The boundless and empty sea is the cradle of creatures. When the thunder and storm intersect, the primitive seeds of life are thrown into the sea, and when these larvae finally evolve to a certain level, they start to go ashore to find a new home.

Of course, this is just the most acceptable explanation for the origin of species in a world that uses science to explain everything. As for whether this is the case, I really don’t know.

But when it comes to the creation legends of the magical world, there are many similarities.

Every myth has similarities and differences, but among many myths, "clay man" is probably the most common. In New Zealand mythology, the great god Tiqi mixed his own blood and red clay to create a man, after the catastrophe. Noah threw a stone behind him, and his son appeared. God used the dust on the ground to create a man, Adam, and then used Adam's rib to create the first woman, Eve, but the most famous one is in Chinese mythology. Wa grabbed mud and water, and he created man.

In this world, it is unknown whether Ashe created life in this way, but since even the world is made up of four elements, all kinds of life on it are nothing more than the condensation of elements.

At this time, in my world, the mythical scene of creation is also happening.

Icebergs and ice sheets began to melt, thick ice sheets turned into water flows, endless water flows turned into streams, streams converged into rivers and lakes, and rivers and lakes eventually went to the ocean.

This world based on the source of water has returned to its original appearance.

As an ancient artifact, Stoneville has turned into the source of the ocean, and the blue sky is like the boundless flood in the myth.

There was no storm, no waves, not even a sound, everything was silent. Perhaps it is more appropriate to describe it as dead silence, no matter from which direction you look out, the silhouette of the vast ocean. Just too lonely sea level.

And when the white spar fell into it. The entire ocean began to boil, and countless bubbles spewed out of the water. Then, the yellow-brown rock plate slowly rose from the water, and the land that separated the sea finally appeared.

Everything arises, evolves, out of disordered chaos. Withering away, when the land was covered with ice and snow again, that illusory space has already moved towards reality.

The crystal fragments of the throne of the earth element, like the soil that grows in the wind in the myth, have turned into the cornerstone of Dinghai, the core of the world, and are constantly building new continents.

Time passed. Years reincarnate, and the second ice age has come again.

but this time,

Under the endless ice sheet is no longer a repeated layer of ice, and there is real land under the icebergs and glaciers in the distance. When two of the four pillars in the construction world have been completed, this world has also moved from a narrow space to reality.

In the past, cracks in the space could be seen on the edge of this place, but when the earth element as the base and base plate was in place, the space here was finally stabilized.

And I was also scared.

"...I'm just building a small world. What does this scene like the opening of the world mean? Could it be that I did something amazing without knowing it?"

I can sense that this world is closely related to me. As long as I reach within my will, glaciers can melt, rivers can flow backwards, and continents can break, but I instinctively refuse to happen.

"Don't interfere with them, let them evolve on their own." An inexplicable will sounded in my mind, and there seemed to be an eye watching me.

I was a little dazed, a little surprised... and then I was kicked out! I was actually kicked out of my own world!

[System prompt: Speak well and don't listen, I insist on using violence, the Xiaobawang server is under maintenance, remember to read the announcement for the maintenance time. Now, go where you should be. Stay in the sun and watch out for mushrooms growing on your head. 】

Well, I know what kind of unscrupulous system this guy is. This means that I am an otaku who will die at the sight of light. I am obviously a bright, cheerful and sunny sports boy, and my neighbors praise me as a good man at home. , Come out to be a good employee, and getting along with neighbors is a good neighbor.

"...You really dare to say that those who have been tricked by you can probably form two regiments. Just now, you fought like that with Emdi Loken, digging traps and deceiving people. How do you think you are the villain. "

The black cat on the shoulder has woken up from its long sleep, but what's the matter with me when it wakes up? Could it be that Mr. Heloise, the value of your life is nothing but complaining?

[The server is under maintenance, and the estimated opening time: one and a half months later. System prompt: Don't take the server opening time seriously, just talk casually, has that server opened on the hour? As a player who has been numb to the pit, learn to accept delay announcements one after another with an optimistic attitude. What? You don't want to accept? Well, you can try to go to an online game company to compete with real people. 】

As always, the system was resolutely ignoring the chaos, but what attracted my attention was the panel that was almost the same as the previous one.

【Completeness:? %, destiny points: 43201]

The degree of completion is actually a question mark. It seems that the system does not know when this will be done, but judging from the fate points that are not falling fast, this time I don't need to rush around to find tasks to do.

"It seems that the main thing is to let the world evolve by itself. There is no need to forcibly interfere like last time. The consumption of points is not too much. Huh? So many points, where did they come from?"

At this point, I have time to check the system prompts that have been forgotten to the corner.

