The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 216 Library Anecdote

"...It really is worthy of being the country of mages, it is even more outrageous than before. Watermark advertisement test Watermark advertisement test"

It was a sea of ​​books, countless bookshelves filled with endless ancient books, each of which was a priceless magic book, and the secrets and knowledge sealed in it were enough to drive the world crazy.

Obtained the status of a lecturer in the Kingdom of Mage, but also obtained the authority to enter this library. In this world, books are the most precious wealth, and reading is also a rather luxurious enjoyment. Back then, it was only for the books of the Tassel Kingdom. The reading card took us a lot of effort.

But in this regard, the country of mages is much more generous. Even if there is Kaid's recommendation, being able to consult these precious ancient books, it also proves the foundation of the country of mages from one side-burning and spreading magic Knowledge needs all the mysteries and truths in the world.

"Truth Master", the honorary title that represents the highest authority in the kingdom of mages, has already explained everything. The goal of mages is always to obtain more knowledge and truth, and the highest rank only represents occupying a higher position in the endless sea of ​​knowledge. location only.

Of course, this is an ideal mage. In reality, there are not a few people who are fooled by the colorful temptations. After all, it is too easy to exchange the power that has been obtained for worldly power and money, and some mages They have come here for power and position from the very beginning. When they practice to a certain level, they will naturally leave.

But at this time, I have no time to sigh, I have already devoted most of my time to studying these magic books.

But these books are much more than expected, and many of them are covered with a thick layer of dust. It seems that no one has opened them for a long time. The books are obviously lack of management, and it is particularly difficult to find them. I'm afraid it won't work out.

At this time, I did not invite the "guests" who came again, which further slowed down my work progress.

"It's a pity, Aston/Fimir/Ai Bott can obviously improve."

Old classmates meet. It is inevitable to talk about the whereabouts of past classmates. But every time it ends with this sentence pattern, lamenting the fall of an old classmate. It will inevitably make people feel embarrassed and regretful.

For high-level spellcasters, extending life is indeed not a problem. It is possible to transform into artificial life, semi-elemental creatures, angels, etc., even if the luck is too bad. Transforming into undead spirits such as liches is also an option.

Of course, the premise is that the strength is strong enough, and those who are destined not to be immortal are not considered from the beginning.

What makes me sigh and even pity is that those existences that should have achieved immortality always fall due to inexplicable reasons.

"Some time ago, there was an academic journal of investigations. It made a survey and statistics, and the cause of death of high-level mages was shocking. Among them, the crown of death was death in battle, accounting for at least 71%. The second place was death from old age, Normal deaths such as illness and death are only 11%, followed by accidental (experimental) deaths and the like. Most genius mages are involved in disputes due to conflicts of interest, or wars, or personal grievances , In the end, I lost my life, and many dreams and pursuits have come to naught."

Kaid is a little regretful, and he is a little fortunate for those geniuses who have fallen. Obviously, his talent is below the middle level in the same period, but because he doesn't like competition, he always studies his subject behind closed doors, but instead, he doesn't know it. Feeling reached the highest peak.

The genius who fights has nothing in the end, and the mediocre who does not fight has self-knowledge and lives his life in a shrinking manner, but he has everything after exhausting himself. In a certain sense, this is undoubtedly not a perfect irony.

For most mages who give up in the search for the way, what prevents him from climbing to the top is never his own flaws, but the temptation and troubles from the outside world.

"By the way, are you really not mocking me?"

The meaning of these words seems to be more and more familiar. I seem to have hung up several times, and I have continued to devote myself to the secular world for certain events, but after hearing this, Kaid laughed.

"What kind of genius are you? Except for the elective courses such as mage self-defense, you are a genius who is hovering at the pass line? You have retaken basic courses such as element concepts four times. If you hadn't caught up with several female tutors back then , I am afraid he has been expelled long ago."

