The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1107: The problem now is drug addiction!

Chapter 1107 The problem now is drug addiction!

Star strode forward, heading all the way to the apron of Mogong...

In the morning sun, the little figure was incredibly cheerful.

Even on the ceramic face, there is also a sweet, soft smile, very happy...


The tender and soft voice echoed in the air under the laughter.

When Shi Shaoqin got off the plane, he saw Star open his arms towards him and grinned from a distance.

At that moment, under the sun, my heart felt soft and unreasonable.

And such a scene fell in the eyes of the Mo Palace people, and it felt so beautiful...

When it comes to beauty, it shouldn't be a picture that appears in Mo Palace.

Dawn, the sea is shining...

Shi Shaoqin wore a white shirt and black casual suit trousers. Star was wearing white short sleeves and light blue shorts with suspenders... One big and one small, soft and beautiful to the point of unreal.


When Star was about to approach Shi Shaoqin, he shouted happily again.

Shi Shaoqin squatted down and caught Star's rushing body. At that moment, all the exhaustion seemed to disappear...

"How do you know I'm here?" Shi Shaoqin asked Star gently.

Star put his arms around Shi Shaoqin, and some Xiaojiao grinned and said, "I just know..."

Seeing Star's playful look, Shi Shaoqin's gaze softened.

He walked back holding Star while asking about his situation these days.

Even if it was said on the phone...

"Did Stone bring me a gift when I went out?" Star asked, flapping his eyelashes.


When Star heard it, his eyes lit up.

In due course, one of the two people who had been following Shi Shaoqin handed the wrapped gift box in his hand to Star.

"Little Master!"

Star took it and said with a sweet smile: "Thank you!"

The man's expression was obviously stunned, and then the indifferent expression on his face could see a trace of cracks, overflowing with an unconscious smile.

Star holding the gift box, lying on the dining table and opening...

It is a card made of leaves and after special treatment, only the veins of leaves are left.

Star couldn't understand the gift, and looked at Shi Shaoqin with his pink mouth.

Shi Shaoqin glanced at the card lightly, then looked at Star and said, "There is a large mountain forest where I went this time. These leaves are all from there..."

After a pause, Shi Shaoqin's gaze became deep, "The gorgeous and verdant appearance needs to be hidden in a vein that is invisible to the naked eye to support...all the heights must have a stable and solid foundation."

Star frowned, his face as confused as listening to the heavenly book.

"It doesn't matter if I don't understand it now," Shi Shaoqin gently stroked Star's head, "Just remember..."


Star nodded, looked at the card, and silently remembered Shi Shaoqin's words.

This sentence was the first reason Shi Shaoqin gave Star.

After becoming a Star, it is an important foundation for the life of turning hands for clouds and raining hands...

No one can use the efforts of the previous generation to pave the way for life. Only the big tree supported by oneself can not be destroyed!


Time, passing by day and night...

It has been five days since the collapse of the Wind Puppet Group, and the follow-up questions, Xie Qifeng's integration is almost the same, the rescued children were basically reported to the missing persons in various places and were picked up by the local police.

The remains of the dead have also been sent back first through exclusive channels.

The people who are recovering from the injuries are almost as good as the light ones, and the heavy ones are basically recovering...

But now that the Wind Puppet Group has collapsed, even though Mede cannot be captured alive, it should have been something worthy of a sigh of relief... but a solemn atmosphere permeated everywhere.


"Let go of me...ah..."


The roaring voice revealed a desperate collapse, so heartbreaking, and even lost his calm.

Chen Lu and others, either with a bandage on their arms, or with gauze tied to their foreheads, each of them was seriously injured.

In the tightly closed room, there was a beast-like tearing cry.

Such a cry, every time, it deeply hit the hearts of Chen Lu, Qiao Rui, Yang Jinyu, Lu Xiaowei and others.

"Is there no way to make Brother Yu more comfortable?" Lu Xiaowei's eyes were red.

Since he is a technician, he is the least injured.

He looked at Chen Lu and the others with red eyes, they were almost crying...

After such a painstaking effort to dissolve the Wind Puppet Group, what would it be to trade Yu Ge's future in the end? !

"Brother Yu, hold on for a while, then a while first..."

Qiao Rui's eyes were also red. Hearing the screams inside, he almost even said the words "If you don't work, give Yu Ge an injection".

Yang Jinyu leaned against the wall, his head was a little groggy because of standing for too long.

Chen Lu stared at the closed door, listening to the sharp cry inside, without any expression.

There are footsteps...

Chen Lu and the others looked towards the sound and saw that it was the local drug police.

The leader looked at the room where Ye Chenyu's sharp scream came from, and then showed his ID to Chen Lu. "We have heard about Officer Ye. If you can, it's better to give him to us."

"Why?" Chen Lu's voice was cold.

According to his job title, Chen Lu is higher than the leading drug police officer, but because it is not a region, it has no effect.

"The problem with Officer Ye is..." The anti-drug officer turned his head and glanced at the closed door, "It's drug addiction."

He doesn't need to say this question, everyone is very clear.

"It's okay if you can let him quit, if you can't quit..."

"What's wrong with being unable to quit?" Lu Xiaowei immediately exploded.

The anti-narcotics police frowned slightly and looked at Lu Xiaowei and said calmly: "None of us here can provide her with a drug attack. I think everyone is a colleague and should be very clear about what it will be afterwards."

"I won't leave people to you..." Chen Lu's voice was calm.

At this moment, Ye Chenyu has "lost her calm", and she must not be affected by emotions.

"Officer Chen, this is not appropriate..." The anti-narcotics police were obviously embarrassed.

"It's not appropriate, it's not that you have the final say..." Chen Lu's eyes were cold, "Ye Chenyu is my boss in action, but now that the action is over, I am his boss."

The drug police was silent.

"Poison, naturally I want to quit, but it's definitely not with you..." Chen Lu's voice was unquestionable, "I will ask for instructions from above and take Ye Chenyu back to the Luocheng Drug Rehabilitation Center."

"Can you guarantee that he will not have an attack on the way?" When the drug police heard it, he frowned and said, "If an attack occurs on the way, according to what I know about you, now I am afraid that even if he is seriously injured, you can't subdue him... …Not to mention, you are hurt yourself!"

A ‘huh’.

Chen Lu's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Uniform?" Chen Lu said coldly, "Why should I subdue him? Is he a prisoner?"

She gritted her teeth, "He is fighting on the front line, using his own future and life to fight the criminal group, can he only face this ending in the end?!"

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