The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 70 The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Due to the disappearance of the Lich Roland, the dark elf girls gritted their teeth and took out their last savings from the soles of their shoes to rebuild their homes for the third time, no longer worrying about their home being taken away.

And with the help of many free coolies (such as a certain leftover knight, a certain kidney knight, and a certain holy knight), the urban management headquarters was quickly rebuilt.

The new urban management headquarters has been designed and constructed by gray dwarf craftsmen. It is anti-earthquake, anti-explosion, fire-resistant, anti-flood, and anti-Roland. to.

"I still use the four defenses in the front. What does the defense against Roland in the back mean?"

Well, children's privilege, just ask if you don't understand, but after the development, I knew that Diana didn't need to answer.

"Roland!! Who mentioned this name!" And when I just mentioned such a name, countless female knights jumped out from there. They were full of armor and stomachs holding sharp swords, and their pupils were bloodshot and murderous. It looked like she was trying to find someone desperately.

"The 'Anti-Roland' is an anti-dead barrier specially invited by the Archmage to target someone. By the way, Xiao Luoluo, please don't mention your cousin's name here." On the surface, I seem to understand. She nodded understandingly, but secretly broke into a cold sweat.

"It's been so long, is there such a deep hatred? The repair subsidy was approved by me in the Supreme Law. Without me, you can rebuild so quickly! A bunch of little heartless people."

Well, looking at these "aunts" with red eyes and whispering curses in their mouths, they knew that I couldn't be seen through, but instinctively wrapped the cloak tightly.

"Wow Kaka, I didn't expect you to have such a 'good' reputation, you are indeed my disciple." Well, I was ridiculed by this old hag who was loitering in the cloak.

But then, that Diana, as if remembering something, quickly added.

"Don't say it when you go out, don't say it! Your cousin... well, he has a bit of a bad reputation in the city. Actually, I don't have any prejudice against him personally, but there are some things that are hard to say as an elder. Anyway, Xiao Luo Luo, just to be on the safe side, don't tell anyone that he is your Roland's nephew."

Well, looking at this shy and shy Moon Knight, who was almost ashamed to speak ill of others, the black cat was already rolling with laughter.

"Little brother Roland, what have you done? Why did you mess up so badly in your own territory? It's hard for this female knight to say."

"Shut up, Demon Pet, or I'll make you squawk like a squirrel and do somersaults at 360 degrees for two and a half weeks until you vomit!"

As soon as this statement came out, even though Heloise's teeth were itchy with anger, she knew that my threat was absolutely real. If I told him to do somersaults for two and a half weeks, she would never let her do three turns. Si immediately shut up obediently.

"Okay, little Luoluo, let's go eat."

Hearing this, he immediately became excited, he had some bad luck at the end of the day, and finally changed his luck, and now he didn't even have a copper coin all over his body, so he just took the opportunity to grab a meal.

But on the way to the cafeteria, looking at this hesitant female knight, I thought a lot.

There are many things to do now, but the most important thing is to get rid of such a childish appearance!

In the current state, the hilt of the sword is bigger than the hand, and he can't even hold the sword steadily. No matter how good he is in battle, the boy's five-short figure has many defects such as short steps, short hands and feet, and difficulty in exerting strength. It's hard to play.


After that, when I go to the human world, I will naturally have to deal with those nobles, but the reality is not a legendary knight novel. Although appearance is not everything, but if you are too young, it is difficult to gain the trust of others. My package plan is a failure.

"If you wait for the natural growth, who knows how long it will take for this physical body to become an adult, first find a way to cover it up. By the way, the dragon race is also a race that grows stronger with age. According to her age, Xiaohong has not yet reached the age to upgrade the ancient dragon. What kind of secret method? I'll find her later."

After making up my mind, I got up and enjoyed the lunch I had been waiting for for a long time, but the tables beside me were already full of "aunts" who couldn't stop peeking.

Not to mention that the tables are full, even the door is full of people.

And in that corner, Momo, who was tied up by the chain, was still screaming.

"Momo, I'm not Zhengtai control. The person I like happens to be Zhengtai. You haven't touched a man for decades. You are hungry. Thirsty #@@¥@, you ask yourself, don't want to paint that innocent smile that day. My own color is gone, he already has an owner, it's all mine, don't let me grab it with my old lady!"

Well, the appearance of finally drooling and venting his desire was so unseemly that the companions couldn't stand it anymore, and this time their mouths were also gagged.

