The Exorcist

Chapter 8 The God of Gamblers Chapter 17 Bad Aura

These words were like thunder, making Ruan Zhan stand up.

When he was dealing with the demon boy last time, the Blood Wood Sword erupted with a dazzling red light the moment it approached his father. At that time, he felt uneasy because it meant that his father had extremely strong evil energy. But he doesn't want to believe this. His father can abandon him or betray him, but he must not be a great evil person. That will completely collapse his inner spiritual world, and all his reliance and beliefs will disappear!

When he was a child, he refused to learn Taoism in order to attract his father's attention, but his father never forced him. He only forced him to memorize many Taoist techniques and let him slowly practice them when he grew up. My father once said: Tao follows nature, and we must encourage evil with good.

Over the years, although he has been indifferent to the world and understands that things in this world are too complicated and cannot be distinguished by simple good and evil, he has always had clear boundaries in his heart. If his father is a great evil person, what will he do? At home? !

The Bloodwood Sword can't lie!

As soon as he reached out and took out the broken banner, his heart seemed to be fried in boiling oil. His face still pretended to be expressionless, and he accepted the two evil spirits into the banner. He couldn't let them see any clues, otherwise he didn't know how many troubles would arise. But if you think about it carefully, your father made a mistake out of kindness back then. A few days ago, he tried his best to give the pair of demon boys a chance to make a new comeback. How could he be a great evil person?

"Where is my father? Tell me." he asked coldly.

The broken flag trembled for a while, but there was no answer.

"Why bother forcing me to torture? You have already said the most important thing, do you still care about this small detail? If I have to find it myself, you will have to pay the corresponding price for how long I look for it. Otherwise, I may Consider giving you a break. It's impossible to let you go. I know how much blood debt you have." Ruan Zhan didn't want to let them go in exchange for information, because even though they were enemies, he was not willing to use deception.

"He is in a secret cave under the mountain col on the left. There is a dead locust tree not far from the cave entrance." After a long time, the voice of San Cun Golden Lotus came out, "Are you sure you want to see him? Maybe you won't be able to bear it. Yes. Auntie loves you, so I kindly reminded you!" After saying that, she started laughing.

"Thank you for your concern." Ruan Zhan's emotionless voice disappointed the two villains inside the banner, but they had no chance to speak anymore because Ruan Zhan had already sealed the banner, put it away, and walked down the mountain without hesitation.

The location of the secret cave was easy to find because the mountain was bare and the dead locust tree seemed to stand out. But although the location was found, the entrance to the cave was not found after searching for a long time. Ruan Zhan rummaged through piles of rocks and fluffy weeds that could survive anywhere, but there was still no clue.

Did his father set up a barrier outside the cave entrance? But why can it flow unimpeded? Could it be an invisible barrier that he couldn't detect even with his power?

Thinking of this, Ruan Zhan took out the Destruction Seal. It was something that could break all barriers. He brought it with him just in case, but he didn't expect it to come in handy.

Recite the incantation and print out the destruction. There was a crisp sound in the air. Different from the previous sound of breaking glass, this sound was like a bird's song, making people's hearts beat when it made the sound. After that, a hint of black energy faintly emanated from under a canopy of long grass. Ruan Zhan knew that the entrance of the cave was behind it, but as soon as he discovered that the entrance of the cave was filled with evil energy, Ruan Zhan was already twisting his head. The hearts together can't let go even more.

The cave is very dark, with a piece of bright talisman emitting cold light, guiding Ruan Zhan's steps in mid-air; the cave is also very deep, with nine twists and turns, and seems to run through the entire mountain. This is something that is unimaginable outside the cave. The cave is still very clean, which proves that not only is it inaccessible to people, but even animals rarely come here. This is a truly hidden place that feels extremely mysterious.

With a "pop" sound, the light talisman suddenly spontaneously ignited, then went out, and the cave fell into darkness.

Ruan Zhan stood still, feeling something abnormal, and his heart immediately began to hurt.

"I'm already here, why not see you."

After a while, a long sigh came out in the darkness, "You--you know everything?"

"Those two evil spirits only said one thing. I came here just to ask for clarification." Ruan Zhan knew that his father didn't want him to get close, so he didn't go forward and simply stood there and told the truth.

