The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2713: That's it, met!

"Hey, but my uncle has something, it will be more convenient when we go to Fenghuaxueyue..." Gu Xi said with bright eyes, "I'm afraid to wait until I finish eating, my uncle objected, even if I go, I can only go to see the flowers. Yeah!"

Graphite Chen looked at the little girl with excitement and unconcealable urgency, he couldn't laugh or cry.

that's nice!

The best age, without the shackles given by the family, can happily do what should be curiosity and want to do in the years...

It feels good to grow up next to mom and dad, right? !

Graphite Chen looked at Gu Xi's happy face, and the corners of his good-looking mouth gradually rose to an elegant arc, which attracted attention to the dining women who had their prosperous beauty as soon as they entered.

"Second brother, a lot of people are watching you." Gu Xi took the chopsticks and waited for the pot to open, eyes floating around.

"Yeah." Graphite Chen faintly replied. He didn't put down the phone in his hand, and sent a message.

Tang Sheng's mobile phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out and saw that it was the message sent by Graphite Chen, and suddenly opened her eyes brightly.

Mo Chen: Have you eaten it?

Tang Sheng looked at the huge box. In addition to a variety of wine and snacks on each coffee table, there were some fried food, skewers, and fried skewers. After thinking about it, he replied: I am eating!

Graphite Chen's eyes deepened slightly: Home?

Tang Sheng swallowed involuntarily, looking at the noise in the box at the moment with inexplicably cold eyes, and replied: No, with time!


Tang Sheng suddenly felt a little bit embarrassed.

At that time, I was thinking about what kind of attitude would Graphite Chen know when she knew she was in love.

At this moment, she did not dare to say.


Tang Sheng glanced around again, this little brother and little sister's wine pairing, although not excessively played, is also a bit hilarious!

Graphite Chen's eyes deepened, but he didn't think much about it. He just sent a message of his own accord: Are you free tomorrow?

tomorrow? !

Tang Sheng's eyes lit up, and he replied: I'm free, what's wrong?

When it was sent out, Tang Sheng was filled with anticipation.

Graphite Chen: Come to T city tomorrow afternoon.

Tang Sheng couldn't help but grinned, and hurriedly typed: I'm in T city!

I just wanted to press to send, because someone around me was yelling and drinking, and suddenly her thoughts were interrupted.


Tang Sheng looked at the message that had not been sent, grinned secretly, hurriedly deleted and re-entered: So, can we see it in T City tomorrow afternoon?

With a light smile, graphite Chen just replied with one word: eh.

"Second brother, you are so busy..." Gu Xi spit out while cooking.

Graphite Chen smiled, sent another message, "I'll call you tomorrow", and received the phone.

"Come here and meet a friend tomorrow by the way."

Gu Xi suddenly looked gossip, "male or female?"


"Huh..." Gu Xi's body, which was slightly bent in front of him when he asked the question, suddenly pulled back, "Girl, you should take the initiative to make an appointment... Hehehehe, there is a problem!"

Looking at Gu Xi's appearance, Graphite Chen shook his head dumbfounded and changed the subject, "I won't let my eldest brother know about the matter of taking you to Fenghuaxueyue."

"That's necessary." Gu Xi did not continue to gossip and nodded hurriedly. "In Los Angeles, even Devil\"skiss won't let me go. "

Graphite Chen is not surprised.

For Yan Yan, the Gu family will not interfere too much in her growth.

However, some things that I don't want her to touch will naturally be avoided.

Devil\"skiss, such a place naturally won't let Yan Yan touch it.

However, the little girl was curious and thought it was a more exciting bar over there, and didn't think much about it.



A long time ago, a relatively quiet place, due to the emergence of fluorescent squid, has now become a place for Internet celebrities to check in.

However, it is winter now, not the season for fluorescent squid to lay eggs, and the seaside is cold, and people here are obviously depressed.

Jian Yao looked at the slender figure wearing a coat and an octagonal hat. For a moment, he only felt mixed.

Is there really no room for recovery when something is wrong once?

Song Li flapped his eyelashes lightly, looking at the sea under the night, always lost control.

It turns out that the wound that really imprinted in my heart cannot be erased by time.

At least... hers didn't.

Someone gradually approached behind him, and Song Li's physical crisis and instinctive toughness pulled back his frustrated thoughts and turned back.

Jian Yao slowly stopped just three or five steps away from her.

The two of them reflected in the distance, but looked at each other with less bright light. At that moment, they all forgot to react.

The sea breeze, the waves slapped against the coastline, the whistle and frolics in the distance... all these sounds can't interrupt each other's thoughts at this moment.

"I thought you wouldn't find me..." Jian Yao's voice was hoarse, and she was uncontrollable excitement when she dried up.

"I can't help it." Song Li's voice was calm, and he slowly turned around to look at the sea, his face filled with helplessness.

Jian Yao lowered his eyes and laughed, his voice getting dry, "I know." After a pause, he stepped forward and asked worriedly, "What happened?"

"Private matter." Song Li slightly invisible, lowered the corner of his mouth and spoke lightly, "Money, I will find a way as soon as possible..."

"Song Li, you know, I am not worried about money!" Jian Yao interrupted Song Li, gritted his teeth and said, "I am worried about you."

Song Li lowered his eyes, suppressed the sadness and self-deprecating in his eyes, and said quietly, "Don't ask, can you?"

Jian Yao opened his mouth, what he wanted to say, after all, he swallowed back.

Song Li is such an arrogant person, he is already humbled when he asks to borrow money.

However, she suddenly asked for ten million... so much money, what happened to her?

"Don't check..." Song Li slowly raised his eyes and met Jian Yao's gaze.

Jian Yao looked at Song Li in this way, and at the self-deprecating self-deprecating on her face, the distress in her eyes gradually spread.

At this moment, he seemed to have seen what Song Li said to him when he left.

"Jian Yao, I love you too much, so I understand you too...Because I understand you, I chose to leave."

Yes, she knows him too well.

She knew what he thought, so she cut off what he wanted to check.

Because this is a debt.


When graphite Chen and Gu Xi finished eating, Jian Yao did not come back.

After graphite Chen sent a message to Jian Yao, he took Gu Xi to Feng Hua Xueyue...

Gu Xi's curious eyes rolled around since he entered the wind and snow.

Although Graphite Chen brought her here, he didn't intend to satisfy her curiosity completely, and directly opened the VIP box.

"VIP floor, how boring..." Gu Xi whispered, but didn't dare to resist, for fear that in the end there would be no chance.

Looking at Gu Xi's dissatisfaction, Graphite Chen really wanted to say something, when he saw a figure coming out from the corner, and instantly retracted... Suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly. "You go in first." Graphite Chen motioned to Gu Xi.

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