The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2412: Jian Jie articles (92)

Hearing Gu Yan sighed, Xiao Yi frowned, "You mean... Ji Lingshang?"

Gu Yan sneered across his eyes, "In Los Angeles, have you dared to fight the emperor yet."

"Is this person sick?" Xiao Yi rubbed his forehead, remembering how he met Ji Lingshang at the corner cafe that night when it snowed, "Is the Ji family very idle?"

"Come and not go ashamed!" Gu Yan's eyes sank, and his voice was cold.

To the emperor, such a small mess was actually harmless.

Naturally, Ji Lingshang wouldn't do nothing idle...While he returned the gift, he really wanted to know what Ji Lingshang's real purpose was?

Just when Gu Yan set about causing Ji's side to have a headache, he didn't expect that he would know Ji Lingshang's purpose so quickly...


As an old-fashioned restaurant in Los Angeles, the food here not only has the taste that many people remember, but also has the unique charm of Los Angeles time-raising.

When Li Xinyao and Dong Xuejiao first walked to the Nanxiang Tower, Ji Lingshang just got out of a low-key luxury car, and almost followed in the footsteps of the two entering the Nanxiang Tower...

"Welcome!" Yingbin greeted each other with a smile, looking at the three people who arrived at the door and asked, "Is it three?"

"Huh?" Dong Xuejiao shook her head and said, "Two."

Just as Dong Xuejiao was speaking, Li Xinyao subconsciously looked back...

"It's you?!" Li Xinyao was a little surprised, and behind him turned out to be the man who invited her to drink hot cocoa after the emergency incident that day.

"What a coincidence!" Ji Lingshang said lightly.

"Sir, how many are you?" Yingbin asked in due course.


"Are you eating alone?" Li Xinyao asked.

Ji Lingshang nodded indifferently, without much emotion.

"Let's eat together!" Li Xinyao invited, "I invite you today, thank you for your hot cocoa that day."

In a word, because she invited Ji Lingshang, it was naturally difficult for Dong Xuejiao to continue spending money. After she expressed the intention of the treat, she also explained to Ji Lingshang, just to express her gratitude.

Ji Lingshang's eyes were deep, and she thought secretly: She is really a smart girl who understands others.

"Good!" Ji Lingshang answered.

Dong Xuejiao didn't speak, and calmly looked up and down Ji Lingshang, deep in her eyes, there was emotion flowing from deep thought.

"The bags are full," Yingbin said. "There is a small table outside by the window, okay?"

"Well, good!" Li Xinyao nodded with a smile.

Yingbin took the three of them to the four-seater table by the window.

"Xin Yao, he...who?" Dong Xuejiao asked Li Xinyao's arm in a low voice. Li Xinyao shook her head, "Actually...I don't know." Seeing Dong Xuejiao frowning, she just explained, "I was in a bad mood in the emergency room that day. When I met in the hospital restaurant, he asked me to drink hot cocoa and said it would ease my mood... Today He is alone

Thanks. "

"Oh..." Dong Xuejiao replied, glancing at Ji Lingshang secretly, and a deep emotion flashed across his eyes.

Qin Zhi replied to her that the Seventh Young Men's Association came alone...

Is this person the Seventh Young Master Qin Zhi said? !

Look at the momentum, it should feel similar!

Originally, the dinner for the two of my friends was somewhat weird because of Ji Lingshang's joining.

However, fortunately, because Li Xinyao was relatively independent since he was a child, and there were many people in contact with him, the atmosphere gradually became more relaxed with the small talk between meals.

"I know how to keep good health at such a young age..." Li Xinyao said with a surprised smile, "I didn't expect it."

Ji Lingshang looked at Li Xinyao, who was smiling with no impurities, couldn’t help but the corners of his mouth were stained with a faint smile and said, “If I say, because I’m alone, I pay attention to these before I go to health, do you believe me? ?"

When Li Xinyao heard it, he didn't think much, just smiled and said, "It must be someone you like."

"Yeah." When Ji Lingshang responded, the smile on the corners of his mouth became much deeper.

Dong Xuejiao's hand was a little sluggish when picking up vegetables. She looked at Ji Lingshang and then at Li Xinyao, and she couldn't control her.

After a meal, you can see that the Qi Shao talks very well, and the aura on the whole person is even more Ling Ran.

Although they are seven or eight years older than them, but because of their age and social experience, they exude the charm of a mature man...

The food that was eaten in her mouth was a bit bitter, and the level difference that was opened because of her status made her feel particularly uncomfortable.

Just thinking about it, Dong Xuejiao's cell phone rang suddenly.

She took it out and saw that Qin Zhi had hit it, subconsciously raising her eyes to look at the other side.

However, Ji Lingshang only had a faint gaze. He picked up the water glass and drank his saliva. There was a complicated and profound look at her, without any emotion at all.

"Hello?" Dong Xuejiao had a guilty conscience, her voice condensed.

"Are you planning to eat a complete meal?" Qin Zhi was not too young, but he heard a voice of pressure.

Dong Xuejiao suddenly shook his heart, then subconsciously glanced at Ji Ling and Shang Empress, a little squeak, "I..."

"It's fine if you understand." Qin Zhi didn't say much, and hung up.

"A Jiao, what's the matter?" Li Xinyao felt something was wrong with Dong Xuejiao.

"Xin Yao, I suddenly have something to leave first..." Dong Xuejiao said, and hurriedly took the down jacket on the side.

"What's the matter, I'll be with you?" Li Xinyao wanted to take her coat as she said.

"No, you and Mr. Ji will eat first!" Dong Xuejiao said and got up, "Well, this meal is bad for you, come back!"

Li Xinyao was a little embarrassed. He said that he would invite Ji Lingshang to dinner, so he couldn't leave by himself?

But it feels like Gillian really has something to do?

"It seems that I will eat alone in the end..."

The faint voice came when Ji Lingshang put down the water cup, not light or heavy, obviously not too emotional, but Li Xinyao grinned secretly.

Finally, Dong Xuejiao left alone, and Li Xinyao and Ji Lingshang continued to eat.

After eating, Li Xinyao called the waiter to come over to settle the bill, but was told that Ji Lingshang had already settled.

"Tell me what I asked..." Li Xinyao looked at Ji Lingshang helplessly.

"Let the girl invite me to dinner?" Ji Lingshang smiled, "I haven't had such an experience yet."

"Everything will be the first time!"

"Well, indeed!" Ji Lingshang said, watching Li Xinyao's eyes darken, "Well, let's make an appointment for the next meal, would you please?"

Next time? !

Li Xinyao's mouth twitched, and suddenly there was an illusion of "fate" caused by a cup of hot cocoa.

"If I can meet again next time..." Li Xinyao's words were ambiguous.

Ji Lingshang laughed, and had a deeper view of Li Xinyao's cleverness that she did not refuse but should not accept.

When the two came out of the restaurant, a cold wind came across, and Li Xinyao subconsciously shrank his neck.

"Wait for me!" Ji Lingshang stepped up while pressing down the words.

Li Xinyao opened her mouth and moved, but before the sound came out, Ji Lingshang had already strode toward one side of the meteor.

After a while, Ji Lingshang came back with a woolen hat and scarf in his hand, and couldn't help but say...with gentleness, he put it on Li Xinyao. At the right time, there was a soft sound when the camera pressed the shutter...

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