The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1810: Separately, confession?

Chapter 1810 Parting, Confession?

Lin Xiangnan smiled softly and hugged Ye Ziyu tighter.

The ringtone of the mobile phone broke the "quietness" of the room.

Ye Ziyu let go of Lin Xiangnan, his face flushed and looked at him, thinking of the dark environment now, the embarrassment on his face was a little less.

The phone was flickering on the ground, and when I was arguing with the male student, the phone was rubbed on the ground.

Ye Ziyu picked it up in the past. Seeing that it was Song Lanlan calling, she tucked the corner of her mouth and picked it up, "Lanlan..."

"You called me just now?!" Song Lanlan asked after asking, "I was taken away by Qin Xu, and the phone was muted without knowing why I saw your call just now."

Ye Ziyu wiped the tears from her face, "Are you... okay?"

"It's okay." Song Lanlan's voice was somewhat self-deprecating, "Ye Zi, how is your voice dumb? Are you still at the prom right now? Or have you already left?"

"I'm gone..." Ye Ziyu was afraid that Song Lanlan would come and find her, and said hurriedly, "I, I can't find you, just..."

"Let's find Brother Nan?!" Song Lanlan was sad about her own affairs, but was in the mood to joke Ye Ziyu.

Ye Ziyu wanted to refute, but she thought about it, she was indeed with Lin Xiangnan at the moment, and she didn't want to tell her just now, making her unhappy and worrying her friends.

Seeing Ye Ziyu not speaking, Song Lanlan laughed presumptuously, "Little Ye Zi, you really..." paused, "By the way, tomorrow they are all gone, don't you plan to confess?"

Ye Ziyu looked back at Lin Xiangnan. The person who was a few steps away from her was suddenly behind her.

She was frightened and jumped a step away, subconsciously covering the direction of the microphone, gritted her teeth and waited for Lin Xiangnan, "You...When did you come behind me? Did you walk floating?"

Lin Xiangnan was amused, "Yes, maybe I am Apiao..."

"..." Ye Ziyu's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably. Although the volume of her earpiece was not very loud, who knew if this man heard Song Lanlan's words?

"You stand there and don't move..." Ye Ziyu said instinctively. He didn't hear it at all. There was a command in his own tone.

In the darkness, Lin Xiangnan watched Ye Ziyu's expression change with a torch, and the position of his heart seemed to be loosening.

Ye Ziyu made sure that Lin Xiangnan didn't intend to move, and then put the phone to her ear again, paying attention to Lin Xiangnan from time to time, and whispered, "Um...I'll talk about it later."

Song Lanlan laughed loudly over there, "Yeba, you can't miss the opportunity and don't come again. Don't be awkward, it's the right thing to win." He paused, "I missed this time, who is next to Brother Nan." , That's not enough."

Ye Ziyu lowered her mouth without speaking.

"Okay, I'll go back to the dormitory first." Song Lanlan grinned, "Come on!"

"Lan..." Ye Ziyu hadn't spoken yet, and there was a hang-up tone from the phone.

Secretly slandered, Ye Ziyu slammed her lower lip, her eyes were a little afraid to look at Lin Xiangnan.

Lin Xiangnan looked at the time, "Let's go, I'll take you back to the dormitory."

"I..." Ye Ziyu pressed her lower lip, and finally nodded gently.

The people who saw the incident before had been persuaded by Li Hao and the school officials. Later people didn't know what happened, and Ye Ziyu had been crying for a long time, and there was no one in the building.

When the two went out, Mo Kong's stars were a little bit, not many, but it indicated that tomorrow would be a good weather.

Ye Ziyu squeezed her hand and let it go, staggering slowly.

Lin Xiangnan always has the same footsteps, but he doesn't know why it is because of his mentality. It is rare to relax. Following Ye Ziyu's footsteps with his hands in his trouser pockets, he walks slowly...

"That one……"

Just when Ye Ziyu was almost caught up in the grove of Tang Luoyan before arriving, Ye Ziyu stopped.

Lin Xiangnan also stopped, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, looking at the little girl who was a head shorter than him.

Ye Ziyu looked down, thinking that she had just experienced something like that, right now she was still in the mood to confess, there was no one? !

"What do you want to say, hurry up!" Lin Xiangnan waited for a while, slightly impatient.

Ye Ziyu glanced left and right, and found no one, thinking about this, originally there were not many people here.

Swallowing secretly, Ye Ziyu bit her lower lip and raised her eyes suddenly, "You..." She just uttered a word, and her eyes met Lin Xiangnan's eyes. She looked at the eyes that looked like Heiner under the dark night. For a moment, her head was empty. Forgot what you want to say?

Lin Xiangnan just looked at Ye Ziyu, frowned slightly invisible, wondering if it was because of what happened just now.

"You don't need to worry about the matter just now, I will take care of it at the school, go back to sleep, and treat it as it didn't happen..." Lin Xiangnan said lightly.

Ye Ziyu lowered the corner of her mouth, and it seemed that there was still the breath of Lin Xiangnan later, and she no longer smelled that person.

"I, I didn't want to ask about this..." Ye Ziyu lowered her head, and asked with an urn voice, "Lin Xiangnan," She blushed, "Are you still chasing me?"

When she said this, Ye Ziyu was already a little embarrassed, and even her voice hummed like a mosquito.

That day, I accompanied Lin Xiangnan to buy clothes for her sister. When I met Ye Peiyao, he said to chase fact, it was to help her out.

But now, she came out and said.

Looking at Ye Ziyu, Lin Xiangnan's eyes gradually became deep and bottomless.

And in the deepest part, even his own, as if unclear emotions are turning...

There is surprise, doubt, loss, urgency... as if there is a hint of joy? !

Some things cannot be done, but they have to be done.

The responsibility of the family and the country lies with him. He knows very well that sometimes things are involuntary, even if he hates it or resists!

People like them are men, but soldiers.

While the country and heads are concerned about their personal problems, they sometimes think about whether they will leave regrets...

Especially, he has a task now!

It seemed that in an instant, Lin Xiangnan had considered everything he had to consider.

"Why?" The three words overflowed Lin Xiangnan's mouth, revealing a touch of cynical joke, as if there was a hint of laughter.

Ye Ziyu's heart was beating fiercely. After listening to the "why" he asked, he suddenly forgot to react and shy, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Lin Xiangnan.

"Why ask me if I want to chase you?" Lin Xiangnan's mouth was filled with a faint smile, but a pair of eyes were locked tightly to Ye Ziyu, revealing an abyss-like gloom.

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