The Exorcist

Chapter 8 The God of Gamblers Chapter 18 Jealousy

Xiaoxia clearly felt that Ruan Zhan was shrinking again.

Originally, during his serious injury, she felt that he was slowly accepting her, at least not so repulsive. He allowed her to stay by his side and allowed a little ambiguity between the two, making her feel that as long as she was patient, the ice in his heart would eventually melt.

However, after Jin Shizhen and his party, this good situation took a turn for the worse. Ruan Zhan put on his cold and distant face again, making everyone who tried to get close to him feel a hint of rejection. This gave Xiaoxia reason to believe that something happened in Jinshi Town, which made Ruan Zhan lock his heart again.

In fact, now she no longer worries about whether he has feelings for her, because she can see from various signs that even if he doesn't love her clearly, he at least likes her deeply.

And like is a light love, and love is a deep liking.

What made him stop in front of her? This man with a gentle appearance actually has a strong personality and is difficult to defeat, so what is hindering him now must be a big and insurmountable reason.

But no matter what the reason is, Xiao Xia believes that Ruan Zhan, who keeps everything in his heart and refuses to be touched, will not say it out loud. So she simply didn't ask. She originally wanted to find the answer slowly, but after a few weeks of hard work, she started to feel a little angry.

Rather than being angry, let’s say it’s jealousy!

Although she lives in her own home now, she hangs out in bars every day. She saw with her own eyes that Ruan Zhan deliberately kept a distance from her, but smiled gently at other women. Even though there was no warmth behind the seemingly gentle smile, Xiaoxia still couldn't stand it. She really couldn't stand it, especially He recently had a particularly interesting chat with a woman named Fu Xue.

The woman had recently come to work in a nearby office building. She was so beautiful and fashionable that Xiao Xia was jealous and made her feel like a country bumpkin. Although she knew that Ruan Zhan was in love with her and was only courteous to the woman, she still felt that the scene of them looking at each other, talking and laughing softly was particularly irritating to her eyes.

When her feet were empty, Xiaoxia fell down the stairs. Fortunately, there were only a few steps to the bottom, so her fall was not heavy. Maybe her posture was a bit funny, so when she got up in a hurry, she saw everyone in the bar smiling. Even Wan Li, who rushed over to help him, smiled, "When will you be able to show off your reckless personality?" Change it!"

What a shame! Although it was not the time when there were the most customers, there were still many people who saw her embarrassed, especially when she appeared in front of Fu Xue with her mouth chewing mud. But the hateful Bao Datong laughed out loud when he saw that she was not injured, "Xiao Xia drank too much, and her wrestling look really looked like a rabbit celebrating the New Year."

When he smiled, the others couldn't help but laugh. Liu Tie and Ni Yang laughed especially enthusiastically, and Xiao Xia was so angry that she wanted to kick them out. She went to a wine exhibition with Wan Li in the afternoon and saw Wan Li tasting it with gusto. She couldn't help but imitate being a wine taster for a while. Unfortunately, she never knew that her capacity for wine was such a small amount. She only drank After a while, your legs will become weak. Wan Li wanted to send her home, but she wanted to go home late at night, so he had to take her first, but let her go upstairs to sleep for a while. Who would have thought that she would perform a lion rolling a hydrangea ball for everyone as soon as she got downstairs? A stunt that entertained the public.

Pretending to be nonchalant, Xiao Xia peeked at Ruan Zhan. Seeing that he was the only one in the bar, he lowered his head and wiped the glass as if he hadn't noticed. She made such a loud noise that anyone who was not deaf or blind would have noticed it. He was so indifferent and obviously overly pretentious and trying to hide it! And his brows were furrowed, as if he was distressed.

When she saw this, she walked over and asked him for a glass of wine. She deliberately put her wrist, which was a little red and swollen from hitting the corner of the table, in front of Ruan Zhan. He remained silent, but instead of giving her wine, he gave her a glass of orange juice.

Ignore it, right? Well, it depends on how long he can endure it! Xiao Xia thought fiercely in her heart. She is not a patient person. In order to love him, she has been worrying about gains and losses for a long time. In this age of quick love, her love is antique. Now that she understood that he loved her, she had nothing to worry about. She didn't dare to act before, just because she was afraid. She was afraid that if she was too rash, she wouldn't even be a friend, and she wouldn't even have the chance to stay by his side. Now Ruan Zhan is not the only one who has changed his attitude towards this relationship. Her attitude has also changed. She has confidence in her heart and naturally becomes more positive and enthusiastic.

