The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 1 I'm Really a Good Person

"I am a good person."

It is very strange, everyone knows that I am a good person and a good citizen who obeys the law. Why is the sheriff in front of me still entangled. "

"As a law-abiding resident of Sulphur Mountain City, pay taxes on time, work diligently, be a good employee in the work department, a good neighbor and a good partner in the community. You see, I am still a good person who loves pets. This medal, my Po is still Community Pet Star Competition Champion!"

The medals and sashes as evidence hang on the wall next to it, with the words "Winning in the 7th Sulphur Mountain Pet Contest" and "I wish our strong and lovely Po will always be healthy."

And Po, who has been honored for me, enjoys his own dinner under the wall,

Unfortunately, no matter how I explain it, the dark elf city sheriff just stared at me without saying a word, as if he thought I was lying.

"Pet? Po? You said it was that terrifying monster, and he was one of the reasons you were complained! The Love family accused your pet of attacking their son!"

Under the award certificate in the corner, the slandered A Bao was slobbering and licking his bones. Seeing the master looking at him, he smirked with slobber. It was really cute.

Love? who is it? Not really in memory.

The dark elf sheriff sneered before I hesitated whether to use the reconnaissance spell to recall my worsening memory.

"...Don't you think this is very unconvincing? The monster you raised still has his son's tibia in its mouth."

"Oh? Oh! It turned out to be a skeleton soldier's family facing the street. Their family especially likes to play with A Bao. They are really good people."

I quickly floated over and pulled the bone out of Po's mouth, who was holding on to the shin. I had no choice but to raise my fist and knock this stupid dog's head.

"Let go, let go, you idiot. Just let me go if you don't want to be put in quarantine."

What an obedient and good dog. Seeing me insist so much, the lovely Po whimpered and gave up his baby with a distressed expression.

"Don't worry, Bao, when I get rid of the stinky girls in front of me, I will let the Luo Fu family play with you for a whole year." I promised in a low voice.

But there are still some small troubles in front of me. The shin bone in front of me has been caught with criminal evidence, which is really hard to argue. I squeezed a smile on my face, trying to please the sheriff in front of me, and smiled flatteringly.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. A Bao is just too enthusiastic. He always likes to make new friends, and he is always reluctant to part when he leaves. Isn't it normal to get some souvenirs from friends?"

I tried to pass the bone over, but the sheriff jerked back.

"Don't come here. Keep a safe distance, who knows what evil spell you cast inside. My colleagues are still outside, and if I can't go back, are you going to face the wrath of the entire city security management force (city management for short)? ."

I've been low enough, this little girl doesn't give face, I kindly handed over the shin bone, but as if I saw something disgusting, I took two steps back, and also put on guard and slowly, put on a dead fish face,

"I am the sheriff representing the city. Do you know the consequences of attacking the police?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I'm really a good person." He sighed at the dark elves' sensitivity and vigilance towards magic power, but I had no choice but to quietly dissipate the hypnosis and poisonous snake curse from the tibia, so that the magic power would dissipate silently.

"I don't care if you are a good person or not,

According to the Sulphur Mountain City Public Security Management Regulations, the compensation amount of 50 gold coins and the door-to-door apology should not be less, and it should be completed within three days. "

That bitch, after throwing down harsh words and taking back the tibia, actually turned around and left.

"If you don't want me to come to the door again, remember to report to the urban management team within three days!"

When I closed the door, my face turned ugly.

"Stinky girls, be careful that you were beaten with a sap that day and sold to the slave market. Dark elves have always been the best-selling and most valuable commodities."

Psychologically vicious curse, but I didn't say it, because once I said it, if that bitch was really sold, I wouldn't be the first suspect, and I wouldn't be that stupid.

"Sister, you are amazing. You dare to enforce the law against such a terrifying monster. As soon as I saw him, I was so frightened."

"Hmph, Amin, these guys are actually the same. Strong outsiders and cadres in the middle, as a glorious city administrator in Sulphur Mountain City, you must know..."

Not far away, there was still a conversation between two dark elves.

"Che, how dare you underestimate me, if I hadn't changed my mind and planned to be a good person, you would have been sold to the kiln tonight."

The lovely Po saw his master was a little frustrated, and even leaned over and used the huge tongue with the stinger to add to my face.

