The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 20 The Invincible Man

"Sir, please help me!! I really have no choice."

The elf in front of her has a face full of peach blossoms, her eyes are charming, her turquoise hair is smooth and beautiful, and her small mouth is red and dandan.

But at this time, the crying pear blossom brought rain, and the peach blossom eyes that looked at me were full of sincerity and pleading, and suddenly fell into my arms, but I quickly pulled away the robe that was being pulled. Silently took a step back and opened the distance.

"What's wrong? Don't forget, you are a law enforcer and a man!"

Yes, the one who was crying miserably in front of this elf was the shrewd and decisive elf-born first-level defense officer of the Supreme Court, Koros Eintan.

Elf men are inherently neutral, and Koros is known as the number one beauty in the judicial system. It always makes people wonder if the gender is wrong on the job card, and there is even a precedent for being pulled into the women's toilet. He is also very embarrassed, and he tries his best to express his masculinity in daily life.

Others wear silver masks, which means giving up their personal identity and impartial justice, and as far as I know, Koros wears masks even after get off work, which has a certain meaning of mask collecting and making.

It is said that he collected a cabinet full of judicial masks. Those delicate silver masks were carved with the unique craftsmanship of elves, and precious items such as mithril wire and adamantine gems were all willing to invest. The elves’ craftsmanship was excellent enough to draw on masks I have read the picture of Sulphur Mountain City, but the mask is also a part of the uniform. How can it be different? In order not to affect the work, so his carvings are small and cannot be distinguished without a magnifying glass, that is, all the efforts are in vain. carved...

Even so, he treats it like a treasure every day when he goes by himself. He needs to wipe it at least a few times, and he doesn't pick it up when he bathes or sleeps... Everyone knows what this is for, but no one is stupid enough to say it.

In the past, these masks did give courage and dignity to this elf apologist with a female face. His natural delicacy gave him a deep understanding of the law, and his belief and love for the law made me respect it. In my eyes, I don't see it. In appearance, he is also an extremely good defense officer. This is the first time I have encountered someone who has thrown away his mask and cried for help.

"Calm down, Koros, take a deep breath, what happened, the Sulphur Mountain City Prison was robbed, and all the criminals escaped?"

Kroos shook his head vigorously, and the tears scattered, wetting my sleeves.

Someone was already pointing at me. In order not to be suspected of having a problem with my sexuality, and in order not to become the number one news of the rotten girls in another world, I silently took a step back and distanced myself from him.

"Is the dragon attacking the city? Did you notify the city owner?"

Still shaking his head, it doesn't seem to be.

"It's monsters attacking the city..." I asked the most probable answers in a row, but still just shook my head. Finally, when Koros was out of breath, he said to himself.

"It's Beifeng, it's the half-dragon man Beifeng. Eruo this ****! He's too much!"

At this time, the beauty wiped away her tears and remembered that she was still in the courthouse, trying to squeeze out a smile. He took a step back and opened a three-meter distance.

Then, in "his" narration, I figured out the ins and outs of things.

That half-dragon hunter with special hobbies, after the [regulations prohibiting super-friendship between humanoids and non-humanoids] and the [conditions for permission to raise animals] were passed lightningly against him, his "****** ' and 'lover' were taken away,

He was really badly hit, but soon, he was on the rise again. . . .

He is no longer a Beastmaster hunter, he changed his career to become a veterinarian, specializing in obstetrics and gynecology...

Originally, this was nothing. The Beastmaster Hunter already knew a lot about animals. He was very good at treating animals, and being a veterinarian was even more of a vocation. Good reviews, I even created "Love's Touch", which is a technique for calming things down, only to...  

"I took my Xiaobai to see a doctor, and I met that **, that ** is a doctor there, obviously using obscene skills to play with everyone's **, and he smiled proudly at me, while Where are you playing with my Xiaobai... woowuwu, Xiaobai is so naive, and he is happy to lick his fingers...I, I want to kill him and avenge the insulted Xiaobai!!"

If I remember correctly, Xiaobai is his pet dog...

Koros was crying miserably. As a Druid-born wild elf, he hated this unnatural behavior. As a law enforcement officer, Koros once defended it. Sad wind's behavior is simply ignoring the law. Don't look at the dignity of Koros crying like a young girl at the moment, I don't hesitate the truth of his killing intent towards Beifeng.

And from what I know about him, he will definitely seek death after committing a crime. Maybe this time, he will resign as a law enforcement officer and die with that pervert.

I'm a little speechless. If you think that this kind of thing, let a smug subordinate die in the line of duty, you really don't know how to deal with it.

