The sky in Carol is always greyish-yellow, and the boundless sandstorms hit the barrier above the city every day. Although it is not necessary to prepare for wind protection like the outside, as long as the wind and sand blow up, the sky inside the city will naturally be dark .

At this time, the magic lights of the city will be lit, but recently they have cut off the connection with the main plane, and the resources and supplies are limited. Magic lights, a luxury that consumes a lot of energy, are useless. When it is dark, when the whole city is dark, you can only stay indoors and sleep.

This is only a small part of the harsh environment. The lack of color makes the world look rather monotonous. In order to avoid psychological problems, according to past practice, Kaluo's garrison mages will often be rotated every three years, but This unexpected situation made the outgoing Kayed doomed to stay for a long time.

But at this time, in this world dominated by simple tones such as black, gray and yellow, there are more different colors—that is endless white.

The temporary room used as a guest room has been completely frozen by the ice, and the ice crystals have been spreading along the corridor, but when the ice reunited, there was a vacancy, where the Frost Knight was restraining the cold air.

"Phew, I'm finally getting used to it. The newly mastered cold air of death is indeed much easier to use than the 'frozen air'. Then, the next target is the sword of ice."

Of course, I won't practice sparring for nothing. In fact, I now need a lot of actual combat to familiarize myself with my freshman ability.

Although "Winter Frozen Earth" has been put back into the furnace for maintenance by the system, and most of its powers cannot be used, there are two advanced abilities evolved from the original abilities that still exist. Spent most of my energy.

"Frozen Air" is only in the newly awakened state, which proves its potential. His infinite superposition and non-exempt ability are the original form of cold winter, but the addition of contact ability is always flawed. At that time, he left a note, waiting for me to reach the golden rank. can evolve again.

Now. It really evolved again, "Death Chill". It has a weird ability to deal ice damage all the way within a range, and each ice damage will cause the opponent's resistance to ice to decrease. I have tested it. About a gold-rank mage, if he is not prepared, he can fall asleep in the ice within thirty seconds.

And this superposition inherits the non-exemption and infinite superposition effects of "Frozen Air". Simply put, as long as the time is long enough, I can freeze the ice dragon with confidence, and because this ability is directly linked to "Winter Frozen Earth" . I reckon that even the True God cannot be exempted from this seemingly innocuous freezing,

This is undoubtedly a very powerful ability, and I am afraid it will also become the core of my future tactics, as long as I put on heavy armor. I was already a pretty good canned knight, coupled with auxiliary abilities such as lay on hands, the advantages of fighting protracted battles are obvious.

And the recent fights with other mages have undoubtedly proved that this ability is weird and powerful. The moving opponent suddenly slips or freezes on the soles of his feet, and the half-recited mantra is suddenly interrupted by coughing, and the well-prepared protective barrier becomes The useless and fragile ice cubes have obvious advantages in fighting with opponents who are also in close combat. The closer you are to this "death chill", the more powerful it will be. After the two blades intersect, the opponent will worry about the ice crystals on the blade. Naturally, the cold air will not let the sword bearer go. Although more usages are still to be developed, but just these abilities are enough for me to deal with ordinary legendary powerhouses.

The most important thing is that this ability is not affected by this world. If it can exert its power on the earth element plane where water and ice elements are scarce, it may be the self-domain of the gods, and it is also where he can show his power. This is where I am most concerned.

However, some people have a little opinion on me.

"Hey, hey, didn't you say that those fighters were brainless muscular men? Why did you go to work as a barbarian?"

Well, an old friend who knows everything is sometimes very frustrating, especially when he knows your dark history like the back of his hand, but I really don’t know how to answer such a teasing question.

"It's hard to say. By the way, has your country responded?"

"Well, I managed to get in touch. Although I could only say a few words, the Parliament of Truth responded very quickly and gave us good news. Basically, it gave us full power to deal with the current emergency, that is to say, I It's up to you."

Kaid smiled triumphantly. In a sense, it also showed the trust and importance of his country and the Council of Truth.

To be expected. I nodded and said nothing, but Kaid then laughed.

"By the way, they also brought something, a small gift for you."

gift for me? Back then, I should have left without saying goodbye. Before I left, I reported Amyla and ran away as soon as possible. How could there be a gift for me.

"Your graduation certificate, congratulations. After more than two hundred years, you are also a graduate with a certificate that can find a job. By the way, you also broke the history of repeating grades and truancy in school."

Well, facing the little cabbage book that actually had Roland's name written on it, and the stamp of the Council of Truth on it, I was annoyed and funny at first, but then suddenly realized.

"You mean..."

"It's enough to know some things in your heart, and it's unnecessary to say them. By the way, remember to thank our teacher Aroso, he also helped you get a special lecturer qualification,"

This seems to be just an insignificant joke, but it represents the recognition of the kingdom of mages to me. "Students who forgot their graduation certificates before leaving", at least they are not outsiders. With the identity of a graduate of this major and a special lecturer, I also have the identity of the country of mages, and it is only natural to command these juniors.