Even though Momo over there was gagged and had a chain tied around her neck, she still tried her best to rush towards her like a mad dog, while her colleagues tried to hold her down, but I tried my best to Pretend to hear nothing and see nothing.

Seeing me eating big mouthfuls, Diana seemed to be hesitant and spoke after a long time.

"I'm afraid, you're late, your cousin won't come back, or you'll live with us temporarily."

As soon as I said this, before I could respond, the cheers almost lifted the ceiling of the entire cafeteria,

"Elder Sister, you're actually enlightened! I thought you were abnormal."

"Big sister, well done, you enjoy it first, just remember to give me some."

"Yes, even if you can't eat it, it's good for your eyes. But, big sister, you really don't know how to eat alone."

"Hmph, I'm not a master, so I'm not interested. However, if I borrow it after 30 years, my eldest sister should not object. Anyway, human beings grow very fast, and you should be tired of it after 30 years. "

"That's right, you're not Zhengtaicon, but Unclecon."

It should be said that the dark elves are open. The scale of these words is shocking. While the elves were pleasantly surprised, it made me tremble from the bottom of my heart. I began to wonder if it was worthwhile to enter the tiger's den for a meal.

When she heard the cheers from her colleagues, Diana was taken aback for a moment, but then she could only smile wryly.

She also couldn't explain, could it be that she accidentally knew that Roland was Lord Sleepless, and Lord Sleepless had ascended to heaven, so this child was destined to not find his uncle.

And even Sulfur Mountain City is a dangerous underground world. In case of encountering human traffickers and perverts... Sulfur Mountain City seems to be the worst. , absolutely.

"Think about it. I think you are white and tender. You don't look like a child in the underground world. This place is completely different from the surface. Now you should think about how to survive here."

"Thank you, sister, but Uncle Roland said that if you can't find him, you should go to Lord Einmethius."

It seems that the only way to find Xiaohong is to go to the scalp first. Looking around, those female elves seem to have something suspicious in their mouths, green light is shining in their eyes, no matter how they look, they look like hungry wolves. It is too dangerous to stay here.

However, for some reason, I have to go back to the old house for a while, perhaps, I need to find a reliable "guardian" for myself first.

Diana was startled when she heard the name of the new dragon queen, and then she remembered that the child in front of her was the nephew of Sleepless One, and it was indeed very likely that she had something to do with Lord Einmethius, so she nodded in a sudden realization.

"Well, after eating, I'll take you there."

Regardless of the sighs from the side, when I finished eating, Diana silently took out the form and handed it to me.

"Looking at you, you should be able to write. Fill in the basic information, and I will make you a temporary pass."

That staring gaze made people sweat coldly, I wanted to run away for a long time, and immediately finished writing, dropped the form and left first.

Gossip is simply a woman's nature. As soon as Diana, the captain, left, all the female knights gathered around to fight for the form, but then it was strange that they, as elves, found that they couldn't understand the information on the form. Word.

And when someone exclaimed, they realized that the little boy had been communicating with them in their native language, Dark Elven.

In the end, the form that no one could understand was cleared up after the joint research of several scholars. It turned out that the text on it actually contained more than a dozen languages, and various grammars were mixed in everything. It was obviously chaotic, but there was no trace of it. mistake.

"The first word is dragon language, the second word is devil language, and the middle is ancient elf language. What put them together is the dialect grammar of the seal people in the extreme north. If it weren't for a great sage who specializes in linguistics To show off his language skills is to make the writer crazy. Language is the carrier of thought, and any creature is used to thinking in its mother tongue. If these sentences are his thinking process, then he is probably completely crazy."


Even though he is as expensive as a dragon queen, the life of Ainmethius is still the same as in the past. He still sleeps, eats, and fights in his dragon's lair every day. It's really no different.

But when she was sleeping in the dragon's nest, she heard the half-dragon priest who served her say that a boy named Luo Luo asked to see her, she immediately ran to the door to greet her ecstatically, but when she met her, she was taken aback for a moment, then…….

"Pfft! Haha, Roland, you have today too!! Come on, call Auntie to listen."

A certain dragon rolls on the ground laughing without hesitation, the laughter rages in the whole dragon nest, the teeth itch with hatred, angry, I kicked fiercely, but was completely ignored, she laughed even louder up.

"I can't take it anymore, I'm changing my name to Luo Luo, brother Luo Luo, come on, shout out the holy light and justice, and continue to lead our adventure journey."