"Okay, okay, Po, remember that you are a noble Chromaggus, not a stupid house dog who only drools around. Let's go to the 'Love' family to apologize and have dinner by the way. .Well, have a 'dinner'."

When this stupid dog heard something to eat at night, its two heads drooled at the same time, and it hugged me and licked it desperately.

Dogs are really good companions of humans, and even more so for double-headed hellhounds. The feed is a bit expensive. Well, bones with magic power are the best food for them, but with the enthusiastic support of the Luofu family, they can probably be Save a month's feed cost.

By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, I, Roland Lan, I am three hundred and seventy-six years old this year, I am a good person, oh no, to be more precise, a good lich.


If you want to ask the world's opinion of the lich, I am afraid, there will not be many praises.

"Heinous villain." "The ultimate existence of the undead and dark magic." "Nightmare of the living, king of the undead."

Although I have always regarded it as the envy of the mediocre and the slander of the hypocrite, it cannot be denied that sometimes, the discrimination of these prejudices does bring a lot of trouble.

At least, even in Brimstone City, where infighting is prohibited, every month I have to deal with a few "heroes who team up to fight evil" or "adventurers who create original evil old houses."

Although most of the time they can't even break through the protective circle of this old house, but sometimes, I still welcome their arrival, such as when there is a lack of experimental products, such as now...

"…..I have to…kill you….don’t touch it! Damn tentacle demon!…..not here!! I’m very sensitive. Ha…ha…don’t…..please Now, kill me, kill me!! If you have the guts, kill me."

The half-elf ranger in front of me, who was going to die and live, threatened to get rid of me as a villain last week, but now, he can only groan on the dirty dungeon.

"Let me go, at least...kill me...don't!!" The accumulation of many times finally reached the top. After a fierce moan, she reached a certain orgasm, and her whole body was tense at first, and the next second, she was completely powerless. paralyzed.

Those eyes that were originally full of hatred, even though they had lost their focus, they still instinctively looked at me, and the dead eyes were filled with hatred again after a long time.

"Oh, don't look at me like that. Excessive excitement is not good for your body."

"Asshole!! Asshole!! Asshole!!"

"...It's because there are too few swear words in Elvish, or your language teacher died too early, and the same words are not enough to excite me."

"Rogue, pervert..." Several days of prison and torture have worn away the will of the female ranger, but the high elf's always high head and her pride have not been erased. Even if she consumes excessive physical strength, the blonde female experience is still self-sufficient. Cursing me to myself.

"Okay, enough rest, come to the next round!"

"Da!" With a snap of their fingers, countless black tentacles moved again. These familiars who were greeted by the Pink Book could no longer suppress their desire to get close to women.

"No!!!.......Please, let me go!!"

But unfortunately, how can my familiar obey the prisoner's begging for mercy?

"I'm ticklish!!"

Yes, just tickling. I'm a good person, and I won't do anything destined to be harmonious.

"I can't help you, tentacles, give me a special greeting to the itchy flesh around her waist and under her neck! That's her weakness!"

"Ha...hehe...kill me, you bastard!!....haha"

As expected of the punishment that the female ranger feared most, soon, under the countless tentacles, she rolled on the ground laughing.

"Humph! You deserve it, who told you that you dare to break into my house, if you don't take care of you well, you still think I'm a soft persimmon!"

Of course, I won't say things that are harmful to others, just to punish her, waste my magic power, how is it possible.

"Please, I admit defeat, I surrender... I will agree to any conditions!!"

"No, it's your contribution to me by hanging like this."

Looking at the slowly increasing numbers on my own panel, I couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, it's been three days, and I've only given 2 evil points. It's going to be enough to get 100,000 points for resurrecting the flesh, and it will take that year."

Thinking of the sex life that everyone yearned for in the transfer, he looked down at his body with only bones left, and soon his eyes turned to the unlucky people in the cell.

"Punishing evil is also promoting good, for the sake of points... No, for justice, for our sexual well-being... No, for being a good person. Your suffering is my wealth, accept your fate!

In the cages, there are various prisoners, including tauren, elves, and most of them are humans.

"Let me out!!" "I'm not guilty!" "Don't come here!!" The mourning and begging for mercy came one after another, but the lich ignored it. A slap in the face shut them up.

