The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 100 The Rise of the Tide

It was already dark outside, but I was still thinking under the lampstand, holding the pen I had been holding for a long time, I didn't know how to put it down, finally sighed, and started to write.

"Dear Sir Ferdinand, long time no see. I don't know if everything is going well in Sulfur Mountain City...Three hundred years have passed, and a large number of inheritances and secret skills have been lost in the flames of war. Today, the Royal Knights of Lan Kingdom are probably even considered third-rate. No, perhaps, our ancestors are a little too unqualified. I have reached an agreement with this descendant of Lan, and I will provide some 'instructors' to guide those rookies."

"After thinking about it, this matter can only get rid of you in the end. Please bring Feidi Great Sword Master, Lucas... The young knights have already realized that for the famous ancestors, the identity of the undead Don’t worry too much, you just need to be more careful on the way.”

After all, I am writing a letter to my elders. This letter took me a lot of effort. In fact, the content is very simple. I transferred a group of instructors from the Scarlet Hound to Donglan Principality. I am afraid that old Ferdinand will never set foot on that ice field again.

But there is no doubt that even though he has turned into a bone knight, old Ferdinand is still the most suitable veteran general for training recruits. Perhaps, besides combat skills, he can impart more important things, such as the experience of hundreds of battles, such as Tactics and unyielding will, such as the military spirit represented by that battle flag.

"...I look forward to the time when the drums of war sound again, and the young knights can shoulder the honor and responsibility left by their predecessors. This is up to you, and I sincerely look forward to the day when we will meet again in the land of ice and snow."

The other letter was simple, and there was no need to think about the wording at all. Straight to the point.

"Dong Lan has established the belief in the God of Law as the state religion. You can't justify it when you are so shrinking. There is no need for a Pope, a complete judicial system, and a complete Church of the True God... This is an opportunity. Once it succeeds. Law The spread of faith will save decades or even hundreds of years, this is a gamble worth placing, if you show the banner of the true God, I don't believe anyone dares to stop you from going to Donglan."

In the name of the Church of the True God of the Law, a lot of strength in my hands can really come to the surface, and in a sense, after placing a big bet this time, when I pressed down the weights in my hands one by one, I also It can be regarded as completely sharing the same fate with Donglan Principality.

The state religion thing came much sooner than expected. In a sense, this is both an opportunity and a challenge. If Donglan soars into the sky, the Church of the Law will also rise accordingly. Ruodonglan will destroy the country... Well, it is still possible to return to the underground.

Both letters were sealed with beeswax. After thinking for a while, I added another letter to Adam who didn't know where he was now. When everything was busy, I really didn't want to write the last letter. But the letter that had to be written was put on the table.


It seems that you and your country are in big trouble. If you don't handle it properly this time, I'm afraid the Oran Empire will become history. Perhaps, you think I am alarmist, but these. But we have to start with a group of murlocs..."

indeed. I didn't expect that the incident of my attack would eventually involve so much. That starts when I come back during the day.


At that time, wearing a borrowed cloak, I tried my best to ignore the half-smiling eyes of the women opposite me. I turned my attention to the Sea Clan that appeared out of nowhere.

The Sea Clan is not a separate race. It is a general term for underwater intelligent creatures such as murlocs, mermaids, shrimp people, and sea giants. Most of them live around the long coastline of Ashe Continent. They cannot do without sea water. The way the underwater kingdom exists.

The deeper the sea, the greater the sea pressure, and the sea monsters in the deep sea are unbelievably powerful. The weak cannot survive in the deep sea. The living space of the sea people is not all unlimited.

There are many sporadic murloc tribes along the coastline, but they can't stay out of the water for too long. Their threat to land creatures is limited, and it's not even as good as an invasion of a neighboring country. However, due to the strong aggressiveness of many sea tribes , basically in a natural hostile relationship with all countries on the mainland.

Therefore, even if I met a red dragon in the river, I would think it was understandable, but it would be unbelievable to meet the obviously organized Haizu.

As the capital of the Oran Empire, even if they only looked at the river, Kagoshi City was not defenseless. It was completely unimaginable that there would be a tribe of murlocs in the river.

