The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 1840: Meet the plague again

Chapter 1840: Encountering The Plague God Again

"Huh?!" Ouyang Meng was stunned, she didn't understand Lin Xiangnan's words.

Lin Xiangnan sighed secretly without explaining, but just got up and said, "Let's rest!" When the words fell, he looked at Ouyang Meng deeply, and then turned to leave.

He didn't know if Ouyang Meng and Xiaoxiao were because of the twins, and every expression of emotion could make him panic for a while... just because they were too similar.

However, she is not a small one, even if... not like it anymore!

Ouyang Meng opened her mouth and wanted to call him, but she closed her mouth in the end, and looked at the tall man, leaving her ward with her back stiff.

She suddenly felt a little lost in her heart, even a little envious of Xiao Xiao.

Although Xiaoxiao has not recognized her father and mother until now, the parents of her family love her very much!

Even beside her, there is such a good man...

Ouyang Meng looked down, feeling a little sad.

Xiaoxiao, I really envy you... Being pampered and spoiled by such a man since childhood... has never changed!


"Captain, what's the situation?" Li Hao asked when Lin Xiangnan came out.

Lin Xiangnan slightly shifted his eyes and glanced at the direction of Ouyang Meng's ward, then took his gaze back and looked at the time and said, "After changing the guard, you also go to rest... continue tomorrow morning."

"Okay!" Li Hao answered, and after watching Lin Xiangnan go to the ward on the side, he frowned suspiciously.

Although the platoons in the hospital are better, isn't it more effective to return to the army?

There are self-made things there, and they will soon be able to get the stuff out of the stomach...

The captain obviously seemed to feel sorry for Ouyang Meng, so why did she suffer this sin? !

Li Hao shrugged, feeling that his brain circuit couldn't guess the captain, or else he could stand in the position of captain.

With a grin, Li Hao went to rest after arranging the changing of the guard.

the next day.

The weather in Fengcheng suddenly came down, and there was some vague moisture in the air.

Ye Ziyu came out of Xiguang’s apartment, glanced back and then went to the subway station...

‘Didi! ’

There was the sound of whistling from the side of the road, and Ye Ziyu instinctively looked towards the side of the road...It was a car with a military license.

When she saw the car number, she grinned secretly, retracted her eyes and wanted to leave.

Why did you meet the **** Xi Hongwen again?

Sitting in the car, Xi Hongwen couldn't help laughing as he watched Ye Ziyu's reaction, "Fun!"

Zhao Lin glanced at Xi Hongwen from the rearview mirror, and then looked at Ye Ziyu, who was walking forward, his eyes deepened.

"If I remember correctly..." Xi Hongwen turned his head and glanced, "The house in Lin Xiangnan City is here."

Zhao Lin did not answer, after all, he did not know.

"Tsk tusk, this development is so fast, is it cohabiting?!" Xi Hongwen said, and when Zhao Lin's eyesight changed slightly, people had already got out of the car, "Ye Ziyu!"

When Ye Ziyu heard Xi Hongwen calling her, instead of stopping, she started trotting.

It's a pity that Xi Hongwen stepped forward in two steps, already grabbing her.

"Xi Hongwen, let go..." Ye Ziyu shook his arm while instinctively growled.

Xi Hongwen let go of her when her words fell...

Because of excessive force, Ye Ziyu didn't expect that he would take the initiative to let her go. Under inertia, he staggered under his feet and almost didn't trip himself.

Paralysis, I met the plague **** early in the morning!

Secretly cursing, Ye Ziyu stared at Xi Hongwen with a guarded face.

"I happen to be going near your school to see you there?"

Xi Hongwen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his voice was casual. If Ye Ziyu hadn't known his bad nature, he would have been confused by him.

In fact, Xi Hongwen looks very good, and there is a masculine evil spirit on his body.

Such a man completely meets the condition of ‘a man is not bad and a woman does not love’.

"I thank you, it's a pity... I don't need you to send it!" Ye Ziyu snorted, turned around and wanted to walk to the subway station.

She didn't look back, and hurriedly entered the subway station. When people were about to swipe their card to enter the gate, she subconsciously turned her head and glanced...I saw Xi Hongwen copy his trouser pocket with one hand, and waved her with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Ye Ziyu's expression changed instantly with that look of mean and humble expression, and he swiped his card to enter the gate.

Humph, someone like him, definitely doesn't have a bus card, and queued to buy a ticket, she left early.

Unfortunately, when Ye Ziyu stood in the waiting area and Xi Hongwen stood by her side, she felt that she was too naive.

Staring at Xi Hongwen angrily, she didn't know what the plague **** wanted to do?

The main thing is, why did he come in so soon? !

Xi Hongwen glanced at her lightly, saw through her mind, and said lightly: "In this world, there are very few things that money cannot do."

He just used five hundred yuan to buy a bus card that someone had just charged for one hundred yuan. Well, it will be convenient to take the bus and subway occasionally in the future.

"I'm sick!" Ye Ziyu gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words, but saw the smile on Xi Hongwen's mouth deepen.

Sure enough, I was sick... I was so happy to be scolded.

"Ye Ziyu, I'm actually quite curious, why do you hate me so much?" Xi Hongwen said slowly.

Ye Ziyu smiled and stopped smiling, "Because your attributes are annoying!"

Xi Hongwen chewed her words carefully, then smiled and nodded, "Um..." He smiled happily when he saw Ye Ziyu look like he was really sick, "Actually, shouldn't you thank me?"

"Thank you for what?"

Xu is too helpless right now, but Ye Ziyu is not so guarded against Xi Hongwen.

"If it weren't for me, would you and Lin Xiangnan get together?" Xi Hongwen raised his eyebrows, "Don't you need to thank me?"

The corner of Ye Ziyu's mouth twitched, "I have seen shameless people, but I have never are so shameless!"

Seeing Ye Ziyu collapsed to the point of helplessness, Xi Hongwen immediately laughed comfortably, causing everyone around him to look at him.

Ye Ziyu only felt embarrassed, and drove two steps sideways slightly, while keeping a distance from him, he wondered why the train hadn't arrived yet.

She doesn't know this guy, really doesn't know it!


Military General Hospital.

Lin Xiangnan handed the cleaned mini card to A Yin, "Send this over, and return directly to the team when finished."

"Yes!" A Yin answered, and looked at each other with Ah Mao, and the two left with their things.

"I will send you to join them!" Lin Xiangnan looked at Ouyang Meng.

Ouyang Meng's complexion is very bad because of dehydration, but she has to return to the team today, there are still things to deal with over there.

"Yeah." Ouyang Meng pressed her dry lips, holding on to the wall, and wanted to move forward.


Ouyang Meng only felt his legs and feet soft, and fell forward if he couldn't get any strength at all.

Lin Xiangnan strode forward and already took her into his arms.

At the same time, a figure was originally going to come out of the stairwell, but then flashed back...

But in an instant, that person had already taken out his mobile phone, pointed it at Lin Xiangnan and Ouyang Meng, and took a photo!

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