"Ruhl, human, rapist, committed six crimes and was arrested three times, but because of a good brother of the gang boss in the dock area, the victims were threatened not to report the crime, and the Supreme Court of Brimstone City released twice because of insufficient evidence. ."

But at this moment, this gangster is the worst.

"You like mating so much, I'll let you mate enough."

So, I found a few ogres who were more than three meters tall and played with him every day... However, they were males, and those words were thicker than human calves...

Well, now that he's in a cage, it's horrible to see, and I feel sick talking about it, let's talk about his neighbors.

"Dia Jin, a goblin professional liar, has been accused in dozens of cases at the same time, but his tactics are very superb, and the victims often lack conclusive evidence, and this fellow is willing to spend money on the best lawyers in Brimstone City, so so far Still at large."

At this moment, the gambler was gambling with bloodshot eyes.

"I... I won!! Your money is all mine, you have to let me go as agreed!! I am four kings!!"

The undead player on the opposite side laughed. He spread out his trump cards and found four Aces, which were just a little bigger than the opponent's.

"No, no, no, impossible! You've won 767 straight! You're cheating!!"

"Cheating without getting caught is legitimate, isn't that your famous saying? Well, tell me your last hidden possessions and secrets!"

"I...I, I must turn over!!"

Of course that undead player is cheating, this is my special enchanted magic card, he can come to that card if he wants, how did Dia win.

If it were an ordinary person, if he had lost hundreds of games in a row, he would have been discouraged, but Dia, a gambler who had lost a long time ago, was willing to let go when he saw the opportunity to gain freedom and wealth in front of him.

The undead player doesn't need to persuade Dia to be fooled at all. He only uses it to play cards by himself. The goblin's greed from the bones will make Dia, who has nothing to do in the cage, join him.

"In case... in case I can win, I won't be able to make a return."

So, just like the victim who was deceived by him in the past, this fellow was led to the bottomless abyss by greed, and he had already lost all his belongings.

I'm actually not interested in his tricks and secrets, but every time he loses, the desperation and anger that comes from the bottom of my heart will give me more evil points, and the already numb guy in his neighbor, the more less and less.

This is a prison, my personal prison. Most of the prisoners here are bastards who cannot be punished by officials in Brimstone City for some reason, but they are indeed unforgivable.

My unreliable system can gain strength from the pain and misfortune of others, but in order to be a good person, I have no choice but to choose the path of eliminating evil and promoting good.

So, through some relationship, I brought these bastards here as food for my 'evil lich system'.

The treatment of the hero who "goes through hell alone" is considered the best. Anyway, she only smashed a few vases, scattered a few skeleton gardeners, and played with her for a few days before throwing them out.

The others are all crumbs enough to be sentenced to death, so I let them enjoy what they have done to others, or, in other words, self-rewarding,

For example, let the rapists taste the taste of being raped, let the cheaters taste the taste of being deceived and go bankrupt, let the robbers and thieves taste the taste of being robbed and steal everything, let the profiteers who maliciously hoard goods and create famines Enjoy sleeping on top of a golden mountain without buying a slice of bread.

"Crazy!! You crazy!"

"Please, let me go!"

It is boring to do things that harm others and not oneself. UU reading www. Their pain, through the nameless system, will be turned into my strength, the cornerstone of my resurrection.

"I'm not crazy, you are crazy!"

"Crazy Lich!! Please let me go, I'll do anything!"

Crazy Lich? It's true that many people said that I had gone mad, but it was the one who said it first.

I stroked my chin with my fingers and recalled it carefully.

"When did I start going mad? In my past life, as a judge who insisted on fairness and justice, I was stripped of my public office by unscrupulous officials, and finally pushed out to the point where I couldn't even be a lawyer?"

"Is it when I reincarnated into this world with that strange system, thinking that I was the protagonist of destiny, and vowed to make the people and relatives happier, but found that the cruel fate could not be reversed, and lost the country, family and all relatives step by step?"

"I vowed to avenge the gods and hypocrites, and formed an army of the dead with a mutilated body, but found that on the road of revenge, behind me, there were already corpses and ruins, and I had already fought like hypocrites and careerists. When you continue to create disasters and tragedies under the banner of high-sounding?"

"Hehe, maybe, from the very beginning, I, who have memories of two lives, have gone crazy after discovering the truth of the world."

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