[Congratulations to the host for killing Umdi Loken alone, and obtained the sub-artifact-level equipment "Earth Roaring Bracers", "Umdi Loken's Wall of Sighs (Epic Shield)", and the artifact-level material "Earth Elemental Plane" Throne Fragment". Since the kill is not included in the system task, according to the system rules, no destiny points will be awarded. 】

[Congratulations to the host for killing the existence of the true god alone, activating the "God Enemy" series of achievements, earning the honorary title "God-hating", and gaining 50,000 destiny points. After wearing this title, it will become a primary enemy, and it will cause a 5% damage bonus to the divine power. The next stage of this series of achievements is to kill three true gods alone, reward the honorary title "God Slayer", and become an intermediate god enemy with 15% damage to divine power. 】

[When you kill ten true gods (including one main god) alone, you will reach the highest peak of the "Enemy of the Gods" achievement system, and will be awarded the honorary title "Kui Ye is not a god. He is a god and his father!" , and get the special effect of 50% damage bonus to the gods, but after equipping this title, all the gods will be friendly to you to the lowest point. And the name cannot be hidden. You just don't want to continue slaughtering gods. 】

Well, ignore the gibberish. It seems that I did a good job this time. The system is really powerful and helpful this time, not to mention the two pieces of top-level equipment. The points of Emdil Loken have also been replenished from other places. The title of the God Enemy series is one of the few foreseeable and very useful titles... When it comes to usefulness, I think of the deceitful "broom star" And the achievement of "King of Gentlemen" can't be closed. Recently, there are more and more gentlemen, and there is no lower limit for gentlemen. Perhaps, it was cheated by the system.

But another trouble has already arrived.

[Warning: The energy supply of Stoneville's ocean bottle is not stable, please complete the task of hunting the ocean gods as soon as possible. Collecting the divine power of sea beasts and sea gods is not only the power to perfect this artifact, but also the only way to build your world. 】

It seems that when the body of the god of elements and the fragments of the throne of elements are embedded in the "winter frozen soil", the original fragile balance is broken again. Although this is a good thing for the world of winter, but for me In other words, hunting sea beasts and sea gods may also be troublesome.

But what attracted me were two pieces of equipment that dropped directly. The real world is not a game. Every time I go out, I don’t bring a large bag of weapons and equipment that I can’t use. When I am knocked down, I throw it away according to the drop table Out of a few pieces, for a long time, no matter what opponents they hit, they never got any equipment.

Want equipment dropped by your opponent? Take it directly from the corpse. In reality, there is no black hand........ The system can give you messy materials, which just save me the time of collection.

But after looking at the two pieces of equipment for a while, I knew what was going on.

[Earth Roaring Bracers, sub-artifact level equipment. 】

[Efficacy 1, the power of the earth: absorb the power of the earth element and increase the wearer's strength attribute by ten points, but the user must stand on the ground. The effect disappears when jumping or flying. 】

[Efficiency 2: Stone of Immortality: This bracer is indestructible and can resist attacks from artifact-level weapons. After excessive damage, it can repair itself. 】

[Efficacy 3: Spatial flickering: Short-range precise teleportation (3-minute cooldown, range not exceeding a radius of 100 meters). System prompt: Using this ability requires a lot of physical strength, please use it with caution. 】

[Curse of divine power: petrification, Emdilokan curses enemies who forcibly steal their power. The user of this wristband will suffer a little petrification damage every second. If the accumulation exceeds 70% of the total life value, the earth element will continue to pour in. The power turned into a stone statue. 】

[There is a line of yellow characters engraved on it: This wristband condenses the soul of the immortal. Just by touching it, you can feel his past strength and unwillingness. 】

This gray-black wristband is unattractive, with pieces of broken scales on it that are quite similar to the skin of Urmdillon. There are two stone-eye-like obsidian on the head of the wristband. It looks like a stone product, but When I touched it, I realized that it was actually warm, and the touch was a bit like skin, as if it was alive.

As a sub-sacred weapon, it doesn't have many abilities, but its effect is surprisingly practical. Several of the strongest powers of Umdi Loken are there, and the large increase in power is perfect for melee combat. Immortal Shi's ability can turn the tables at critical moments, and that space flicker has already been demonstrated by Emdil Loken.

The curse of divine power is indeed a trouble, and it also limits the time and range of his use, but for me who has the body of a titan to avoid injuries, I can ignore it directly.

"It seems that, like the divine weapon dagger before, if the god level exists, it can use the soul and power to create powerful equipment. Judging by this attribute, it is tailor-made for me."

I happily put the wristband on, and felt the greatly improved strength of my body. I couldn't help but smile proudly. Strength is always the foundation of a melee profession. I have never heard of such equipment that greatly improves physical strength.

"Maybe, I can finally compare my strength with Amy Rabbi."

And another epic shield, a tower shield that can protect most of the body, looks like the face of Umdi Loken, and the double pupils on it seem to be still staring at him, very penetrating.