So, I said weakly behind me.

"Stop watching the jokes, go and help me bring that **** here. This is the first time I have met an opponent who can ignore my law so much."

"Yes, my lord."

"Okay, my lord, go now."

Sure enough, more than a dozen answers sounded at the same time, and these bastards really hid in the corner to watch jokes.

And Koros finally remembered that this was a public place, and stood up quickly, but his eyes were full of anticipation and trust, which really made people not know how to respond.


My office is not big, and the ** and I looked at each other across the desk, but for a while I didn't know what to say.

Is it necessary to re-enact legislation to prohibit this fellow from being a veterinarian? No, what I said about crime legislation in the past, I'm really a joke when I legislate against someone.

Moreover, it is a taboo to continuously change the law, which means to the whole society that there is something wrong with the original law, which will have a serious negative impact on the dignity of the law and the judiciary itself.

Kill the opponent directly? But it is easy to do, but the crime and punishment are relatively proportional, which is also the basic principle of justice. Although this fellow is a **, but no matter how he is guilty, he will not die.

From the perspective of judicial justice, it is simply a foolish act to deny the existence of the entire judicial system if the criminal case cannot be caught and the other party is directly obliterated.

shut him down? I'm sorry, he didn't commit a crime, he just performed the duties of a gynaecologist, caressing cute cocks carefully, some "touching" is inevitable... I guess he will definitely explain this, And it makes perfect sense, we have no proof...

It was the first time I felt so powerless as I stretched out on the chair.

"I can't kill it, I can't shut it down, can I just watch him continue to be a wretched and cute ****? The allied forces of the Holy Church are not as difficult to deal with as such."

Sad wind. Aero rolled his eyes, and seemed to have made up his mind.

"Sir, can I go back? I still have work to do, and I have to queue up for treatment."

This fellow seemed to be smiling honestly, but he was actually protesting to me. "The Supreme Court is very powerful? Still can't do anything about me."

"Normal methods are not suitable. I'm good at slander, slander, rumors, sap, and slander. It's not too easy to kill you." Just when I was planning to play cards against common sense and take care of the s**t in front of me, a voice, but ringing in the ear.

"Master, according to your plan, we just need someone to go to prison, isn't he very suitable..."

So, I smiled and took a closer look at the person in front of me.

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like a ** who should go to prison, very suitable, um, not bad."

Making up my mind, I held up two fingers.

"Let's make a judicial transaction. If you do two things, I'll give you a birth certificate. You won't be a veterinarian in the future. As long as you don't affect the social atmosphere in public places, what do you do when you go home? What, I just thought I didn't see it."

Yes, sad wind's hobby, this is just a crime on the moral level, as long as it is not public enough to cause a negative social impact, a crime that corrupts the social atmosphere, has not touched my red line, it is barely tolerated, but... People's disgusting smug smiles, I really feel disgusted, I can't wait to kill him with a finger of death!

I closed my eyes and didn't look at the half-dragon man's smug smile. After a long time, I calmed down and restrained my killing intent.

"The first thing is to apologize to Koros. Well, it's the elf defense officer you made cry. No one else has defended you. How can you be polite with such resentment in return."

"Yes, yes, my lord, I apologize to Ms. Koros immediately!!"

"Yes sir!" I saw the half-dragon man with a surprised face, and I continued.

"The second thing, you commit a case to me, and I will put you into the Sulphur Mountain City Prison, and I want you to do something for me inside."


"prison Break!!……."

When the sad wind left, I finished the work I had accumulated during this period of time, and four or five hours had passed, and it was time for the moon to set in the west.

But when I stood on the windowsill and looked at the peaceful and prosperous scene outside, I sighed a little.

"Sulphur Mountain City has been peaceful for too long. It's so peaceful that some people have forgotten their duty."

"Isn't that your credit. Are you boasting about your narcissism again?"

As usual, I am not in the mood to quarrel with her at this moment.

"No, I should thank Adam and Margaret. They sheltered the city in the dungeon world of crazy infighting, but obviously, someone has forgotten the favor they received, and it's time to remind them."

Eliza nodded.

"Betrayer will never be forgiven. In fact, according to the rules of the dungeon, we can directly eliminate them. This is also the opinion of most high-level spies by the bystanders..."

"This is Sulphur Mountain City, everyone is equal, and there is no power, well, at least not on the surface. Peace after all, well, on the surface, we should cherish more, or follow the rules of Sulphur Mountain City. We need 'accidental' evidence of those who betrayed, and accidental deaths of some people."