Hearing this, I immediately became angry with it. As expected, childhood sweethearts in reality are not cute at all, especially those of the same sex who know the dark history, they should be tied to the goblin rocket and sent to the moon.

"I was very happy to have you back then, at least the average score of our class was much lower, and I don't have to worry about being the last one in the exam..."

Well, the penultimate and the penultimate are lamenting the passage of time and the ruthless fate, but those geniuses have already fallen, which is more ironic.

"Don't say that, I'm just a softie. Hey, hey, what are you looking at me with in surprise, be careful that I'm falling out with you."

"You don't realize it? 'Roland who can only see his face' and 'Paladin who entered the wrong profession' were very famous back then. You don't know how many times you have hooked up with Mr. Heloise and Mr. Amyra successively?" People buy your portraits and nail your straw man."

"You know it very well..."

Clenching his fists, this is a clear warning, but this guy is still unconscious.

"Of course, this was the main source of my living expenses back then. There are many ways to do it. It is not enough just to draw likeness. Customers are satisfied with the order. Especially after the news of you abandoning Amyla spread, the business was so good that I received an order for one month on the same day, and I had enough tuition fees for one year. So, even if you give It's not a problem for me to extort a few gold coins..."

Looking at the person in front of me who is usually prudish, but talks endlessly as soon as the topic is opened, I couldn't bear it anymore, and punched him hard.


This time, it was my hand that hurt, and there was a metallic luster on that guy's face.

"Stoneskin? No, steel skin?"

He obviously didn't feel the slightest wave of spells, but it had already turned into a steel-like hard skin, a spell that he had never seen before.

"Hehe, this is a spell I created myself, but the idea is based on the legendary story you said before, 'Dalin Nunnery and the Eighteen King Kong Old Lady'. I also use the name 'Golden Bell'! It can be metalized Bones, let me be as invincible as the invincible old lady and the Wolverine grandma in that story, it’s amazing.”

Well, the golden bell cover of alien protection magic. I don't even know where to start complaining. Did it start from the old lady of King Kong, or from the nunnery. Or simply start with Mrs. Wolverine.

But at this time, it also let me know that Kaid at this time, although he is still not serious, but at least he is already a veritable archmage.

And it's just like water magic separated from ice magic. The close relative of the earth magic is undoubtedly the metal magic known for its excellent defensive ability, but unlike the ice magic that can only focus on the theme, the steel element and the earth element are inextricably linked. To a certain extent, metal magic is not even qualified to practice, and being able to maintain the normal state of metal magic is definitely a unique stunt.

This is undoubtedly from one aspect. Let me know Kaid's current strength, but also let me have a new idea.

"Kaid, come here and help me. You should be familiar with these earth magics."

Since Kaluo City is dominated by earth-type mages, the records here naturally focus on various types of earth-type magic, earth-type creatures, and magic equipment. I will look up information here, and it is impossible to practice earth magic.

Although the stones of other mountains can be used to attack jade, there is no harm in seeing more, but with my magical talent, if I want to practice an elemental magic from scratch, it will probably take at least a few decades, and I don't have that much time to spare.

"Emdi Loken is the top of the earth element, and the magic of the earth element is inextricably linked to him. I don't think he only has the strength of the main plane. What history and weaknesses does he have in the past? What specialty, what elemental magic is good at, what hidden trump card, we must find out before the battle begins!"

Hearing this, Kaid showed a smile as if "I knew you had this trick a long time ago".

"......If others start a dispute, they seem to be completely indifferent, but in fact they will investigate the eighteenth generation of the other party's ancestors overnight. You are still exactly the same as before."

While continuing to spit out the black history that made people want to beat him, Kaid slapped his hands.

"Papa papa!"

All the magic lamps in the hall were lit, all the doors were opened, and a large number of young mages poured in and began to get busy. The archmage's message had already arranged the search task in advance.

Between the bookshelves, someone is already busy.

"Group A, let's start with the history category to see if there is any record of Emdie Roken's shots."

