The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2375: Jian Jie articles (55)

"..." Li Xinyao was stunned for a moment. Before he could speak, the voice of hanging up came from the phone.

Gu Yan didn't go directly to the Li family, but first went back to Chang Huan Yuan.

Gu Beichen asked a friend to play golf. Jian Mo and Shen Chu were working overtime for the past two days. Jian Yao is not in Los Angeles now, and even Gu Xi is not at home.

"Master Yan!" The servant unexpectedly Gu Yan came back now.

"Where is Yan Yan?" Gu Yan opened the drawer of the hallway and took a car key.

"Miss and friends went to the playground and said they came back after dinner."

Gu Yan nodded, "I will come back to get a car key, and I will come back to see Yan Yan at night."

The servant smiled and nodded, "I will tell the lady."

Gu Yan went to the garage and drove to Li's house.

Gu Yan didn't go in after arriving at Li's house, but just called Li Xinyao, "I'm outside your house, come out."

The faint voice was domineering, but it wouldn't make people uncomfortable.

Li Xinyao looked at the dishes being washed in the kitchen, and told her why he would go to the hospital tomorrow, "Aren't you coming in?"

"Not going in..."

"Oh!" Li Xinyao answered in a coy voice and hung up the phone, "Mom, I'll go out."

"Now?!" He Yining was stunned first, "Will you come back for dinner later?"

"I don't know yet!" Li Xinyao said, holding his mobile phone, "If I don't come back, I'll call you."

"Well, good." He Yining nodded and saw Li Xinyao turn around to change clothes, and threw the vegetables in his hand into the sink.

When Li Yunze came up from the laboratory, he saw He Yining look like a surveillance.

He frowned slightly, glanced at Li Xinyao who was changing shoes at the door, walked to He Yining, and asked in a low voice: "What are you doing? What are you doing one by one?"

He Yining gently tugged Li Yunze, motioned him not to speak, and heard the sound of opening and closing the door, hurriedly went to the door and opened the door monitoring at the door.

"Xiaojie?!" Li Yunze said in confusion when he saw a sports car parked at the door.

"This brat..." He Yining single-handed on his hips, "I couldn't get through, and I cheated them out one by one!"

Li Yunze looked annoyed and couldn't help it. While laughing out loud, he hugged him, "Then you still think of Xiaojie coming in and having a meal, and getting awkward with one by one?!"

"He will be awkward?" He Yining pouted, seeing one by one getting in the car, suddenly thinking of what happened many years ago.

At that time, Jian Mo brought Xiaojie back to Los Angeles from England. The scene where the two met when they picked up their children at the entrance of the kindergarten...

Little Jie came out with one hand one by one. Two people have seeds of love. They were planted at that time, right? !

The adults in the room were sighing. Li Xinyao, who had just gotten into the car, didn't know, but Gu Yan tilted his head and glanced at the camera at the gate.

"Why are you here suddenly?" Li Xinyao asked casually.

Gu Yan leaned over slightly, just when Li Xinyao thought he was going to do it, and his subconscious body was leaning against the car seat, he leaned over and stopped halfway, looking at her with a little joking in his eyes.

"what happened?"

what happened? !

Li Xinyao dilated her pupils slightly, her face started to get hot, and her voice squeaked, "What...what's wrong? It should be you...what are you doing?!"

As Li Xinyao spoke, his eyes scanned the distance between her and Gu Yan.

Gu Yan lowered his eyes and laughed softly, "I'm going to fasten your seat belt..." Then, he pulled the seat belt, "Why, what do you think I am doing?"

"I..." Li Xinyao chuckled the corner of her mouth softly and didn't speak anymore. It was just that the reddish face suddenly turned red.

"Oh!" Gu Yan suddenly sighed slightly.

Just when Li Xinyao didn't know why he suddenly sighed, Gu Yanjun's face suddenly moved up, and then he kissed her hot cheek.

Li Xinyao's body froze, and more and more embarrassment filled the eyes that were overwhelmed by tension.

"Originally, I just wanted to wear a seat belt for you, but you seduce me..." Gu Yan's low voice came softly, "It's okay if I haven't tried it before, and I can bear it! But I've tasted it. Can't help it..."

It's getting lower and lower, and even some low-pitched voice reveals a faint melancholy that is bewitching.

Li Xinyao blushed even more, "Who seduced you?!"

"You!" Gu Yan got up with a chuckle, looked at Li Xinyao's dissatisfied stare, raised his hand, gently rubbed her hot cheeks with his fingers, sat upright and started the car.

He didn't take Li Xinyao to any other place, he just drove along the road.

The Li family is in the villa area, which is also the property owned by the emperor. It has always been a piece of artificial vegetation. After decades, it has become a natural forest road.

Car, stop in a quiet place.

The car was very quiet, quietly I could hear the small sounds of falling leaves outside, and I could hear each other's breathing.

"I'm going to country D these two days to deal with some company affairs." Gu Yan said, unfastening the seat belt on his body and unfastening Li Xinyao along the way. "If it is fast, I will be back in a few days. If it is slow, I guess. Ten days a week!"

"Oh..." Li Xinyao lowered her eyes in response, wringing her fingers.

Gu Yan lightly glanced at Li Xinyao's wringed fingers, and after a thin smile crossed his thin lips, he reached out and grasped her wringed slender fingers.

"One by one, do you think about the matter between us?" Gu Yan didn't look at her, his eyes fell on Li Xinyao's hand which was obviously stiff because he was holding it.

"I thought..." Li Xinyao lowered her eyes and watched Gu Yan holding her hand, "but, I don't understand..." She paused, and asked in a dull voice, "Why do you like me? "

Gu Yan chuckled lightly and looked at Li Xinyao, "Because you have been stupid since you were a child, I have accepted it a little harder, lest you hurt others."

When Li Xinyao heard this, she stared at Gu Yan in anger, and said without thinking, "It's obviously you who have been in love with me since childhood!"

Gu Yan watched Li Xinyao's eyes gradually deepen, and the joke that was still hanging around the corner of his mouth gradually faded and became serious, "Yes... I have a crush on my stupid girl since I was a child, and have been waiting for her and waiting for her. I can see my crush."

"..." Li Xinyao met Gu Yan's whirlpool-like gaze, because of his words, he forgot to react.

She just said it in a hurry.

"Then my silly girl knows that I have a crush on her, can I ask..." Gu Yan looked at Li Xinyao's eyes deeper and deeper, and his voice was even cautious, "...My silly girl, can you? Let my secret love become a bright love?"

Li Xinyao squatted the corner of her mouth softly. She didn't speak, but at this moment, she felt more comfortable than ever before, and...happy!

"Guess?" Li Xinyao's eyes flashed slyly.

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