"Yes, as long as the chaos is caused, our stalkers will start collecting evidence. As long as the evidence is conclusive, it will be time for the courtroom and the law enforcement room to play."

"Are the stalker and the magic tracking mark ready? I don't want a criminal to actually escape."

"Yes, everything is ready, the magic tracking mark has been placed in the drinking water of the prison, and it will not disappear within three months, enough for you to catch them all back. Our 3,600 bystanders will all be dispatched, as long as If there are fewer than 1,000 jailbreakers, an innocent citizen will not be harmed."

"Well, let the dogs come out and bite people. The Sulphur Mountain City is too peaceful, how can I use a knife to cut off the carrion."

It was a dangerous move to release prisoners to lead a snake out of a hole. When I talked to the Four Heavenly Kings, it took a lot of energy to get them to support me in taking action.

"Yes, bystanders will force those special fugitives to escape to a suitable place. Even if they don't go, our insider will lead them to go. However, I'm just worried that Bei Feng can really escape from prison successfully."

"Don't underestimate him, look at this."

Looking at the document in front of her, even Eliza, who had always been unchanging, was also surprised.

"How is that possible, Golden Rank Beastmaster Hunter! Master Beastmaster?"

"Yes, this is the natural advantage of the longevity species. As long as it is obtained long enough, it will always become stronger, and the Beastmaster Hunter is indeed a natural animal trainer. His love for beasts,,,,,, forget it, forget it. , that's disgusting. Look at this report again..."

"Target X entered the prison for less than an hour, and asked all the inmates in the same cell to apply for a room change. Someone shouted, 'Don't let me go with that **, I'll die if I don't change the cell.' At the same time, some prisoners really hit the wall begging Die...' That's too exaggerated!!"

"...Not only that, but there was a 'squeak' sound in the cell. It should be that he summoned the mice to help... I hope it's just to help escape the prison, I don't want to think about it any more."

Inexplicably, the killing intent that was finally suppressed boiled again.

"Do you have to do this? There are no airtight walls in the world. If you release prisoners, if the wind leaks, your reputation will be..."

"Even if we don't leak the news, it's just a prison break in the judicial system. If a guard is not strict, the punishment of demotion and investigation is inevitable. Even if Adam is not punished, I will take the initiative to ask for punishment."

After a long time, Eliza continued to speak.

"You are trying to suppress your reputation, is it worth it?"

"If the reputation and prestige of his subordinates are higher than that of the top leader, that leader is really not easy to be. Since you want to help Annie take the top position, then you can do a full set of acting. Besides,,,,,"

"What's more?"

"The tide of a new era is coming. No one can stop this catastrophe. In the changing times, what is my reputation? And,,,,,"

"And you're still thinking, will Little Annie be moved by your sacrifice?"

I was surprised when I heard her continue to choke.

"Humph, she promises you? Hehe, according to her character, she will only be angry with you, annoy you, and ignore you. Humph! It's better to ignore you for the rest of your life!"

Looking at the half-demon girl whose face was completely different from the cold expression in the past, with a blushing face, I said something out of nowhere.

"You, jealous? Jealous that I treat Annie better than you?"

Then, in an instant, the air in the office stopped... Looking at the red clouds of the poisonous-tongued maid's ears all the way to her ears, and her eyes full of shame, I began to pray for my collections.

"It's over, if you say it wrong, she will definitely take revenge!!"

Strangely, she kept an eerie silence, and only managed to say a word for a long time.

"If I'm really jealous, and you..."

Eliza's voice was getting smaller and smaller, and she could not hear clearly from behind.


When I was racking my brains to say something to ease the atmosphere, suddenly, the door of the office was opened, Kroos rushed in, and Eliza, who was blushing, disappeared into the shadows in an instant.

"Sir, it's not good, there is a jailbreak in the Sulphur Mountain City Prison!!!"

"What are you panicking about? It wasn't planned."

"'s not what we planned. That ** has not dug out the wall, and escaped directly from another place. Someone attacked the prison! This is a real escape! The prisoners have all escaped!! The situation It's out of control."

"Clap! This is the sound of me smashing the handguard of the wooden chair, and then out of control, there is a suffocating magic siphon.

The next second, the whole world was distorted, the colorful world became only black and white, Eliza was driven out of the shadows, and Koros was also rushed out of the door by the berserk magic.

"These bastards are tired of living, and they dare to make trouble on my trump card!! That bastard without eyes, I will kill your whole family!!"

Well, at the entrance of the office, the gangster-like speech, in the end, became the dark history of the always polite and courteous Justice Sleepless...


PS. Since someone mentioned a typo, let's slowly correct it from the beginning....

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