The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1839: Xiangnan, I love you!

Chapter 1839 Xiang Nan, I love you!

Ye Ziyu forgot to answer, but just choked up.

Lin Xiangnan immediately looked down, "Say!"

A word, expressing anxiousness can not be refused.

Ye Ziyu wiped her tears, "I'm fine, I just..." She paused slightly, without telling him the dream and anxiety she had just now, "I just miss you."

Lin Xiangnan looked at the already silent night outside through the window. He knew Xiao Yu'er was lying, "It was not convenient to answer your call just now."

He explained.

It is hard to fall in love with a soldier. He doesn't want Xiao Yu'er to think about it because of his anxiety... So, she doesn't ask, but he needs to explain.

Ye Ziyu sniffed, after all, she said, "I just lay on your bed and missed you, and then I called you and you didn't answer. I..." She tugged at the corner of her mouth, even though she knew that Lin Xiangnan could not see it. To, "Fang Nan, am I particularly hopeless?"

Lin Xiangnan's eyes were getting deeper and deeper as he watched the night, and Ye Ziyu's little anger and soft voice made his heart tighten slightly.

He did not speak, and Ye Ziyu waited quietly. After a long silence, Lin Xiangnan spoke softly, "Zie Ziyu, if you don't have such emotions, I am afraid I will doubt your feelings for me."

Tears, all of a sudden, overflowed into his eyes uncontrollably.

Ye Ziyu kept her mouth closed, not letting herself cry, and after taking a few deep breaths, she tried to pull the corners of her mouth and said, "Lin Xiangnan, don't you get used to me like this..."

Lin Xiangnan lowered his eyes and smiled, very shallow, "Well, I'm not used to it!" He paused slightly, "Just be spoiled."

With a ‘pouch,’ Ye Ziyu burst into tears but laughed.

The chest is filled with sweet taste. What is the experience of having a boyfriend with high EQ and IQ?

Ye Ziyu felt it deeply... it was a feeling that made you unable to continue in grief.

"Will you come out to find me lately?" Ye Ziyu asked with an irritating voice.

Lin Xiangnan glanced lightly at his left shoulder, and said lightly: "It's not working lately. There is something about the army, and there is no way to come out."

"Oh..." Ye Ziyu responded, faintly uncontrollable, slightly lost and overflowing, but in a flash, she was pressed down and asked, "Then you can talk to me when you are busy? No phone," she said. He hurriedly said, "WeChat voice messages are also fine, if it is not convenient, text messages are also fine!"

Listening to Ye Ziyu's own repeated requests, Lin Xiangnan smiled and responded, "Okay!"

Ye Ziyu opened his mouth, suddenly thought of something, and wanted to ask, but heard Lin Xiangnan's voice.

"It's late, go to bed early, huh?" Lin Xiangnan said softly, "good!"

Originally, Ye Ziyu spoke a few moments in his mouth and wanted to ask, but in the end he didn't ask, but only gently and well-behaved in response, "Hmm!"

She actually wanted to ask Lin Xiangnan if there was a girl... who left an indelible mark in his life?

And that girl likes to eat volcanic lava cake...

"Good night!" Lin Xiangnan raised his eyes, his gaze fell out of the window again.

"Good night!" Ye Ziyu lowered her lips, "Lin Xiangnan, I love you!"

After saying this quickly, Ye Ziyu hung up the phone without waiting for Lin Xiangnan to speak...

Her heart throbbed with death, and there were still tears on her face, but her cheeks were hot.

With Lin Xiangnan, there are not many days before and after, but it seems to have experienced many years of feelings with this man at once, so strong that she will miss him all the time, and even... no longer have the attachment to that layer of things. , I just want to give him everything.

Here Ye Ziyu's heartbeat speeds up, and over there, Lin Xiangnan's vision gradually becomes deep and bottomless.

A hang-up tone came from the phone, and he didn't move until it stopped.

The movement seemed to be holding the phone in a static state, even if... the gunshot wound on the shoulder on the other side felt a faint pain, Lin Xiangnan didn't move.

After a while, he slowly dropped his hand holding the phone, and a slight smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, but it instantly reached the bottom of his eyes.


After being injected with the excretion needle, Ouyang Meng hurriedly went to the bathroom in the ward.

Of course, because she can't get things away, she can only endure the embarrassment and do an "unforgettable" experience in her life since history.

Time, a little bit passed, for Ouyang Meng, as the time front stretched, she had collapsed, not to mention, that psychological pressure made her whole person worse.

"Head, still didn't come out!" The doctor frowned slightly and reported to Lin Xiangnan.

Lin Xiangnan looked at the time, it was already two o'clock in the morning, "This is not the way to go, people will become dehydrated." After a pause, "I will see the situation tomorrow morning."

"Do you need a nutrient solution?" The doctor pondered slightly, "Ms. Ouyang is empty now. I am afraid that I am not in the mood to eat. It may not be tomorrow morning..."

"I'll go in and have a look." Lin Xiangnan finished speaking and entered the ward.

Ouyang Meng was lying collapsed on the hospital bed because of too many platoons, and his face was hard to see pale.

She saw Lin Xiangnan come in, a pair that was originally shining, but now looking at him with a gray gaze, the lovely look made people a little distressed.

"The thing is going to be delivered tomorrow, so I can only work hard for you." Lin Xiangnan's voice was faint, just looking at Ouyang Meng's gaze, revealing a touch of thought that he couldn't even see.

There is a man who lays asleep under the tombstone without words.

If he wants to engrave that person's name on it, he must complete the hidden task!

But at this moment, looking at the face exactly like Su Xiaoxiao, even if he knew that she was not her, he couldn't help it...

When Lin Xiangnan realized what he had done, his hand had gently stroked Ouyang Meng's pale cheek, and her fingertips had gently rubbed her white lips because of excretion.

Ouyang Meng looked at Lin Xiangnan quietly. She knew that what he saw in his eyes was actually not her, but Xiao Xiao... However, her heart trembled.

Ouyang Meng lowered her mouth slightly, and this action was like kissing Lin Xiangnan's fingertips.

Lin Xiangnan's heart suddenly shook, and his thoughts withdrew instantly. When he frowned slightly, his hand was already taken back.


"Let's take a break first, and continue tomorrow morning." Lin Xiangnan sighed softly, looking at the faint light under Ouyang Meng's eyes, and said softly, "I will accompany you to get things out and send you to meet those engineers. "

"Really?" Ouyang Meng had a car in an instant.

Lin Xiangnan's eyes darkened, and he nodded slightly, but said, "Xiao Meng, just be one is a reissue, okay?"

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