There was another moment of silence, and then several light talismans rose into the air, much brighter than the ones Ruan Zhan cast, illuminating all the innermost corners of the cave. Under the bright light, an old man sat cross-legged on the ground. At first glance, he looked like the old people sitting on the roadside or in the park, lonely and desolate, like rags that no one wanted and were discarded there.

Ruan Zhan almost never cried, but at this moment, he felt so sad that he wanted to cry. He blamed his father for not giving him fatherly love, but when had he ever given him fatherly love? Even if he is really his adoptive father, he should still be filial! At that time, I was too young, too stubborn, and hated everything in the world, but now I can't save it.

Only today did he realize that it is a great pain in life to have a son whom he wants to raise but his mother is not around!

"Why?" he asked, because he could clearly see the black aura wrapped around his father's body. It was the aura that comes from doing great evil. At first glance, he was so surprised that he almost lost his mind. The evil spirit was too powerful, and he couldn't resolve it or suppress it!

"Don't ask. You will understand one day. But this is indeed my fault. I overestimated my abilities and cannot blame others." Ruan's father said slowly, his eyes turning around Ruan Zhan, with love in his eyes. look.

He loved this child very much, but for that destined day, he couldn't love him, otherwise everything would be irreversible.

"No, I have to know why?" Ruan Zhan said stubbornly. He was so excited for the first time since he was a child. "You don't care about me, but I can't ignore you."

"We, father and son, have never cared about who belongs to whom, so don't worry about it." Father Ruan's eyes turned indifferent.

"Since you have done evil, why should you dispel the evil spirit?" His father's rejection made him heartbroken, but he firmly believed that his father had something unspeakable. If he was really a villain, why did he want to dissipate his evil aura? After staying in the cave for only a moment, he felt uncomfortable all over. Why should his father suffer alone here? Judging from the evil aura surrounding him, no one can stop him, so why should he ask for trouble? !

"Do you know why I came here? Do you know why Tietou Mountain is so deserted?" Ruan's father answered the question and said, "It's a pity that I didn't teach you Feng Shui when you were a child. But at that time, you resisted everything. If I teach you, you You have to know that there are spiritual mountain treasures, places with naturally abundant spiritual energy or natural accumulation of energy, and there will be places with the opposite aura. This Tietou Mountain is a strange place on the mountains and rivers of the earth. It has no spiritual energy. It can't gather energy, but is a place to vent it. Now you understand why this mountain is so bare, right? All living things and beasts like to grow in places with abundant spiritual energy. It's just that this place doesn't have such benefits, and it will leak out. You Do you think there are any rare and exotic animals here? Even the shape of the mountains is terrible. Of course, there are spiritual places in the poor mountains and rivers, but they are in certain large environments, and here should be spring all year round, but If you can't make the mountains and rivers beautiful, it's not the environment, but the spiritual energy." He said slowly, like an old man teaching his son knowledge, which suddenly reminded Ruan Zhan of his childhood, but he immediately returned to reality. Come.

"You didn't answer my question."

Father Ruan had no choice but to nod and say, "That's right. I'm venting my bad energy."

"Did you go crazy while practicing? Or did you fall into some evil trick?"

"None of them." Ruan's father shook his head and suddenly extended his hand to Ruan Zhan. Before Ruan Zhan could react, he felt the backpack on his back move, a metallic light flashed, and the Broken Flag was already in Father Ruan's hands.

Holding this small metal flag in his hand, Ruan's father stroked it gently, as if he was particularly reluctant to part with this magic weapon that had been with him for many years. This made Ruan Zhan even more puzzled - he was so loving and affectionate towards everything, why was he so fond of it? Why can't I show some paternal love to myself? why is that? Is there a reason?

"These two are really unusual." Ruan's father said, and with a twist of his hand, he easily captured two evil spirits from Ruan Zhan's restricted broken flag. At this moment, they were not their original images, but two pale white balls of light, which were pushed into the stone wall by Father Ruan.

"I didn't expect that they had been secretly staring at me, and I didn't even notice. In the end, I let them know my secret and led you here." He sighed slightly, "I am dead. Yin and Yang are separated, so it is better to disappear. .”

"Don't evade the important and take the easy. Tell me the truth!"

"Leave these two to me. I have to deal with the wrong things I did. You can go." Ruan's father still talked to himself and did not answer Ruan Zhan's questions at all.