"...Mr. Aloso? That good guy from the Ice Element? Well, I see. In return, I will give him a copy of the principles of 'Ice Age'."

"...Yong Ye is really you. Forget it, everyone has their own troubles. I won't mention it. Then I will thank you on behalf of Teacher Aluosuo. After all, it is three hundred It’s the only ice and snow forbidden spell for many years. Although ninety-nine out of ten people can learn and master it, it’s good to enrich the library.”

After the news from the country was released, the whole Carol was busy preparing for the battle. The dispute between the country and Bayer has involved every mage's mind. Solve the immediate troubles as soon as possible and return to the native land. It has become the goal of unity.

And when Carol took action, the "Tower of Shadows" and "Hand of Tissou" and other well-connected forces were also invited to join in and make full preparations for the war. And I am patiently waiting for this destined battle.

"Emdi Loken, the blood feud in Red Maple City is still vivid in my mind, and the time for liquidation has come!"

An elemental master of an elemental plane, in a sense, he is also the master of this plane, and countless elemental creatures are to be controlled by him. Only powerful extreme elemental life can reject his call, therefore, from the very beginning, this was an extremely dangerous battle.

therefore. In order to cope with the almost endless cannon fodder elemental fighters under the command of the elemental master, we must also prepare enough cannon fodder. Starting from the classification, all members of the team have been working hard.

Ordinary wind elemental creatures and water elemental creatures are probably no more than waste here, so Camdirian has been working hard to fool the local residents as cannon fodder.

Those ambitious ancient existences had long been dissatisfied with Emdilokan, especially since he had been sealed for such a long time, and he didn't show up after returning, and now it was rumored that he was seriously injured and nearly died, so naturally he didn't have much intimidating power.

The earth elemental lords of the new generation are very ambitious and have long tried to replace them. The older generation of elemental lords dare not underestimate him at all, but the more they know how powerful Umdi Loken is, the more they learn that Umdi The news of Roken's serious injury made him not want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In the later stage, Camdirian no longer needs to continue to be a lobbyist. These earth elemental lords and monarchs form cliques, one by one, and the number has skyrocketed to the limit. Absent for thousands of years, he is about to face a harsh crisis of impeachment by his subjects.

On the other hand, Renee is also working hard in her own way, and the endless army of demons is gathering more and more, which has become a serious problem for this plane. Ken, I'm afraid the coalition forces will immediately turn around and attack this super nonsense demon boss.

As for the two demigod-level mages in the squad, they did not relax their tasks. They didn't know that there were too many cannon fodder. They just performed their duties on their own. The countless rune giants, earth-type Enchanted plants have accumulated into a mountain, coupled with the coalition forces formed by those outsiders who are already in the local area, I am afraid that this time Emdilokan will be in big trouble.

On the other side of Umdi Loken, it was completely silent. Although the mountains, rivers and rocks could be felt trembling slightly, as if some terrible existence was breathing and growing beneath them, but other than that, there was no other trace. There was no movement, no elemental lord was summoned, and even he himself did not move, as if he was still sleeping.

"Oh, that guy Roland is really good at calling people, and he actually asked us to be sentinels."

"However, it is undoubtedly a good thing to see this situation. It seems that the odds of winning are higher."

Before the words fell, Margaret took Adam and disappeared without a trace. No wonder they were asked to be scouts. Adam, the strongest shield, coupled with Margaret's teleportation and protection capabilities, their The combination can retreat even in the face of Umdi Loken.

Emdilokan's lack of defense was the expected result. For the God of Elements, just the destruction of his physical body was enough to put him into a long-term dormancy. In order to vent his grievances, he used his soul to trigger two bans. Curse-level spells.

The first time he destroyed the city wall of Hongfeng City, and the other time he provided the plain orcs with a place to attack. His attack did change the whole situation of the battle, but at that time, he didn't even have a physical body, so he blew himself up and paid a huge price. The price, I'm afraid, can't be made up without hundreds or even thousands of years of dormancy.

In his eyes, this shot should be able to seal the victory, but he didn't expect that the orc side lost in the end, and after his weak soul returned to this plane. But he didn't even dare to appear in front of other elemental monarchs, and went directly back to his lair for dormancy.

Undoubtedly, this is a very correct choice, I am afraid that it will only need to sleep for a while. Borrow the endless supply of the earth elemental plane. He can also have the ability to protect himself again, obviously playing when he is weaker than chasing. Good for the ambitious earth elemental lords to discover their weakness.

The only thing that didn't make a mistake was that his opponent took him too seriously, and would rather leave behind the important things in hand than get rid of the troubles at all costs. As a result, due to deep sleep, the initiative is lost.

There is half a month left in the two-month period, and the looming anti-Emdi Loken army has assembled nearly half of the combat power of this plane, not to mention the inexhaustible cannon fodder, the high-level There is no shortage of combat power, in my words. That is, "There are so many people, so what tactics are you talking about? Isn't it enough for A to pass?"

