The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1108: It is to protect shortcomings, but also to feel sad!

Chapter 1108 is to protect shortcomings, but also feel sad!

When asked, Lu Xiaowei and others suddenly became hardened.

Chen Lu has a pair of beautiful apricot eyes, showing fierceness under heroic breath.

The anti-narcotics police grinned, "Officer Chen, I didn't mean that."

"No? What is that?" Chen Lu's voice became colder, "Ye Chenyu was infected with the poison. It was not his volition, but for the task."

She gritted her teeth, "Now, as colleagues and combatants, do we not even have the most basic awe?"

The anti-narcotics police blushed and turned white, and their faces were extremely ugly.

"Officer Chen, we also act according to the procedure..." The anti-drug officer said with a grimace, "You protect your shortcomings like this..."

"Yes, I just protect the shortcomings, do you have an opinion?" Chen Lu interrupted the anti-drug police, "I am not only short-protected, but also feel sad."

The grief and anger instantly permeated with sorrow, mixed with Ye Chenyu's painful tearing cry, which was especially shocking.

"Sit in the office, I don't know how hard the frontline personnel are..." Chen Yan only felt sad. "But you, as the border drug police, don't you know that?"

The anti-narcotics police looked at each other and felt ashamed.

"Ye Chenyu is a good policeman. For every case, he uses his utmost ability to protect the people around him, to protect the safety of the people's property and lives, and to work hard to make criminals break the law..."

Chen Lu's nose was sour in an instant, and her stung tears almost couldn't hold back.

"For him like this, shouldn't we think of ways to accompany him out instead of destroying his willpower by strong means, right?"

Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere in the corridor was even more solemn.

The leading drug police sighed heavily, and said solemnly: "Officer Chen, Officer Ye's blood sample has been taken. He is addicted to drugs..." After a pause, his voice became more dignified, "It's hard to understand."

They are in contact with this one.

To allow them to say ‘unsolvable’ so heavily, it must be a highly pure poison.

Complex emotions flashed deep in Chen Lu's eyes, and Qiao Rui and others were even more sad.

They know too well the situation in the drug rehabilitation center.

I also fully understand how tragic the process is...

How many people can't bear to start self-harm?

How many people fell short in the end...

This is an abyss. Once you enter, you cannot get out of it!

"None of us can guarantee his condition on the way, Officer Chen, it is not what we have to do now, but we have to do it!"

Although at this moment, his words were unkind.

But proceeding from the facts, Chen Lu and others have to admit...

"I will ask for instructions," Chen Lu insisted, "At this moment, I will not let you take him away!"

The headed person pondered, thought about it, and nodded.

"Okay, we can wait for your request to finish..."

When the words fell, he glanced at the room where the roar came from, and then signaled the people who followed to leave together.

"Mei Zi..." Yang Jinyu had scarlet eyes, "Is there no other way?"

"In any case, I must take him to Los Angeles." Chen Lu lowered his eyes, turned and walked out.

No matter how difficult the road is, she can't leave Ye Chenyu in Yuecheng.

Who knows if there is a cancer that has been bought out?

Put it here, even if she stays with her, she won't worry...

After thinking, Chen Lu called Wang Qiang's phone and said that he wanted to bring Ye Chenyu back to Los Angeles.

"Xiao Lu, you should understand that the procedures are not in compliance." Wang Qiang's expression is also bad. "The rules are rules. I am also worried about Chenyu's current situation, but I still have to detoxify in Yuecheng first."

"Then I will call Bureau Lu..." Chen Lu did not back down.

Wang Qiang sighed, "I just came over from Lu Ju, no!"

"I don't believe it, I can't take Ye Chenyu back..." Chen Lu exploded immediately, completely losing his former calmness, "If I can't take someone back, I'll write it upside down!"

"Toot toot..."

The angry voice fell and the phone was hung up.

Listening to the hang-up sound inside, Wang Qiang was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "How come you haven't been with Chenyu for many days, and Chen Lu's temperament has been biased?"

While thinking, a sly smile crossed Wang Qiang's eyes.

He didn’t tell Gu Beichen about Ye Chenyu’s situation...

Now he has no way to get it back from the normal procedures, nor can he find Gu Beichen in this position.

But Chen Lu is different...

Wang Qiang sighed deeply, only wishing Chen Lu would forget the people who could "utilize" at this moment.

Fortunately, Chen Lu was angry, but he was calm about Ye Chenyu's affairs.

After thinking for a while, she called Chen Qishan, "Dad, do you have Gu Beichen's phone number, give me..."

"Do you still know to call?" Chen Qishan didn't listen to Chen Lu's words at all, and shouted directly, "Since you are going to die, why don't you just die...Ah?!"

Chen Lu took the phone aside, and the sound that pierced her ears almost pierced her eardrums.

Chen Lu frowned, listening to Chen Qishan's incoherent yelling and cursing on the phone from a distance, feeling incomprehensible.

Chen Qishan scolded for more than ten minutes, and then said furiously: "It's really good, you guys have a mission, even I took advantage of it... the mission is over, you just remembered to call me today!"

Chen Lu was totally ashamed.

It was because everyone was injured in a coma before, and then Ye Chenyu was injected with poison...

She did ignore the family.


Suddenly there was silence at the other end of the phone, and then Chen Qishan heard a tolerable sob, "Smelly girl, you really didn't let me worry about you since you were a child..."

"I'm sorry..." Chen Lu red eyes, "Never again."

"Do you dare to have a future?" Chen Qishan immediately blew his beard and stared.

With red eyes, Chen Lu laughed at the way Chen Qishan imagined it, "There is no more..."

Chen Qishan sighed heavily, no matter how annoyed he was, it would not be enough to make him feel at ease with his daughter.

Chen Qishan started nagging on the phone. There is no composure that a group chairman should have. He is just a father who is worried and caring about his daughter...


Chen Lu has no time to get warmth with the father in "Nagging"...

"Dad, if you want to scold me, let's go back and talk about it." Chen Lu interrupted Chen Qishan, "Well, you call me Gu Beichen first, I'm looking for him in a hurry..."

"Pointing to you calling me today, or is it because something happened?" Chen Qishan raised his voice immediately.

Chen Lu's mouth twitched, a little headache.

"Chen Lu, I think you are all others in your eyes. You don't need my father, your mother, younger brother, and the Chen family anymore..." Chen Qishan finished angrily, and stopped showing her affection. phone.

Chen Lu gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. Just when he wanted to call again, a text message arrived.

turn on……

It was sent by Chen Qishan.

There is Gu Beichen's phone number and a sentence: When you come back, watch you coax me, I will ignore you!

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