The evolution of Zerg

Chapter 92 Deep Sea Mother Nest

This airflow is full of oxygen, which is expelled by the plants in the cave. Fortunately, it is not very powerful, otherwise the fragile stinging jellyfish will definitely be blown to pieces.

The remaining navy entered the cave one after another, and after nine turns and eighteen turns, they arrived at the Sea Spider Tunnel.

Just keep rushing as usual and pass as much as you can.

This time something went wrong, only a few insect sharks passed by, and the others were blocked in the tunnel.

It was Zhang Fan's own fault for not estimating the distance between the stinging jellyfish and the insect shark.

After an insect shark fell, the other insect shark should have moved forward quickly, but with the addition of jellyfish, the passage became even narrower.

In this way, the troops behind were blocked.

Zhang Fan felt that it didn't matter whether there were any next, as these insect sharks were enough anyway.

Entered the fork on the left again, swam for a while, and entered the crystal cave.

The insect sharks in the cave have been prepared. They have cleaned up some small animals around them and cleared a large area.

The insect shark came to the open space, patrolled the area for a week, and after confirming again that there was no threat, opened its mouth.

Each slender purple seed slowly fell into the crystal cave.

The carpet seeds that fall on the ground do not start to germinate immediately. They have to accumulate a sufficient number of needle-shaped bacteria in their bodies.

The genes of these needle-shaped bacteria were also modified by Adam and can adapt to life in the ocean. However, due to the salt particles in the seawater, the activity may be reduced to a certain extent, and the development of the bacterial carpet may not be like that on land. fast.

After the active bacteria are completely gathered in the seeds, the carpet begins to germinate, and the needle-shaped bacteria spread in all directions like crazy.

The purple carpet spreads to the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye, and exudes a charming fragrance.

This fragrance permeated the sea water and immediately stimulated the appetite of the creatures.

Those desperate crystal shrimps came to the fungus carpet in groups, trying to get a piece of the pie.

Zhang Fan would not let them go easily this time. The insect sharks opened their big mouths and swallowed them.

Those eager creatures were trembling with fear when they saw such a terrifying insect shark, and no one dared to touch the majesty of the insect shark.

After the carpets are automatically laid to a certain extent, they will stop laying and they will begin to develop rhizomes.

Those thick and powerful roots immediately penetrated into the hard earth, kicking up a large amount of dust.

The rhizomes continued to extend downward, and finally stopped developing near the magma.

Afterwards, we saw that filamentous roots like magma flowers began to grow on the rhizomes of the fungus blanket.

After completing these tasks, it is time to establish the mother nest.

The key point of a mother nest in the ocean is that it must be sealed. No matter how hard it is strengthened, there will still be an osmotic reaction when the larvae are hatched.

This would cause the larvae to hatch imperfectly, so Zhang Fan decided to add a drainage chamber to the passage of the mother nest.

Perhaps due to the pressure of sea water, the construction of the mother nest is not very smooth. The construction of the site is relatively fast, but there will be multiple collapses during the ascent.

Zhang Fan thought about this for a while and felt that the keel construction in the nest should be increased.

The keel is generally the so-called most critical part of a ship that supports the entire ship, just like the human spine. Without a keel, a ship can be broken apart by waves in minutes while sailing on the sea.

How to build the keel of the brood nest? It is important not to interfere with the normal hatching of the larvae.

After thinking about it, Zhang Fan thought of the tent, which was supported by an iron pillar in the middle, and there were iron pillars around the rest, and there were iron nails on the outside to support it.

The nest is shaped like one of those tents, so part of it is building the inner keel.

The needle-shaped bacteria began to wrap around the center of the carpet, getting tighter and higher, absorbing a large amount of calcium in the ocean and under the seabed.

A blue and white keel was built after several days.

The seawater here has a high salt content and contains small blue factors, so the entire keel looks a bit blue.

After building the keel, Zhang Fan did it a second time, but even after the keel was built, it still collapsed.

It seems that the keel alone is not enough, some auxiliary brackets must be added.

Then add those sub-brackets at the opening.

It took a long time to finally complete the construction of the mother nest, which is generally about the same size as the one on the ground.

The interior is supported by a keel and twelve auxiliary brackets, eliminating the gap between the outer shell and the inner membrane.

This anti-collision gap is ineffective in the ocean. Water pressure alone can flatten the gap. If it is forcibly created, a lot of resources will be wasted for no reason.

There is no seawater inside the mother nest, and all the seawater is discharged out of the body through air pressure. This is very convenient. Most fish can do this, just like a swim bladder.

The passage is also composed of a two-layer chamber, which is filled with seawater when it is not necessary. It will only discharge the seawater when the construction workers return to the nest.

Okay, next is the question of construction workers. According to Gaia, it means to create a creature that looks like a lobster. It is also named casually as a construction worker.

The worker shrimp is about the same size as the worker bee. It also feeds on the bacterial carpet. It has eliminated the lungs and added the function of gills.

The body is more slender and not as bloated as a worker bee, as you can see by comparing the appearance of a lobster.

This way it can swim very fast in the sea, much faster than a crab.

After the design of the worker shrimps was completed, they were put into production. They hatched inside the mother nest, and then slowly climbed out of the mother nest and came to the ocean world.

In the crystal cave, there is still a lot of space waiting for the workers to explore.

The only thing that needs attention is not to destroy the surrounding crystals and magma flowers. Once these are destroyed, the magma will flow back and completely fill the entire cave.

In that case, great resources would be wasted. Zhang Fan would not do that kind of thing of killing the goose to retrieve the eggs. Development should be slower.

Things in the crystal cave were over, and time went back to when the two teams of insect sharks separated.

The pair of insect sharks swimming toward the middle were once again in a state of hypoxia, just like the fork on the right.

After converting the anaerobic ability, he continued to swim inside, while also devouring some small creatures around him to replenish his physical strength.

Anaerobism is actually a very uncomfortable process, just like the kind of muscle soreness after doing strenuous exercise.

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