The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2374: Jian Jie articles (54)

Dong Xuejiao caught up and saw the hot news on Weibo.

At first, she just swiped it casually, but the more she looked at the people in the photos, the more she felt like Gu Yan.

On weekdays, Gu Yan, who is basically dressed relatively casually and casually, is different. In a suit and leather shoes, he appears to be more upright, revealing a mature man's charm.

What is the relationship between him and the Emperor General Manager? !

Xiaobai's face...

Dong Xuejiao watched the Weibo content and everyone's discussion, and after involuntarily grasping her hand, she thought about it and shared the Weibo content with Li Xinyao.

Then he asked with a surprised expression: Xin Yao, have you watched Weibo? Isn't this man Gu Yan? It looks a bit like him, but it feels like it's not him...

She didn't believe it. Li Xinyao's ignorant sentiment sprouts, when she saw news like Gu Yan, she really didn't resist at all?

As long as there is resistance, the relationship between her and Gu Yan will probably not go so smoothly!

Li Xinyao was discussing surgical equipment with Li Yanzhan, and a WeChat arrival sound came from her mobile phone. She put down the lancet in her hand and said, "Get it yourself."

Li Yanzheng lightly supported the vision correction glasses on the bridge of his nose and nodded.

However, just when Li Xinyao was about to turn around and leave, he glanced at Li Yanzheng who was studying medicine with Li Yunze, who was facing away from them, and pulled her.

"What?" Li Xinyao was puzzled.

Li Yanzhen lowered his voice and said, "Sister, don't eat anything that alkynes gave you today..." He said, his face that had grown into a teenager was solemn.

Li Xinyao glanced at Li Yanyan, then smiled and nodded, "I see!"

Li Yanzhen saw Li Xinyao leave the laboratory disapprovingly, and muttered with a worried expression: "I only know it..."

If the acetylene was successfully administered to my sister, he would test the drug for the acetylene according to the two people's bet.

He doesn't want to be a white mouse!

Li Yanzhen wailed in his heart, why is there a brother who is crazy about pharmaceuticals like Alyne, so sad.

Li Xinyao walked to the first floor and usually read WeChat.

She first sent Dong Xuejiao "?" before opening Weibo.

After reading the content and the photos again...

The first reaction suddenly became blocked, but the second reaction was that the media were all crazy.

Although Sister Heyi hasn't seen each other for more than ten years, she also pays attention to current trends.

Sister Yi returned to the emperor and became the general manager again, she knew.

Just now I suddenly read the Weibo content with guiding directional, and then looked at the intimate-looking photos, but I didn't react.

Gillian: Xin Yao, is that man...

Li Xinyao curled his lips and replied: it was him.

Seeing Li Xinyao, Dong Xuejiao replied with two words, thinking about the emotion behind these two words: these media are so capable of reading pictures and talking, how can they talk nonsense? ! How could Gu Yan be such a person? Really...

The angry words revealed the temptation of dissatisfaction, and Li Xinyao hesitated how to answer Dong Xuejiao.

Gu Yan's identity has not been made public now. If she explains too much, she will naturally be involved in identity matters.

Seeing that Li Xinyao didn't reply, Dong Xuejiao sneered at the corner of his mouth, and pretended to say angrily: You don't know, I just went to the school forum and turned around because of this Weibo content.

Although Gu Yan's face was not photographed, he was a man in Luo Da.

After being slapped by a caring person, you can imagine what happened to the supporters and the jealous people? !

Li Xinyao: Let me take a look!

She quit WeChat and went to the Luo University Forum.

Sure enough, a few posts with ‘HOT’ were all discussing Gu Yan’s little white face.

After all, the heroine is the most influential woman in the past year, regardless of ability or financial resources.

Dong Xuejiao sent a message at the right time: God, isn't it true? Hot search was suddenly withdrawn!

Li Xinyao pouted: It should be PR handling, right? !

Dong Xuejiao made a'eye-covering' expression: Xiao Yi's news was occasionally peachy, but she had never seen it before. This time it was withdrawn so quickly. Just now it was the first hot search. There will be no shadows for the first fifty.

Li Xinyao didn't reply, thinking that Gu Yan should be involved, so the hot search was withdrawn.

Dong Xuejiao was shocked and kept sending messages...

Gu Yan, don’t be such a person. If you don’t destroy the image in your heart...or I want to chase him, he won’t end up being taken care of by a rich woman, and then he will come to talk to me with the money that is taken care of Words of love.

Introductory words reveal purpose.

But these words did not cause any discomfort or emotions to Li Xinyao.

After all, Gu Yan's identity, coupled with Xiao Yi, can't think of so much.


"Dude, what's the situation?" Wang Xiao called Gu Yan, "Holding a big grass, you said that something was going on in the morning, so you went to get ambiguous with Bai Fumei?!"

"Shut up!" Gu Yan said faintly, with Ling Ran's breath, "Go back and talk about it!"

"I'm not in a hurry here, you see, sister Xiaoxin Yao saw it, and her sensory attitude has plummeted..." Wang Xiao kindly reminded him and hung up the phone.

He doesn't believe that Gu Yan is such a person, but this kind of "propaganda" can't hold back many people!

After all, Gu Yan is good in all aspects, but this God is too fair. He clearly gave him the superiority of the chosen son, but, on the contrary, the family background is ordinary, which is naturally easy for people to speculate.

Gu Yan was not in the mood to guess what Wang Xiao was thinking.

As for what had become known about him and Xiao Yi on the Internet, he didn't pay any attention to it. He just discussed Ji Lingshang's matter with Xiao Yi for a while.

"For the rest, I will look at the situation when I go to Country D!" Gu Yan glanced at the time, "Tomorrow Monday, you will have a lot of work, so go back to rest earlier today."

"Good!" Xiao Yi nodded with a smile.

The two got up together, knowing that there must be a reporter outside the Los Angeles Hotel, but they did not avoid suspicion and left the hotel together.

Xiao Yi got on the car and notified the public relations department, "I don't want to see some leading discussions in major media, understand?"

"Mr. Xiao, we will deal with it."

Xiao Yi hung up the phone directly, his eyes fell on Gu Yan, who was walking towards the subway station, and sighed slightly.

Gu Yan called Li Xinyao while walking.

This girl, even if she didn't see Weibo, I'm afraid someone around her had already "kindly" reminded her.

If you don't call him, do you believe it or shrink back?

"What are you doing?" Li Xinyao's voice came out with a weird voice.

Gu Yan paused, thinking about the emotions lurking in her tone, but he suddenly realized that he was a little uncertain just listening to the tone.

"I'm going to find you..."

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