Fan felt that the number of these strange shrimps chasing him was not large enough.

Just running away is not an option. The main task this time is to escort the insect sharks to transport the carpet seeds.

Stinging jellyfish and electric eels have to make some sacrifices when necessary.

Therefore, Zhang Fan asked the electric eel to stop first, while the rest of the navy continued to run forward.

Electric eels are equivalent to poisonous banelings, but the attack methods of the two types are different. If poisonous banelings are not necessarily able to exert such a powerful force in the sea.

When the group of strange shrimps saw the electric eels waiting for them, they all accelerated their pace in excitement, with their hands moving quickly and slowly.

Zhang Fan estimated the distance of the strongest electric shock and the current distance of the Anomalocaris.

The appearance of Anomalocaris is different from the shrimps seen before. Their forelimbs are more like two curved awls. They can not only pierce the enemy's flesh, but also disintegrate the opponent through the spikes on the awls.

Zhang Fan controlled the electric eel and waited patiently, but it was still a little far away.

In the blink of an eye, the Anomalocaris have entered the attack range of the electric eel. A single electric shock can stun at least hundreds of Anomalocaris.

However, Zhang Fan still did not take action. He wanted to obtain the maximum attack effect.

The distance between the strange shrimps is getting closer and closer. They begin to gather together and rub shoulders one after another, each one trying to compete for the top spot.

Those large Anomalocaris hate the small Anomalocaris next to them, and are constantly driving away the surrounding Anomalocaris with their tail fins.

Zhang Fan saw two fast-headed and larger shrimps fighting over territory. As an enemy, Zhang Fan agreed with their method.

Although there are currently many conflicts within the Anomaly, the speed of progress has not slowed down at all.

"Now!" The electric eel's eyes flashed.

The forelimbs of those strange shrimps were raised, preparing to launch the final attack. The two eyeballs fishing outside revealed greed.


A thunderbolt exploded in the sea water. If you look down at the sea from the air at this time, you will find that the place where the electric eel released the click emits a dazzling blue light.

The attack time of these blue lights is still very short, and every time the electric eels are gathered together to attack, the electric eels will fall into fainting, so it is not an option to continue like this.

This attack was very successful. Some of the strange shrimps in the lead were roasted into charcoal under the stimulation of the strong electric current. Some of the strange shrimps slightly further behind also fell into a coma.

Afterwards, the Anomalocaris did not experience any other discomfort except for feeling a slight numbness.

In an instant, a vacuum zone appeared in the group of strange shrimps.

The remaining anomalies were stunned for a moment. They didn't know what happened just now. It seemed like thunder, but there didn't seem to be any warning?

Thunder can actually occur in the sea, but before that, the moisture in the air will increase and the air pressure in the seawater will also change.

Those creatures that live in the sea all year round know that this is a sign of the coming storm. They will burrow underneath, and even if they starve to death, they will not show up at this juncture.

Lightning in storms is so powerful that it can easily release millions of volts.

When these lightning strikes the sea surface, it can instantly evaporate the water, and the remaining current will flow to all corners of the ocean, stretching for hundreds of meters.

Closer to home, electric eels are not as powerful as lightning. Their voltage is only 1,000 volts.

After a brief period of unconsciousness, the anomalies had differences. Some of them swam towards the electric eel, and some swam towards the corpses of their own species.

The anomalies swimming towards the corpses of their own species don't care whether they are their own species, they only know that this is delicious food appearing in front of them.

The shrimps swimming toward the electric eels are few in number and small in size, and they seem a bit hesitant. You know whether you should eat them or not. What if the other party gives you another electric shock?

The electric eels actually no longer have the strength to release a second electric shock. They are weak and drifting automatically in the sea.

Zhang Fan observed the repair of the electric eel's body. It belonged to the third level of disability. It was repaired by himself. This shortcoming must be corrected.

The small anomalies looked at the electric eel and seemed to be motionless. They swam over cautiously, took a bite from the eel's body and ran away.

After running for a while, I found that the electric eel did not attack, so I plucked up the courage to step forward again.

Zhang Fan was about to play with it, but the small shrimp approached again, and the electric eel used its last bit of weak energy to flash an electric light on the surface.

The small anomalocaris turned around and ran away in fright. The small anomalocaris ran away, but there were also large anomalocaris. They were not afraid of such a weak voltage.

He came to the electric eels boldly and ate them into his stomach, making the little anomalocaris salivate with envy.

The sacrifice of the electric eel delayed the transportation of the troops for a long time. Zhang Fan controlled the remaining insect sharks and stinging jellyfish and took a long detour to bypass the group of strange shrimps.

It was a near miss. Originally, Zhang Fan wanted to use the Anomaly as a construction unit, but Gaia sent word to Zhang Fan that it had a better plan, so Zhang Fan stopped thinking about the Anomaly. .

When we came to the wall in the sea, we found the hole blocked by Zero, and it took a lot of effort to remove the big stone.

After moving away, a large airflow rushed out of the cave.

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