Murlocs, amphibious creatures that can survive in both fresh and sea water, may exist along the river, but a powerful murloc tribe that can raise demon sharks in captivity is absolutely impossible to live in the river. After all, demon sharks are marine creatures, and they have been in the river for a long time. Sooner or later it will die.

In other words, most of these murlocs came to this river city in the opposite direction along the estuary.

It's not easy. There are fleets in the cities along the river in the Oran Empire, so many cities along the way have not been found? Actually let the murlocs come directly to the hinterland? Why did they spend so much energy and take so many risks to come here? Is it just to see the city and visit the succession ceremony?

When my doubts didn't last long...

"Huh? The fishbone and harpoon of demon sharks and whale bones? Are their fins white? Well, those are the murlocs of the Beluga tribe. Since you met them underwater and were attacked by them, they should be They are planning to sack the city."

Not long after I got home, I remembered that Trixis, the sea monster, is also considered a Sea Clan. It is said that the Sea Monster has a very high status in the Sea Clan. She might know something, so I sent someone to invite her. As a result, just after a few words, the other party directly A bombshell was dropped.

"Looting this city? Looting the capital of the Oran Empire? Is that tribe crazy?"

"They are not lunatics. In the entire South Bay area of ​​the Black Sea, the Beluga tribe is the top three super tribes. The murlocs are just their vanguard. According to the strength of the prey, the sea snake tribe, Naga, and sea giants will come later. .Maybe there are mermaids and sirens.”

"But it's impossible to siege the city. This is equivalent to offending the entire empire. They are not afraid of being surrounded by the fleet."

"Heh, you don't understand the Sea Clan at all. For the Sea Clan, there is never any need to worry about offending anyone. The Beluga Tribe is a well-known hunting tribe. It is also a mercenary tribe that accepts hire. If the harvest is enough, just leave That is, can the land race catch up. Besides, you think they have no one to guide them. Can they come directly to this city?"

After thinking about it for a while, I smelled a conspiracy.

The fleet along the way didn't find it? I'm afraid someone controlled the fleet and pretended not to see it, or simply let the Sea Clan attach to a normal merchant ship and pass along the way.

As for the purpose? That is even more obvious. If the capital of the country is attacked by foreigners on the same day as the new king's succession ceremony, Dasos, the emperor's position, may be shaken.

Trixes said with a disdainful face.

"That fat man participated in this plan. Since he is so afraid of you, you can ask him."

"Mr. Broken Egg? He also participated."

"Well, I am the connector sent by the Moby Whale Tribe. But he keeps pestering me, which is really annoying. I just cast a charm curse on him, making him do stupid things unknowingly and become a eunuch , but strangely, he seems to have recovered."

Well, everyone's eyes fell to the ground, and Cui Xisi in front of her actually confessed that she was a spy of the Sea Clan, and the nonsensical task she took at that time was actually related to it.

"But the plan seems to have failed, so I took the opportunity to break away from the Beluga tribe."

"Failure? Isn't this all successful?"

"Another group of people who joined me was killed suddenly. Their lair was also burned. Without the guidance of the human side, it is impossible for the Beluga tribe to come to this city from the waterway, and they will not care about failure Reason, if I return to the tribe as a loser, I will only become a condiment on the chief's afternoon tea."

Covering my forehead, I vaguely guessed what happened.

"By the way, those liaisons all wear rings with stars and eyes."

Many clues have been placed in front of me, and with a little pull, I know what happened.

Obviously, just as Dassos was guarding against the astrology tower that helped him get up. Astrology tower is obviously not completely on the side of Dassos. They colluded with the Moby Dick tribe and the nobles who opposed Daxos, obviously hedging their bets.

And if Dassos obediently cooperates with them. Maybe this Sea Clan attack will not happen, but obviously, after being wanted by all members. The remnants of the Astrologer intend to fight Dassos to the death.

"Oh, those people actually dared to let the Beluga tribe attack the coastline. But they didn't know that after the adult woke up, the sea tribe was at least three times stronger than before. When the big waves hit, they couldn't stop the waves from breaking through. Beware, how many people will survive when the flood of the white whale dissipates."


Hearing this name, Tracy was taken aback for a moment, then nodded silently.