And after looking at the attributes, it is as practical as ever. With super high defense power, the most practical damage reduction, and an active attack ability, it can completely surprise the opponent.

After thinking about it, I still plan to use it myself. After all, it was in the match against Emdi Loken. Every hit made me vomit blood and hurt, which made me feel like I was facing an opponent of this level. One's own defense ability is a bit fragile.

"It seems that this time is really a rare bumper harvest. Could it be that the system has been modified and plans to follow Long Aotian's route?"

[System prompt: The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and the stronger the strength. The more fierce the opponent. The system never cheats you, you dig the hole yourself and jump into it. Can you still blame me for always trying to die? 】

Well, my face turned black in an instant. Didn't you make it clear that you plan to continue to cheat me, so you can't make me happy for two days.

"Indeed, a great harvest."

The black cat lying on the shoulder smiled happier than me, and the next moment. I knew what she meant.

Stretched out its claws, and in the twist, the black cat disappeared without a trace, but then. What appeared in front of him was a beautiful blonde high elf.

The silky blond hair flutters in the wind, the pretty face with a chuckle is as pure as snow, the snow-white skin reveals a touch of gold, and the purity in the innocent eyes is so heartbreaking, this is a girl as pure as snow. woman.

The old-style white dress with a floor-sweeping silk scarf, the gorgeous salute is holy and beautiful, and it shows Heloise's extraordinary temperament in detail. At this time, what is in front of me is not the one who has no morals and lower limits. The banshee, but the last princess of the ancient elf empire.

"Is it the golden elf? Is this the purest temptation?"

It is indeed the most beautiful race among elves. At that moment, I was a little moved. Even if I have seen the most alluring succubi, there is no such pure temptation to make people easy to make mistakes.

Just as I was forced to go back to the time when I died in battle, when she gained life, the magic of time brought her back to the past. In that era, the girl elf who had everything had the magic power to overwhelm everything with charm.

When I remembered that there was a thousand-year-old fairy Heloise among them, I calmed down.

Facing me, she smiled sweetly, full of sincerity in her smile.

"Thank you, I will remember this kindness."

Then I was dumbfounded, angry, and yelled at the elf beauty! '

"Counterfeit! Who are you! Heloise old witch won't thank people! It's even more impossible to smile so sweetly. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh True form!"

Immediately, Heloise's eyebrows trembled angrily, but she still tried her best to suppress her anger, took two deep breaths, and forced a smile.

"Hehe, you really know how to joke, I am not Heloise, you have forgotten, I am the last golden elf, this form is what I looked like before I died.

However, the golden elves of the ancient race are generally more than two meters tall. The golden ratio that seems to come out of the painting is healthy and full of vitality. The curves are extremely beautiful, but they still have a graceful and luxurious temperament. Scientific busts, after all those so-called supermodels, the most outrageous thing is that at this time, Heloise is probably tall in the golden elves, and mine is about 1.8 meters, but I actually have to bow my head!

"Objection! Don't tell me, I've forgotten. You were underage when you died? You're coaxing ghosts! Demon pet order: Take off the disguise for me!"

In an instant, I realized that this guy was definitely struggling, and this appearance was probably created with the ability to transform.

The contract between familiars did not dissolve with the recovery of Heloise. On the contrary, due to the fusion with the shadow, it changed from a single contract to two contracts, and it became even stronger. If I force the order, it is It will definitely be implemented.

"Roland, you bastard! This is what I expected as an adult, don't..."

The pet's order has been issued, so a sudden flash of light represented the hidden truth being revealed, the next moment the brilliance dissipated, the big beauty disappeared, and a blond elf girl appeared in front of me, dragged to the floor to grow Her hair was tangled up, the dress that was too wide slipped off directly, her petite and delicate face was full of anger, her little face was as red as a little apple, and even the iconic elf ears were full of red clouds, it was very interesting, um, Interesting to me.

"Okay, the top is flat, the middle is flat, and the bottom is also flat. Sure enough, it's magic, and it's the Heloise I know."

I made gestures with satisfaction, nodded and walked over. In the midst of Heloise's shame and anger, I first raised it high, and then I did a big windmill, turning and turning.

When Heloise slumped in dizziness, I lowered my head again, looked down, and finally touched my head.

"Well, Heloise with eleven heads is too unscientific, but the one with three heads looks more pleasing to the eye. Kid Heloise, do you want to go see the goldfish with uncle?"


"...Don't bite! Hey, let go, it hurts, it hurts, let go, you are a dog!"

"You bastard lolicon! You bastard who deserves to be single for the rest of his life!" A dull voice escaped from his small mouth, and that guy turned into Huya!

Well, put other things aside, try to find a way to take off that "glove" on your hands. ()

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