Well, if I can't beat it, I have to wait for her to laugh enough. The guy actually laughed for ten minutes, and she burst into tears. But when I made my request, she shook her head directly.

"The secret method of rapid growth? There are indeed, but if you don't want to forget your own name, it's best not to use it."

It turned out that it was a method used by the dragon clan to quickly hatch dragon eggs to make cannon fodder. In just three weeks, a young dragon could be obtained from a dragon egg. However, due to excessive development, the brain would cause fatal damage and become a brainless dragon. cannon fodder.

"You human beings really don't pay much attention to life. Every process of life growth has its own meaning. Children use play to train the coordination and action ability of the limbs, teenagers use games to cultivate thinking and cooperation spirit, and inherit the knowledge of the elders through learning and imitating. and skills, young people began to try to face the harsh nature of forming a team, middle-aged people learned family and responsibility while their physical strength was declining, and old people got wisdom when they were frail and weak.”

"Each age has the most suitable way of living. This is a gift from nature. People who only stare at the future have no present, and if they don't even have the present, how can they have a future."

Immediately, I was stunned when I heard this string, it was not like what Xiaohong could say at all.

"Looking at what I do, no matter what I say, I'm a dragon old enough to be your grandmother. It's nothing to say something philosophical by chance."

"Did Molly say that?"

"No, it's my dad who said she understands this."

Well, it turned out to be the unlucky dragon king in the legend, but looking at Xiaohong's triumphant look, is this the legendary handsome but three seconds?

However, what she said is indeed reasonable. I can't help but think of Shadang's experience along the way. The physical body gradually adapts, grows and absorbs experience.

"In the long run, I suggest that you take your time, train yourself a little bit, and discover your own potential. It's better than pulling a seedling to grow."

"But this doesn't work. You can't even hold a sword. At least you need a body that can fight."

"If you just want the appearance of an adult man, you have found the wrong partner from the beginning. You should find Margaret. Time and space are her specialties. Adjusting the body without affecting the body's development is not right for her. It should be a small matter."

"Margaret? Who? Oh, that sage who likes to wear blue clothes? Can you introduce me?"

Nodding my head, my guess should be correct, but inexplicably, as soon as the words fell, Xiao Hong's face, which had just transformed into a human form, instantly turned pale and became ugly.

"What are you kidding! You... You forgot her first again. Forget it, it's pointless to be angry with you, come with me. "

Well, this time, even if you don't want to see Adam, you can't do it. Under Xiao Hong's leadership, we rushed all the way, and soon, we will meet in the city lord's mansion.

"Hahahaha, so cute, little brother Roland, you have today too, it's really heart-warming!!"

Well, I knew it was the result. The guy who rolled forward and backward with a smile like Xiaohong just now is my old enemy Adam who can't describe it well.

"Uncle Bones is so cute!"

Anne's bewildered eyes were a bit dangerous, but judging from the fact that she didn't rush over directly, she was still much better than those female elves.

But the sage in blue also smiled slightly.

"It's just a time to reverse the ring. It's very simple. Come and pick it up in a week."

"Thank you so much. I asked you for help when we met for the first time. I'm so sorry. I will remember this favor, and I will repay you in the future."

I can't understand what happened next, even I know that I should be grateful for asking someone for help, but why the scene that was still full of enthusiasm a second ago suddenly cooled down when I just said the words.

"Hey, well, you probably haven't returned to the old house yet."

"Well, I'll go back later. This time, the loss seems to be particularly heavy. I'm afraid it will take three months. By the way, have you collected the fragments of Roland's holy sword? I can reshape them."

Yes, when I approached the system to ask for compensation, the system gave me the bonus of using some points to make weapons personally. Since I can make magic weapons, the first thing I thought of was my family-heirloom sword.

"Cough, of course, wait a minute, I'll go get it."

And when Adam, who was smoothing things over, left, the scene became even more eerie and silent, and when Adam appeared here with a bag of fragments, no one wanted to speak.

In the small city lord's room, a strange atmosphere permeated, and everyone became silent. Naturally, under the premise that no one wanted to talk, this reunion ended up being unhappy, and I just said goodbye and left. As soon as he walked out the door, there was a whimpering cry from behind.

Now, even I know that I must have done something wrong, so I quickened my pace and had to go back to the old house quickly to know what I did wrong.

"It seems that I said something wrong again just now. Hey, what has this little intelligence forgotten?"

Intelligence is the basic attribute of using magic, but it also represents the logical thinking ability and memory of human beings. It is a part of the soul, but it is also affected by the physical body.

