Tang Sheng leaned against the wall, his eyes widened, looking forward, there was such a momentary blank in his mind, he didn't know how to react?

Just...who did she see?

Tang Sheng blinked and wanted to take another look, but he was a little afraid of being confirmed!

However, that person's unobtrusive aura and looks... even if he is strange, he can't get it wrong.

Besides, they...no strangers!

"Impossible?!" Tang Sheng murmured as he was still making the last resistance, covering his chest with one hand, and rolling the corner of his shirt uncomfortably with the other.

She grinned secretly.

Because Mao wants to go out to the bathroom, there are people in the bathroom, can't you wait for a while? !

Not so anxious...

Tang Sheng slumped his mouth with regret, and didn't even think about why it means that the graphite morning, when there is time in the afternoon, would appear in Fenghuaxueyue at this moment, and there was even a beautiful girl by his side?

"I thought I saw the wrong person!"

A long voice came with a joking smile.

It's just that this smile reveals a little bit of chill.

Tang Sheng suddenly shook, the corners of his mouth slumped, and then he slowly tilted his head to look at the person aside...

"Mo Chen?" Tang Sheng preemptively, "You... why are you here?"

"Well, this is what I want to ask you." Graphite Chenhao looked at Tang Sheng in his spare time, and saw her smile from surprise to flattering.

"I..." Tang Sheng wanted to answer subconsciously, but he just uttered a word and suddenly reacted, "I asked you first."

"Come with my sister to T City to attend a friend's wedding. She is curious about this place, so she came to have a look." Graphite Chen asked, "So, what about you?"

"I will come here with time to announce!" Tang Sheng raised his chin slightly, trying to increase his credibility.

Bah, what credibility?

She was originally to accompany her time to rush the announcement, it's a fact!

"So, in Fenghuaxueyue... eating?"

Graphite Chen deliberately increased the delay in saying "eat", which obviously meant interrogation.

"Cough cough..." Tang Sheng flattened his mouth, and then said with a grin, "Hey, it's just that... a friend called over to play." After that, she hurriedly said with a serious face, "I didn't find a companion brother!"

"Oh, I also want to find a little brother with wine...huh?" Graphite Chen became a little dangerous, and his body also bullied Tang Sheng.

Tang Sheng shrank subconsciously, but she was leaning against the wall and shrank.

"I didn't think about it!" Tang Sheng said hurriedly, "Absolutely not!"

Graphite Chen deceived another minute, and the dangerous aura grew stronger.

Tang Sheng looked at Graphite Chen pitifully, raised his hand, gently tugging at his clothes, and hummingly said, "Really, I don't like those people. No one is as good as you..."

"But there is still a curious psychology, right?" Graphite Chen's voice was charming.

Tang Sheng nodded subconsciously, then reacted, shook his head hurriedly, and said pitifully, "You deliberately mixed...well!"

Tang Sheng didn't say what he said next.

Lips have been captured by Graphite Chen.

Obviously it was only a few days apart, but at this moment, lips and tongues touched... as if separated over the years, full of missed each other.

After a while, the phone vibrated in his pocket unwillingly.

Graphite Chen reluctantly let go of Tang Sheng's lips, took out his phone and glanced at it, then put it to his ear, but his eyes were filled with flames and looked at Tang Sheng deeply, "Coming soon!"

After four words, Graphite Chen hung up the phone without waiting for the other person to say anything.

"Where to live?" Graphite Chen asked Tang Sheng with deep eyes.

"Smiling Hotel." Tang Sheng chuckled his lips lightly, with the breath of graphite morning on it.

The corner of graphite Chen's mouth raised a faint smile, "Don't be foolish, you know?"

"Oh..." Tang Sheng responded with a blush on his face, biting his lower lip lightly, sweetening from his mouth to his heart.

Graphite Chen chuckled, without saying anything, and turned to leave.

Tang Sheng hurriedly grabbed Graphite Chen.

Graphite Chen looked back at her and saw that after she bit her lower lip, she asked him with a flirtatious look: "Brother, do you need to know my room number?"

Graphite Chen turned around, slowly leaned over, and whispered in her ear, softly and charmingly: "It depends...what do you want to do?"

"..." Tang Sheng slapped his eyes, pushed Gite Chen away, curled his mouth and said in embarrassment, "What...what is...what do I want to do?"

Graphite Chen was extremely happy. After Tang Sheng dropped a kiss on his forehead, without saying anything, he turned and went to the box where Gu Xi entered.

Tang Sheng stood on the spot, his heart beating ‘thumping and thumping’. After this inadvertent encounter, he was still exposed to the “little lie”. It turned out to be like this.

"Haha..." Tang Sheng looked down and smirked again, happily returning to the box with anticipation.

However, the talent opened the door and the mobile phone received the message.

Mo Chen: Not much to say, I can figure it out!

"..." Tang Sheng's mouth twitched.

This person, threats and warnings all say so... is it fresh and refined? !


Dragon island.

Tang Yi continued on the phone and listened to the report from the insider. He pondered slightly and said, "Just tell it as a story!"

"Why don't you think it's very useful?" The person at the other end pondered slightly and said.

Tang Yi chuckled, "Let go of one thing, how could it be so simple?"

"But it's not impossible."

"Indeed." Tang Yi walked slowly to the window, looking at the quiet night out of the window, his eyes gradually became like a black ink that made people unable to peek, "It's just..." he smiled slowly at the corner of his mouth. Said, "People, they are all hesitating."

Sanshu died in front of Shengsheng. Shengsheng had been obsessed with Sanshu's death for so many years, but he was only planning to let it go... how could he really let it go?

"I understand." After the other party said something, he hung up the phone and sent a message.


In the box, it is still full of enthusiasm, and the games are all about fighting and drinking. It is also lively when more people play.

Naturally, for those who accompany wine, they are the happiest to see customers drinking this way.

The wine on the VIP floor is not cheap. If the guests drink too much, their commission is naturally very impressive.

"Time, you're almost a bit, and you will have an announcement tomorrow!" Tang Sheng hurriedly reminded him when he saw that time was also playing.

"I know!" Time's good-looking eyes looked at Tang Sheng with a slightly blurred smile and said, but there was a trace of bitterness under his eyes, which could only be rendered by alcohol, "I'll go to the bathroom."

With that, she got up and went to the bathroom. At this moment, she really wanted to get drunk.

what a pity……

People are alive, and many times cannot be willful.

Tomorrow, she will have an announcement that she lives in the entertainment circle, not to mention willfulness!

"Damn, there has just been a car accident in Bingyang District..." Suddenly someone said with a mobile phone and patted his thigh, "He died on the spot." Tang Sheng originally went to take the watermelon's hand, because that person's words suddenly became stiff. , Look at him...

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