The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1809: Crying in his arms

Chapter 1809: Cry In His Arms

A nausea under the nausea instantly filled everything, Ye Ziyu screamed in surprise while struggling, "Let go of me... who are you... let go... um..."

The mouth was sealed, and the breath of the man's heavy breathing came from his nose.

Ye Ziyu gritted her teeth and wanted to push this person away, but she couldn't push her away.

She red eyes in fear, wondering how she would encounter such a thing in school...


Who will save her?


Lin Xiangnan, Lin Xiangnan!

Lin Xiangnan...

Ye Ziyu was struggling, but in front of a man who had great strength and was full of plundering anger, it was obvious that her strength was useless at all.

His mind was full of Lin Xiangnan's figure, and Ye Ziyu now only thought that Lin Xiangnan was by his side whenever something happened.

However, the others are no longer in the dance...

He estimated that he was already gone, he would not come to save her!

Just when Ye Ziyu was a little desperate, a ‘bang’ came, and the great intensity made the entire classroom seem to be shaking.

The person who had originally pressed Ye Ziyu was suddenly pulled away. She was lightened, and she hurriedly gathered the small cardigan, tears falling ‘susceptible’.

Someone followed in, and Ye Ziyu cried, but kept curling up, his face full of disgust and fear.

The body was taken into his arms, and the tall figure held her tightly together, and even the light leaking from the corridor could not find her.

"what's the situation?"

"I do not know……"

"Who is guarded by the colonel brother?"

"can not see……"

With the backlight and Lin Xiangnan's angle, others can only vaguely see the figure, but can't see the clothes and men and women.

Although, everyone has a recognition, that must be a girl!

"Captain..." Li Hao pressed the male student who was torn apart by Lin Xiangnan and looked at him.

"Take it away!" Lin Xiangnan's mouth overflowed with two words, a gloomy breath in his voice.

Li Hao didn't ask much, didn't need the captain to say anything, he already understood what he meant.

He lifted up the male student who wanted to do something to Ye Ziyu and walked out, took advantage of the trend, closed the door, looked at the onlookers and said, "Everyone, go away!"

The few people looked at the closed door curiously, wondering who was the male student whose head was drooping, who was the girl in the classroom?

The people from the school arrived very quickly, and after driving away the onlookers, he looked at the male student in Li Hao's hand with a look of surprise.

"How could it be you?" The people at the school were furious. "With the poverty alleviation fund and the school's care, they did such a thing as a pig and dog..."

The outside voice drifted away, and everything seemed to be calm.

Ye Ziyu kept crying in Lin Xiangnan's arms, and in the end, she went from sobbing to crying loudly.

She held Lin Xiangnan's clothes tightly with her hands, her body twitched because of crying, and she was particularly wronged.

Lin Xiangnan hugged Ye Ziyu, his face in the dark, so gloomy and scary.

When he left at that time, he found this male classmate sneaking in the corridor, and he didn't think much about it.

Xu is the instinct under the crisis consciousness for many years. After he went out, he began to feel uneasy. That kind of uneasiness... made him feel upset and irritable.

And this feeling, these days, occasionally when I am with Ye Ziyu.

Returning, he called Li Hao and asked Ye Ziyu when he left.

When he called Ye Ziyu at the right time and no one answered him, he knew that Ye Ziyu had something wrong!

When a talented person enters the corridor, he hears some rustling sounds, which are too small for most people to notice.

However, he is a specially trained person...

As Li Haoren descended the stairs, he didn't even notice the sound of more than one person's footsteps. He pushed down the door of the sounding classroom, unable to open it, and kicked it open!

And when he pulled away the male classmate who was lying on Ye Ziyu, he almost didn’t think about anything when the sound of rustling footsteps came from his auricle. He already took Ye Ziyu into his arms. With the advantages of light and height, she held her tightly.

There will be speculations on campus tomorrow, but at least no one will know it is her!

Between the lightning and flint, he thought of everything, but still couldn't calm the grief in the girl's insulted heart.

The big palm gently stroked Ye Ziyu's back, which was an instinctive movement.

"Little Yu'er, it's okay..." Lin Xiangnan was a little sad. Any girl would be scared when encountering such a thing.


Ye Ziyu still kept crying, tears smearing Lin Xiangnan, but she didn't know it, and he didn't know it.

Lin Xiangnan was gradually embarrassed by Ye Ziyu's crying. If she hadn't left first, maybe she would not have encountered this wave.

Folding his eyebrows, Lin Xiangnan slightly moved away from Ye Ziyu.

When he reacted, his lips had already fallen on Ye Ziyu's lips...

Originally, he just didn't want her to cry anymore, or that he wanted to wash away the breath that the boy left on her lips, so as not to let her be shocked by that breath.

However, when he touched the softness, Lin Xiangnan found that he couldn't help himself and pushed the kiss... deep.

Ye Ziyu forgot to continue crying, the familiar breath on his lips and tongue was overbearing, but it gently swept everything in her mouth.

She knew that she was embarrassed at the moment, and even Lin Xiangnan had seen her unbearable situation.

Grievance rushed to the position of the heart again.

Ye Ziyu's tears were dyed salty between the two intertwined lips, revealing complex sadness.

Lin Xiangnan let go of Ye Ziyu, and the two people who have adapted to the darkness can feel each other at this moment even if they can't really look at each other.

"Don't want me to touch you?" Lin Xiangnan asked softly.

Ye Ziyu looked at him with teary eyes, and gradually closed her lips.

The breath of that disgusting man disappeared from his lips, it was the coldness of Lin Xiangnan's mouth mixed with a touch of tobacco.

"Lan Lan was taken away by her ex-boyfriend. I don't know if she has anything to do..." Ye Ziyu said choked up.

Lin Xiangnan looked at her, lowered his eyes and chuckled, "I feel terribly uncomfortable, and I am still in the mood to control other people?!" He raised his eyes to meet her gaze, "Or, because I touched you, you don't know. How do you answer my question?"

"Lin Xiangnan..." Ye Ziyu was pierced and became angry.

Lin Xiangnan rubbed Ye Ziyu's head indulgently, and said with a smile in his voice: "Every time you are embarrassed, I will encounter it. There is no difference between once and twice... How many times is there any difference?"

Ye Ziyu looked at Lin Xiangnan quietly, her nose sour, and with a "wow", she threw herself into his arms and started crying presumptuously.

"Why are you so disgusting? How can you pierce a girl like this... oh oh..." Ye Ziyu whimpered and accused, but it was obvious that the sadness of being insulted before, gradually faded.

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