The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2414: Jian Jie articles (94)

Xiao Yi smiled and sneered.

She slowly turned her head to look at Ji Lingshang, her eyes sneered with contempt, "My business really has nothing to do with you!"

The cold and alienated words fell, Xiao Yi rotated his wrist, and, despite the pain, pulled his hand away abruptly and stepped away.

The cold wind outside becomes a bit raging at night, as if pervasively making your skin feel the cold breath.

When Xiao Yi opened the door, his eyes fell on the cafe again subconsciously...

Ji Lingshang was also looking at her. The two were clearly separated by the misty glass, but they knew each other very clearly. The sights at this moment were facing each other, and they were full of various emotions towards each other.

Xiao Yi got into the car with indifference. As for whether or not to achieve indifference, she is probably the only one who knows best.

At the moment when Xiao Yi's car drove away, Ji Lingshang saw something cracked deep under his eyes...

It turns out that some things are really intangible.

It can invisibly erode your heart, or invisibly cut your heart... Protect you invisible and hurt you invisible!

Ji Lingshang twitched his lips mockingly. At that moment, he couldn't tell whether he was ridiculous or sad.

Because, he suddenly felt that he was more pitiful than Xiao Yi.

The next day, it was still good weather in Los Angeles.

Because Gu Yan was not there and the love breakfast was not available, Li Xinyao called Wang Xiao to go to the beef noodle restaurant outside the community for noodle soup.

"Tsk tusk," Wang Xiao ate his noodles while scanning the news, "The emperor's wave of years ago has subsided so quickly... the top big companies are the top, and the emergency is really awesome."

Listening to Wang Xiao sighing there, Li Xinyao almost choked out the noodles that Li Xinyao ate into his mouth.

"I heard Xiaojie said, do you want to submit your resume to the emperor?" Li Xinyao asked with a guilty conscience.

"I have already voted, I also voted Gu Yan's by the way..." Wang Xiao took away the phone and started to eat his noodles.

"..." Li Xinyao twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, and she didn't know how to answer the conversation.

While chewing his noodles, Wang Xiao muttered unclearly, “Gu Yan’s family doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s been several days, and I don’t know how it was done?

"It seems... almost done!" Li Xinyao said, seeing Wang Xiao looking at her suspiciously, and hurriedly explained, "He said during the video with me last night."

"Oh!" Wang Xiao suddenly shook his head and sighed, "Sister Xinyao, do you know that since Gu Yan had you, I've been broken in love... You still pierce my heart from time to time, so you can worry about me? Is it the feeling of being left out?!"

After hearing this, Li Xinyao laughed immediately, shaking her body a little bit awkwardly, "It's okay, just get used to it!"

"..." When Wang Xiao heard this, he rolled his eyes immediately.

"Look at the Weibo sent by the emotional blogger last night?" There was an enviable voice, "Love is, you are cold, I will put a hat and scarf on you... Love is, I stare You, step by step." She guarded, and sighed, "It's really a series from someone else's!"

"I saw, that man is so gentle..." Another girl said with a sigh, "I really want such a boyfriend!"


A few Luo college students came over for breakfast, and sat down at the table next to Li Xinyao and the others while walking and chatting.

Because when it comes to wearing hats and scarves, Li Xinyao felt a little guilty because Ji Lingshang did the same thing last night.

After returning to school, she checked the number of emotional bloggers mentioned by the classmates. When she saw the picture, she felt like she was struck by lightning...

Damn, if you want to write your emotions, just write on Weibo, why secretly take pictures of me... I have the right to portrait!

Li Xinyao, anxious, rushed to selfishly care about that blogger, but because Weibo now cancels the reminder of "read", she doesn't know if the other party has seen her message in thousands of private messages? !

Whether you saw it or not, something more tragic happened...

"Xin Yao, isn't the picture sent by this emotional blogger of you and Mr. Ji?" Dong Xuejiao asked in surprise with her mobile phone.

Suddenly, the students of various majors in the lecture hall who came to the big class, as long as they were the people who read this emotional blog, they all looked at Li Xinyao...

"..." Li Xinyao looked at Dong Xuejiao with a bit of speechlessness. Seeing her hurriedly covering her mouth, she was shocked, and suddenly felt something rushing past her mind.

If society is a big gossip scene, then the school is definitely a "small" gossip scene closely followed.

Dong Xuejiao said "unintentional", but every morning, anyone who read the emotional blog knew that the heroine was Li Xinyao.

I didn't watch it, because I knew that the heroine was Li Xinyao, so I ran to watch it.

Then, even if the emotional blogger replied to Li Xinyao's private message, apologized for using the picture and deleted the Weibo, he could no longer stop the development of the situation that had been taken screenshots and placed in their respective circle of friends in the "propaganda".

"I said, what's the situation?" Yan Yuying looked at Li Xinyao with a look of lovelessness and asked, "You are here because Gu Yan was absent and you ran towards Gao Fushuai? If this is the case, it is better to consider Senior Lu first. Yeah!"

"Please let me go..." Li Xinyao put her forehead on the table and wailed, "I think Xiaojie is back, I must not know how to die!"

"Hey, Gu Yan can still bear it..." Yan Yuying rolled his eyes, "He is a person with a constant peach blossom."

"The problem is that others provoke him, he didn't provoke him!" Li Xinyao wailed, "I didn't provoke him, but it looked like I was cheating on two boats...ahhh, I really can't bear it. what!"

Yan Yuying laughed at Li Xinyao's ‘pouch’, "Hey, what happened to Senior Lu just asked me?"

"Ask you?" Li Xinyao sat up suddenly.

"Yeah." Yan Yuying raised her eyebrows, "I don't think you understand! After all, you refused him and agreed to Gu Yan, and now you share such ambiguous photos with this man."

"how do you say?"

"I said, every handsome guy, you have no resistance, but you are serious when you admit your feelings."

"Feather, you still know me best!" Li Xinyao leaned over and grabbed Yan Yuying's hand with a flattering expression.

"Don't give me this disgusting expression, I'm not Gu Yan!" Yan Yuying rolled his eyes, "You should think about it first, does your family Gu Yan understand you?!"

Li Xinyao squatted his mouth immediately, his face full of tears without tears.

The ringtone of the mobile phone came in due time, and Li Xinyao took it out a little angrily. Seeing that it was Gu Yan, he suddenly sat upright after a ‘rub’.

"What's wrong?" Yan Yuying was startled by Li Xinyao's sudden movements.

"Master Xing is here to ask the guilt..." Li Xinyao said with a bitter face, looking at Yan Yuying's smile, with a fluke, "Maybe, he doesn't know about it."

People are abroad and deal with the emperor's affairs. Let's not say that Xiaojie is not good at gossip. Even if gossip is too busy, right? !

After taking a deep breath, Li Xinyao took a sigh of relief. The corners of his mouth twitched before answering the phone, "Xiaojie?"

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