The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2413: Jian Jie articles (93)

"Where do you live, take you back?" Ji Lingshang asked Li Xinyao after wrapping his scarf.

Li Xinyao had some slight emotions in her heart. She looked at Ji Lingshang, her mouth fluttered and wanted to say something, but she felt that she would think too much, because she was just a gentleman with knowledge and demeanor, so she would be considerate.

"Well, I'll just go back by myself..." Li Xinyao refused, "This is the subway station next to it. It's very convenient for the subway where I live."

Ji Ling's eyes were deep, and he said directly: "Are you resisting contact with me?"

"..." Li Xinyao gave an awkward smile at the corner of her mouth, "That... directly exposes the girl's thoughts, it's not a gentleman."

Ji Lingshang smiled, the smile at the corner of his mouth was the most obvious since the evening.

Well, I was embarrassed by Li Xinyao, but didn't hide anything to make me laugh.

"Then take you to the subway station, don't you mind?" Ji Lingshang didn't force it.

Li Xinyao sighed secretly, feeling that after being pierced just now, it wouldn't be good to refuse this, so she could only nod her head.

Fortunately, the subway entrance is less than two to three hundred meters away.

"I'm leaving..." Li Xinyao and Ji Lingshang waved their hands, and they didn't dare to stay longer and wanted to go down the stairs.

"Look forward to the next'encounter'!"

Behind him, Ji Lingshang said with a faint smile.

Li Xinyao only felt that something had slashed off her head, almost making her feet unstable, so she stepped straight into the air.

She doesn't want to meet by chance, she doesn't want to!

If Xiaojie knew that she didn't go to Huakang or the person behind the flower delivery when he was busy, she would provoke another man with a cup of hot cocoa. She thought Xiaojie would kill her!

It's a pity that Li Xinyao didn't think that she hadn't waited until Gu Yan came back. She fell asleep, and she had the urge to chop herself to death.

"What a funny girl..." Ji Lingshang stood in place, his eyes deep.

Li Xinyao...

After murmured his name in his heart, Ji Lingshang smiled, turned around, and walked to the car.

When the talent got into the car, Qin Zhi's phone number arrived, "Huh?"

"Qi Shao, Xiao Yi is in contact through relationship and wants to make an appointment with you."

Ji Lingshang's eyes were deep, his fingers tapped on the steering wheel lightly, "Tell her, cafe."

"Which cafe?" Qin Zhi asked subconsciously.

"She knows." Ji Lingshang finished speaking lightly, hung up the phone, started the car and headed for the snowy night, and went to the cafe that he encountered by chance on the corner of the street.


When Li Xinyao arrived at the rental house, Wang Xiao was not at home, she put her mouth down, and pulled off her hat not gently while taking off her shoes.

The sound of the WeChat video call of ‘Ding Ding Ding’ came, and Li Xinyao was about to pull the scarf to a halt, took out his mobile phone to see Gu Yan, smiled and quickly picked it up...

"If I remember correctly, you will have class tomorrow at school, and today the hospital should be a day shift..." Gu Yan looked at Li Xinyao's cotton coat and scarf before he could take off, "I'll be back now?"

"Din with friends!" Li Xinyao raised her eyebrows and took off her scarf.

"I haven't seen this scarf..." Gu Yan frowned.

Li Xinyao grinned secretly, a little frustrated with Gu Yan's good memory, "After eating it cold, just buy it next to me." She pouted slightly, "You are here, you go and buy it for me!"

Because Ji Lingshang's words of "random encounter" made her resist, and when she remembered the last time Gu Yan bought her a scarf, Li Xinyao's voice was full of longing anger.

Looking at Li Xinyao like this, Gu Yan secretly sighed, "One by one, miss you!" After a slight pause, he exaggerated, "Being busy, but because of time and distance, he always wanted to steal the busy time. Think of you in a little space."

Li Xinyao's nose was a bit sore, and he pouted, "I miss you too."

Gu Yan's thin lips overflowed with a smile, and he was very relieved. Seeing Li Xinyao's gaze became gentle, "I'm almost done here."

"You come back someday and tell me, I'll pick you up at the airport." Li Xinyao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's like you have free time..." Gu Yan smiled helplessly, "Please allow me to remind one by one of the children that you still have classes and need to be on duty in the hospital."

"Little Jie, there is a word in this world called... leave!" Li Xinyao learned Gu Yan's tone.

Gu Yan smiled, and then, his eyes gradually deepened and slowly said affectionately: "I also want to see you the first time, so ask for leave!"

"I don't want to see you for the first time..." Li Xinyao emphasized a little awkwardly.

"Well, I thought!"

Listening to Gu Yan's words, Li Xinyao felt as if the whole world was bathed in sunshine.

After confirming the beginning of the relationship with Xiaojie, she could feel his spoiling and loving all the time, that feeling... made her heart sink at an unpredictable speed.


Corner coffee shop.

Ji Lingshang flipped through the magazine and sat in the same position when he met Xiao Yi on a snowy night.

When Xiao Yi arrived at the coffee shop, she saw Ji Lingshang. She lowered her eyes, pushed the door in, walked over and sat down opposite.

"Angry," Ji Lingshang raised his eyes slightly, "It seems that a cup of garland can't make you feel comfortable."

Xiao Yi sneered, "Is it interesting?"

"Huh?" Ji Lingshang put down the magazine and looked at Xiao Yi in his spare time.

"When I met you here that day, I just thought of the bottle of red wine in the restaurant, and then thought that you are Ji Lingshang..." Xiao Yi's voice grew colder, "But I found out that our first encounter was not in the restaurant. ."

"Oh?" Ji Lingshang smiled, "Where is that?"

"Harvard." Xiao Yi's voice was calm, looking at Ji Lingshang's sight, there was a bit of anger that was unclear.

The deepest thing in a person's heart is the most fearful and the most resisting others to see through.

For Xiao Yi, Ji Lingshang now has such an existence.

Ji Lingshang smiled, a little incomprehensible, "Why, you asked me today to make sure of this?"

"Ji Lingshang, what is your purpose?"

"What do you think?"

Xiao Yi squeezed her hand, and almost blurted out some words, but at the last moment she still held back.

"My business, you don't need to worry about it!" The voice of gritted teeth, revealing the anger that I can bear.

Ji Lingshang smiled, not the slightest smile.

"You really exalt yourself..."

Xiao Yi tilted his head slightly, looked at the misted glass, closed his eyes and retracted, "If President Ji is so free, then it seems that we have nothing to say."

When the words fell, Xiao Yi got up directly, took the bag and stepped away.

However, when passing by Ji Lingshang's side, his arm was suddenly caught.

Xiao Yi didn't look at Ji Lingshang, just wanted to pull out his arm... Unfortunately, he didn't succeed.

"You are very smart and very confident." Ji Lingshang's eyes fell to the front, his voice was faint, but with the dark force shrouded in darkness, "Xiao Yi...opportunities are not always available!"

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