"You have to tell me, because it concerns me. Even if you don't want me as your son, you still have to tell me what happened to the three difficulties?" Ruan Zhan had mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't know how to find out the inside story, and he couldn't Knowing how to persuade his stubborn father, he had no choice but to change the subject, "I have a very beloved person. I can't die. I want to be with her!"

When the words came out, not only Ruan Tianyi, but also Ruan Zhan himself was stunned. These words had been in his mind for a long time, but this was the first time he said them so bluntly.

Ruan Tianyi looked at Ruan Zhan for a while and sighed almost inaudibly. He treats his son like this just to make him cold and indifferent, because this is his mission when he was born, and he cannot get into emotional entanglements with others. Wan Li was already an exception. It was a trace of human warmth that he left to his son when he was soft-hearted, but he didn't expect that his son still couldn't escape the word "love". Falling in love is nothing more than falling in love, but actually falling deeply into it. This is of no benefit to him and can only increase pain. Is this child's fate really that heavy?

"Is that the girl named Yue?" He squinted his eyes and carefully recalled the hasty meeting, "She is very cute. Unfortunately - you can't escape three difficulties. This is doomed, unless a miracle occurs. But, You can’t expect miracles.”

"What does it mean?"

"It means that if you are with her, you will only hurt her. Let it go! If you really like her that much, you should think about her, or go to her after a miracle happens. At that time, everything is okay Saving her is better than having an uncertain future. That girl has a fierce temper at first glance. If she gets really anxious, she can do anything, right?"

Ruan Zhan's heart trembled because he knew his father was right. He had suppressed his love for Xiaoxia, but if feelings could be controlled, they would not be real feelings. So he wanted to survive the three difficulties, all for Xiaoxia. Now that his father has personally cut off his hope, will he still fight? Or just give up. Father is right, Xiaoxia's wildfire personality can do anything.

"Now that it's happened, don't hide it anymore." He said slowly, not daring to look at his father. "Tell me the truth, and I will decide whether to give up on her. Don't tell me that the secret cannot be revealed, and don't say that it is For my own good, this is destiny or something, I should bear it, I can't run away, at least I have the right to know why this is my destiny." After he finished speaking, he sat down, as if his father would never leave unless he told him. appearance.

Ruan Tianyi has never seen Ruan Zhan like this. He deliberately cultivated his son's indifferent personality and was successful to a certain extent. Since childhood, he has shown an indifference to everything that is inconsistent with his age, and he will never force anything. What made him become what he is today? Perhaps this child was originally a hot-blooded person, but he was tortured by his own hands to hide himself? !

Well, since he had destroyed his own flesh and blood for that matter, why not let his mouth tell his son the cruel fact again. This was something he had always avoided, fearing that it would increase his son's pain and torture before that day came, but accidents happened frequently and everything forced him to do this.

"Your difficulties are doomed, because I have repeatedly calculated that there was a strange celestial phenomenon that day. This is not an astronomical phenomenon that people often talk about, so it cannot be felt by the world. Only people who have practiced Taoism to a certain extent can know it. . On this day, you are going to do something, which will definitely kill you - do you want to continue listening?" Ruan Tianyi asked.

Death is not terrible, but waiting to die is terrible.

Ruan Zhan turned pale and nodded. Hearing his destined fate, he had a strange feeling, as if that day was appearing before his eyes. Following his father's slow voice, he saw his past and future bit by bit. It turns out that the meaning of his life is so ridiculous; it turns out that he can never escape!

"What if I don't do this?" he asked.

But before his father could answer, he rejected himself. He had to do this because this was what he was born for. Besides, how could he bear to let it go? In that way, not only would I be sorry for my father, but it would also eventually put Xiaoxia, Wan Li, and even Bao Datong in danger.

It's better to let him bear it alone!

Knowing that his father would not leave here, and knowing that the gap in the mountain had not been filled, it would not stop his father from venting his anger, Ruan Zhan left alone. There was no farewell, because father and son would meet each other on that day, but in that case would it still count as a meeting?

He wandered around Jinshi Town for a few days and finally went back. Although he still has to treat Xiaoxia indifferently and hurt her heart, in these last days, he has to look at her, breathe her, and feel her. He is reluctant to spend the last time with her, that will be his life The most painful, but also the happiest time.


PS: I have something to do during the day tomorrow, so I will update around 9pm. From now on, I will update every morning, with the exception of this day. Sorry for causing trouble to you!

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