But these words are more to encourage the morale of the army, which is quite watery. After all, if we have the combat power of a small half-plane like this, what Urmdilloken has is probably the power of an entire elemental plane.

As the master of this elemental plane, the God of Elements can freely draw the power of elements in this plane of his own. If the entire plane is his domain, he will not be inferior to a middle-level true god in his home field. Felix is ​​much stronger.

If Hamdilloken hadn't been seriously injured on the main plane, those experienced elemental lords would not have the courage to raise the flag of rebellion at all, and if they missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it would be very difficult for them to have a next time.

But how strong the God of Elements is on the ground at his home court. If he doesn't really fight, no one knows. After all, the replacement of Gods of Elements will take five or six thousand years at the earliest, and it is difficult to find the latest record.

To ask the god of the water element and the god of the wind element? The idea was indeed good, but it was basically unrealistic. In fact, they had already asked before they separated, but the other party kept a weird silence. Obviously, the other party had no intention of handing over their cards.

"Today is the god of the earth element, are you worried that it will be me tomorrow? Really... Be careful enough."

They were enemies in the first place, but now they are a temporary alliance targeting a common enemy. I have no confidence in whether we will turn our faces and meet each other tomorrow. There is too much reason for such caution. I also hide most of my abilities, and the other party's concealment Of course I have nothing to say.

"Actually, due to the different element attributes, our fighting methods are completely different, and we are unable to provide any valuable information. What's more, the strength and history of Emdilokan are far superior to ours, and we cannot use it as a reference. .Then, it would be better to say nothing in the first place than to provide false information that would lead to miscalculation.”

This rhetoric sounds very reasonable, but if I believe it, I would be a fool. However, it is not bad as a facade reason for both parties to take a step back.

And when the countdown to February is getting closer, there is finally good news.

"Heloise has woken up? Great!"


Who do you always seem to forget? No! Absolutely not, do you insist? Well, that's what you asked for, let's take a look at the existence whose name has become a forbidden word, what is it up to recently...

On a distant sand source, a half-dragon man wearing a rag is sitting cross-legged and smiling, but around him, there are already all kinds of creatures, among them, there are stone giants, sand king worms, and golden dragons. Sphinx and more.

The originally hostile groups sat together, and the one who could do this miraculous thing was naturally the half-dragon who was preaching.

"Many appearances are just hypocrisy. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, life is created by oneself, form is born from heart, and everything in the world is form. Just because of a little disagreement, you hate each other and kill each other. You have become obsessed and even possessed."

"All bodies are equal, and true love has no boundaries. You may have different races and genders, but as long as you have a heart to pursue true love, you are all brothers and sisters at the root, and there is no difference at all."

The legendary half-dragon is teaching the way of true love to the residents of the alien plane, and after his words (brainwashing), more and more elemental beings began to follow him, seeking a way of coexistence that does not belong to this plane .

"I feel that all my body is suffering, and I make a big oath here. I am willing to go to the horn of the world and spread the way of true love. I hope that all people in the world will abandon their prejudices, ignore the appearance of race, gender, and body shape, and pursue true love. I wish Nine thunders strike the top, testing our will! Proving our sincerity."


As soon as the half-dragon man said he was willing to be struck by lightning to test his will, the thunder fell, but whether it was to test him, or because he was really unhappy, and he wanted to be struck by lightning to kill him, it is really unclear.

And this sudden thunderstorm made his disciples exclaim in surprise. It is very difficult to encounter thunder and lightning on this earth elemental plane, and the overflowing thunderstorm element undoubtedly shows that this is real thunder and lightning.

Other creatures were planning to save people, but suddenly, Beifeng's scorched skin fell off, revealing the newborn skin underneath. The guy was struck by lightning, but he was still unscathed, and instead showed his signature smile.

"As you all have seen with your own eyes, our sincerity has touched the heavens! Send down thunder and lightning to test us!"

Beifeng just said a righteous sentence, and the dark clouds that continued to surround him undoubtedly showed that the "nine thunders" were just the beginning, and his thunder disaster was not over yet...

The disciples were terrified at first, trying to escape. But when he saw the sad wind, he pointed his fingers and smiled, and he didn't care at all, so he calmed down.

All the creatures around were full of piety and saluted in a low voice, but only Beifeng knew that it wasn't that he didn't want to run, or that he couldn't.

"Sitting for too long, my feet are numb. I was shocked just now, and I couldn't move, and the smile on my face froze. Well, I can take back what I just said, can I?"


Well, God answered him in his own way. The residents on that plain appreciated the once-in-a-thousand-year super thunderstorm. It is said that thousands of lightning bolts pierced the sky that day, breaking the earth elemental plane. highest record ever.

The most speechless thing is that this spectacle has become one of the miracles of this weird religion. Since then, this weird religious and philosophical thought has begun to take root. ()

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