"The Sea Clan is no longer what it used to be. Under the will of that lord and the Queen of Storms, all the Sea Clan are longing for the blood and souls of the creatures on the ground, which is what they rely on to please the superiors. And in the offshore, in the Under the guidance of the great existence, various departments are uniting, and I am afraid that war is inevitable."

The Queen of Storms is the guardian god of the sea clan, but she is a member of the evil gods of chaos. Obviously, under the drive of the ancient god of water elements, under the call of a jihad, and under the enmity of years of fighting with surface creatures, the sea The clan has gotten rid of its relatively neutral identity, and has begun to lean towards chaos.

And once this attack really starts, no, judging from this situation, the attack of the Beluga Tribe is almost inevitable. I am afraid that it will immediately exceed the original expectations of those nobles, from a small-scale attack to a national attack. war.

"Unlike them, I have many friends in the human world. I'm afraid those guys didn't trust me from the beginning. Maybe the count has other goals when he approaches me."

"Why didn't you say it earlier."

"I have defected, and I dare not go back to the sea. The source of news has been cut off for a long time. Isn't this not sure about the authenticity of the invasion? How to say? To whom? Now even the vanguard has seen it. Now I can talk to you." You just say it straight. After that, how to deal with it is a matter for you human beings, and has nothing to do with me. I am personally weak, and I am even a foreigner. Neither side will trust me. I will only offend both sides at the same time. What can I do? I can’t control it, and I don’t plan to control it.”

After finishing speaking, the siren looked relaxed, but it made the audience very helpless. She was relaxed, but this troublesome ball was kicked on someone else's head.

At that time, we discussed for a long time, but in the end we couldn't come to a conclusion, whether it was the countermeasures if the invasion was real, or the authenticity of the siren's words.

Yes, we still doubt her even though she seems to be extremely calm and voluntarily revealed a series of secrets.

Regardless of the legend or the reality, the sea monster is not an honest and kind creature. Her active confession makes people extremely suspicious of fraud. Moreover, I always feel a subtle sense of incongruity, as if it has been counted out. something very important.

Twilight has fallen, but my spies have just returned.

"Any new news?"

The black cat jumped onto the window sill. She herself had been dozing off at the table, but the four fragments scattered out were all-pervasive spies. The siren's residence and the riverside were all within her surveillance range.

"Yes, that sea monster is indeed not trustworthy. At least, she doesn't want to be as indifferent as she said. She sent out all her seals to monitor the murloc tribe in the river. And she herself went to the Thieves Union, mercenaries The Armed Forces Association went to entrust, and it seems that they are also looking for something."


"Well, it seems to be a tribute. It is said that it has something to do with the sea god."

"Is it related to the sea god? Then as a sea monster, it's only natural for her to look for it. Is there no other news? What's the situation in the river?"

"The murlocs have started to build a camp in the river. It seems that they are really the vanguard, and they are planning to prepare for the big troops later."

Nodded, the information is in place, but I still can't draw a conclusion.

"There is too little information, we know too little about this country and the Sea Clan..."

"Hey, Roland, I guessed something, do you want to know?"

"Dried fish and milk are all you can eat... Well, I'm just kidding, I know you're not a cat, don't bite me, just say it."

Seemingly appreciating my headache, the triumphant cat strided back and forth on the window sill, with its tail up to the sky.

"My stupid disciple, it's actually very simple. Interests. The Sea Clan is not a charity organization. Taking such a big risk to raid the capital of a country, how can it make sense without enough interests. Also, the god of water elements It’s not the patron saint of the sea clan, they mix together, the water element and the murloc become a family, how can it be possible without enough interests as the glue?”

"You mean...damn it! That's a big game."

Under the cat's description, a water element disintegrates in the air and turns into a little rain, and in the rain, a group of wooden figures representing murlocs are rushing.

"With the help of Airos, the god of water elements, the sea people are going to go ashore?"

"It makes sense in terms of magic theory. Such benefits are enough to drive the Sea Clan crazy. Perhaps, the Oran Empire is really in big trouble this time."


I added more yesterday and still owed three outbreaks... Let's fight for the outbreak as soon as possible. ()

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