I remember that when I was a Lich, my intelligence was 30. After deducting the 2-point bonus of the Lich's body, the base intelligence should be 28, but now it is only 27, obviously damaged in the death reincarnation .

How can death not have to pay a price, the shattering of the soul of death itself, and the soaking of the water of the Styx are all killers that take away memory, but I have no fear at all.

"Anyway, it's not the first time. I won't die if I forget something, and anyway, I don't know what I forgot, let alone regret it. It doesn't matter."

As soon as I stepped into the old house, the extinguished lights were turned on one by one, and the whole house came alive.

But I didn't stay in the residential area. My destination was the basement of the old house from the beginning, which is why I must return to Sulfur Mountain City.

There is no light in the long and narrow passage like a medieval tower, and the only echo is the sound of footsteps.

Just after entering the bottom floor of the basement, the entire underground library suddenly lit up. Under the effect of arcane magic, countless books flew in the room, like a bird that had just gained life.

"The soul test is correct, welcome back, master, I am the man-made tower spirit 007 in the laboratory and library, I hope you have not forgotten me this time. Then, according to your request before leaving, the re-education process will be started next, this time , Where do you plan to start? Personally, I suggest that you start with linguistics, then mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and then start learning practical subjects after completing all the foundations."

Looking around, it is an ocean of books, thousands of bookshelves standing there silently, but under the influence of the magic of space, this is still just the tip of the iceberg.

Some bookshelves are marked with physics, chemistry and other disciplines, and some bookshelves are marked with comprehensive strategies, gods and mysteries, magic and martial arts, and the most are diaries, which belong to my experiment diary.

If death is so easy to deal with, there is no need for all living beings to fear death. Even with the protection of the system and the special soul of the traverser, I can survive reincarnation, but the loss of memory and knowledge after each death is painful. , and this time, the basic attribute was directly lost, which was the worst loss in history.

"The loss is heavy. It seems that too many died this time, and the essence of the soul has been cracked. However, it doesn't matter, the lost intelligence points can be added up. Forgotten knowledge, if you learn it again, you will lose your memory... least part of it can be retrieved from the log."

Yes, this is my library and laboratory, and it is also the treasure house of all my memories and knowledge. I know that my goal is difficult to achieve, and death is inevitable, and it is natural to die, but as long as I remember everything Come down, just learn it again, read it again, and you will

"Taling 007, let's start with my experiment log first, um, let's start with the log of this life, the name of the note should be Crazy Lich, look up the keyword Margaret, I want to see what happened just now Something happened."

I have developed the habit of writing experiment logs for hundreds of years. I remember when I go out every day, from brushing my teeth and washing my mouth to turning off the lights and going to bed, from buying newspapers every day to conspiring to plan wars, from judging boring cases to enacting laws, no matter the big things Little things will be recorded in the log.

Maybe I will lose my memory due to death, but these countless bookshelves and logs are my supplementary memory bank, as long as there is no accident, no matter how many times, I will come back from the beginning.

"1, 2, 3...5, 7, 8, 9, fortunately, I only forgot two basic numbers and letters, so it should not be too difficult to make up."

I was counting numbers on the Styx, not because I was really bored, but because I was trying to find out how many I had forgotten, and write down a little more by the way.

Memory is often chained and linked, and human knowledge systems are often tree-shaped intersections. If language is the foundation of social sciences, then mathematics is the foundation of science and engineering. The loss of this number seems small, but it actually represents this series. gap.

But at this time, I have something more important to recall. Driven by magic, with Margaret as the key word, the experiment log of the Crazy Lich has turned to that page, which is the beginning of everything. Those were the days of our adventures together. "

"Ah, bad, let's apologize tomorrow. No, since you are a sage, you will be cautious and sensitive. A casual and insincere apology will only make things worse. Please read all the logs before apologizing. Hey, It took more than two months last time, and this time there are more than a hundred years, a total of more than 300 years of logs, when will it be seen. Three months? Half a year?"

And right away, I knew I was being too optimistic.

"Ah, I have died too many times this time, and I can't even understand my own writing. This square character...Ta Ling, first give me the Chinese enlightenment textbook."

Soon, a large stack of books landed on the desk in front of me.

"At the beginning of human beings, the nature is good. The nature is similar, but the habits are far away. If you don't teach, your nature will change. The way to teach is to specialize..."

In front of the desk, a young child is holding a book that is bigger than him, and the melodious reading is stirring back and forth between the bookshelves, spreading far away...


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