Xiaoxia sat at the bar, ignoring Bao Datong and Wan Li, and just listened quietly to Ruan Zhan and Fu Xue talking. With a light bulb like her standing there, Fu Xue couldn't seduce the handsome boss with peace of mind, and Ruan Zhan felt even more uncomfortable. They talked for a while and then moved a little to the side, but as soon as they moved, Xiaoxia followed them. The slightly injured wrist was always placed on the table so that Ruan Zhan could see it.

In the end, Fu Xue had moved to the end of the bar, with his back to the door, and Xiao Xia was still following them. At this time, everyone in the bar noticed that Xiao Xia did this on purpose.

"Miss Yue, what do you mean?" Fu Xue couldn't bear it.

Everyone in the bar didn't know that the only person who could stay with the handsome boss for a long time was the low-ranking lawyer Yue Xiaoxia. But in her opinion, since Ruan Zhan hasn't expressed anything to the woman who has been with her for such a long time, it proves that he doesn't like her at all, which means he will never express it. Under such circumstances, it is really unwise for this woman to persist. But on the other hand, she is now fishing for this stylish and stylish man. Having a number one person like Yue Xiaoxia is always a stumbling block.

"I'm listening to you, can't you listen?" Xiaoxia's tone was obviously provocative.

"It's rude to eavesdrop!"

"I didn't eavesdrop. I listened openly."

"You're a very strange person. How can you chase others and listen to their private chats?"

"This is a public place. If you want to chat privately, go somewhere else." Xiao Xia said forcefully and did not give in at all.

As they argued and argued, both sides became a little angry, and neither of them refused to admit defeat and continued to argue. Fortunately, they were all concerned about the atmosphere here and didn't make any noise.

Bao Datong on the side saw this scene and wanted to step forward to put out the fire, but was held back by Wan Li.

"Jealousy is good for physical and mental health." He smiled knowingly, with a hint of bitterness in his smile. "They are on a dead end and need a little external stimulation."

Of course Bao Datong understood who "they" were, and couldn't help but sympathize with the self-righteous Fu Xue. In the emotional war between Ruan Zhan and Xiao Xia, more than one person was accidentally injured!

He also felt that Ruan Zhan had changed a bit after returning from Jinshi Town, and he concluded that this must be related to Uncle Ruan. The thing is obvious. Ruan Zhan ostensibly went to seek revenge on the two evil spirits who hurt him, but in fact it must have been because the evil evil spirits revealed the news about Uncle Ruan that he made this trip. It seems that Ruan Zhan has encountered something difficult to solve. He wanted to help him, but his father told him before Yunyou that he should help Ruan Zhan, but not force him, and everything should be done according to his wishes. Now Ruan Zhan's intention was obvious, he didn't want to mention his father's affairs.

"You deserve Miss Fu's misfortune for arguing with a lawyer." He sighed softly, "Even if Xiaoxia is not very qualified, she has never lost a fight."

Wan Li shook his head helplessly and said nothing. He had been paying attention to Ruan Zhan for a long time, and knew that although his eyes were not on Xiaoxia, his heart was always firmly on her. Ruan Zhan has always been like this recently, staying far away from Xiaoxia but staying where he can see her. Just like now, he seemed to be talking to Fu Xue, but he would always glance at Xiaoxia's arm intentionally or unintentionally.

This girl Xiaoxia has learned so badly that she actually knows how to use her little injuries to torture the man who is devoted to her. Ruan Zhan looked as if he was extremely distressed, and he was afraid that sooner or later he would lose his strength.

Just as he thought of this, Ruan Zhan, who had been watching the battle helplessly, suddenly reached out and grabbed Xiao Xia's hand, almost carrying Xiao Xia upstairs, leaving poor Fu Xue standing there awkwardly.

"I'm going to show my humanitarian spirit." Bao Datong said, getting up and looking for Fu Xue.

Wan Li did not compete with him to be a gentleman. He drank a glass of strong wine alone, suppressing the sadness in his heart and thinking about how he could help this awkward couple.

Many people in this life cannot meet someone they can fall in love with. They just like each other, or even just because the conditions are equal, they will get together, get married and have children, and stay together for a lifetime. How many people can love someone deeply and be loved deeply by someone? That is a gift from God. Even if the love turns into ashes, it is worth it. Even if the love is unforgettable and then the pain is unforgettable, it is still lucky.

Ruan Zhan just doesn't understand this. Maybe he loves Xiaoxia so much that he can give up his own happiness. However, no matter how terrible the death Ruan Zhan is about to face is, as long as Xiao Xia is willing, he will help her.

Wan Li unconsciously glanced at the ceiling above his head. On the second floor, Ruan Zhan was applying some medicinal wine to Xiao Xia.