"We in Group B want to check the earth elemental lords and elemental gods of the same kind. Their abilities should be used as a reference."

"Group C, I want to start with the high-level earth elemental magic. Maybe there is an ability similar to that of Umdi Loken. The focus is on the forbidden spells that humans cannot use. By the way, there are also forbidden spells from the elf kingdom."

The students took active actions, and Kaid spoke seriously.

"At this time, don't face it alone like in the past. Besides, this is also our battle, so let's be a little acquainted with our companions."

This is the most serious face on Kaid's face since we met.


Inexplicably moved, he took out a book and looked down.

"......what is this!"

Under the cover of the hardcover book with the cover of "Building Models with Steel Elements", there is actually a collection of paintings, which belong to a young girl without clothes......

"..." The archmage who silently snatched the book and hid it under the robe had undoubtedly explained everything.

"In the library, the books that have not been borrowed for several years are used as the outer shell, and your own private treasure is hidden inside. Even this has not changed."

Looking around, many students are sneaking straight to a certain bookshelf. It seems that there are quite a few students doing this.

"Ah, how strange, I actually found a h..."

Before the newcomer shouted out, he was covered by others and pulled down. Some things are already known, but after all, there is still a mentor here, and it is not a good thing to spread the word.

As for the "treasure" he found, it disappeared without a trace in an instant, and it seemed that it had been swallowed up by others.

Judging from the scale of the students' actions, some industries are still underdeveloped in this city that is obviously prosperous and declining, but some industries are obviously making a lot of money. For example, the emblem of the Goblin Publishing House on the album is undoubtedly The source of these books is stated.

The transmission of the students is organized through the official organization of the Mage Kingdom, and there are restrictions on luggage and so on, but the space ripper level of the goblin is much more free, even if only one of the ten books can be transmitted, as long as that one is sold The price of ten copies is naturally not a loss, but based on my understanding of goblins, most of them will ask for the price of a thousand copies.

"Hehe, it's really the same as back then. Why, I'm still collecting books like this."

This time, it's my turn to make fun of this old chatter.

"Sent by the goblin, sent by the goblin, I don't know what they do for me, so I just left it here..."

It's rare for this old man to blush, but if what he said is true, I'm afraid I'll have to re-evaluate the abilities of these goblins. At least, this bribery ability is really outrageous.

"...At least let the goblins bleed before they go. They've made too much money recently, so it's time to spit something out."

Well, let's ignore the mysterious sound in the corner.

"Well, you won't laugh at me, will you?"

"No, no, I totally understand."

"How can you understand, you are so popular at the time, and you are so young now, how many girlfriends do you have now, how many beauties do you have intimate contact with......Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Don't tell me, you are a winner in life!"

I moved my lips, but I never said the last answer.

"Actually, I'm the same as you. I'm also a bachelor for more than three hundred years. The intimate contact with beautiful women...does it count if the body is cut open and the heart is taken out?"


"You can't be too Hummy Loken."

In the end, when countless crusade forces came together by coincidence, a sentence I said casually was spread everywhere. In a sense, this sentence was not wrong.

When the forces of all parties came together, even our own side was surprised by the strength of our combat power, and another trouble was the confusion of the command system, completely different weapons and supplies, and there were enmities among many organizations. Nothing can be straightened out.

"Unable to unify the command? It doesn't matter, if all the a's are over, it's over, don't you understand? Well, each fights independently, just play freely."

It is already a temporary team, and the leaders of all parties basically refuse to accept their companions. If they ask for a unified command, there will probably be no good results.

On the contrary, if they fight independently and take care of their own side, it will be easier to achieve good results.

But at this time, I was busy punching someone's head with both fists.

"Renee, you really dare to do it!"


Well, on the last day of the double monthly ticket, there are too few tickets, so try to count the tickets.

Well, since you're asking for votes, let's fight for double updates tomorrow... ()

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