Xiaoxia's skin is fair, so the redness and swelling are particularly severe. When the injury on her wrist was kept in front of Ruan Zhan, his heart twisted together in pain, and finally ruined the stay away policy established for many days.

Seeing Ruan Zhan lowering his head, carefully holding her wrist with one hand, and gently applying the medicinal wine on her arm with the middle finger of one hand, Xiao Xia's heart palpitations came over her. It turns out that he is so intoxicating when he becomes gentle. The face that usually looks a little lonely and hard is now soft and soft, and the thick eyelashes cast an ambiguous shadow under his eyes, which makes Xiaoxia unbearable. I want to touch it. As soon as this thought was formed, her hand touched Ruan Zhan's face ahead of rational considerations.

But as soon as the warm hand touched the cold face, Ruan Zhan moved away as if he was electrocuted. Xiaoxia was shocked at first, then felt embarrassed and sad.

"I'm not poisonous."


"But why do you exclude me?"

"Xiao Xia, it's not what you think. I'm just not used to contact with people." Ruan Zhan explained with difficulty, "If you feel hurt, then I'm sorry, but now I have to go downstairs and have work. To do.”

He turned around and left as if to escape, but Xiaoxia jumped over emotionally and hugged him from behind.

"I love you." She said urgently. She didn't know whether it was because of the quarrel with Fu Xue or because she was still drunk. Anyway, she said what she had been holding in her heart, "I want you to be my boyfriend." !" Anyway, she was sure that he loved her, so she had nothing to fear. Moreover, it was only three words, and it was not difficult to say it.

Ruan Zhan's body froze.

Of course he knew that she loved him, but she had always kept her love implicitly in her heart, giving him a chance to dodge, but today she said it! Facing her confession for the first time, what should he do? How much he wanted to agree to her, but he had to refuse. The question was how to say it without hurting her? !

"Silly girl, you must have read too many romance novels. Stop making trouble, there are still guests downstairs." He tried to muddle through.

"No, since the words have been spoken, let's just make it clear today." Xiaoxia said stubbornly: "Tell me why you can't accept me. If there are any difficult things, we can face them together. I said it before Now, I’m not your burden, I’m your partner. Tell me, what’s troubling you?!”

Does she know? Ruan Zhan was nervous for a moment, but then he realized that it was impossible for Xiaoxia to know such a complicated inside story. He didn't know what to say. He felt Xiaoxia's soft body lying on his back, which stimulated him to the point of emotional collapse.

He tried to grab her wrist, but it hit her bruised spot. She screamed in pain, causing him to let go of her hand in a hurry.

"Xiaoxia, please stop making trouble, okay? I'm so embarrassed when you're like this!"

"I'm confessing to you, can't you hear it?" Ruan Zhan's repeated evasion made Xiao Xia furious, but she had no choice but to hug him tightly, but she felt a sudden numbness on her fingers. He couldn't help but let go of his hand.

"You actually used magic on me!" Xiaoxia's eyes widened in disbelief, "Last time you made me lose my memory, I didn't even have to settle the score with you, but now you're using magic to shock me!"

"It's just a little bit, it won't hurt." Ruan Zhan explained, seemingly at a loss, "Don't pester me, we are not suitable. There are many good men in this world, and you have them right in front of you, including Wan Li and Bao Datong. Don't bother me, everyone will be relaxed, unless you want to force me to leave, in which case - we won't even be friends."

After he finished speaking, while Xiaoxia was still in a daze, he hurried downstairs. Standing at the bar, ignoring the curious glances of Wan Li and Bao Datong, he felt that all the strength in his body had been taken away. He was very tired even standing and had to half-bend on the bar.

"I forgot to tell you something just now." Fu Xue hadn't left yet. When she saw Ruan Zhan coming back without saying a word, she mistook his pained expression for boredom and thought that he and Yue Xiaoxia had a dispute and refused to give up. I'm here to continue my career of "picking up men", "This Saturday is my birthday, and my friends organized a party for me. Are you honored to be my male companion?"

Ruan Zhan's mind was not here, so he just said "hmm". Fu Xue thought Ruan Zhan had agreed and was very happy, so she quickly told Ruan Zhan the time and place of the party. At this time, Xiaoxia came downstairs and happened to hear their conversation.

"Aren't you going to invite me?"

"Did you 'hear' again?" Fu Xue raised her beautiful chin, "It's a meeting with friends, so you can come too. But you have to bring a male companion."

"I'll take him there." Xiaoxia pointed back at Wanli.

Ruan Zhan wanted to refuse the invitation, but when he thought that Xiaoxia should give up, he acquiesced.

But Xiao Xia thought in her heart: I should confess my love to you properly, because you are not honest enough to surrender. If I insist on using the word "lai", then it will be as he wishes!

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