Langsburg, or Fortress of Langs, was the nearest city to our chosen exit from the underpass.

The Fortress of Lance, located on the Chill Heights, is obviously located in the inland of the United Kingdom of the Ming Dynasty, but it is one of the few strong cities in the country.

The thick mixed brick wall is both beautiful and solid under the design of the master builder. The imaginary enemy of the ten-meter-high and three-meter-thick city wall at the beginning is the race of giants, and the long moat is full of hungry piranhas.

reason? They have a good neighbor, the entrance to the underground world is open, anyone can enter and anyone can exit.

Seasonal plundering attacks by underground orcs, the traditional trial of dark elf raiders hunting surface elves in the middle of the night, black dragons and red dragons occasionally fly out from underground passages to beat the autumn wind for a change of taste, sneak out to find experimental wizards and necromancers, look for Sacrificial demons, worshipers of evil gods Well, even I think that the residents of the underground world are exiled and hostile for no reason at all.

At least only in the underground passage, we met three dark elf raiding teams and two orc patrols. The latter saluted and left immediately when he saw Casio, while the former was stunned when he saw the gray elves, and then changed without hesitation. The target hunted by the trial rushed towards us.

Well, I just finished forming the team, and I planned to do some training to see the strength of the newcomers, but when Casio's bone bow was raised, and the golden arrow was called after a round of roll call, someone called out "Golden Bow" The name, the dark elves immediately retreated.

Of course, Casio's heroic appearance of bowing and shooting arrows is indeed amazing, and it is completely different from the confused An Liya, but when I found a certain beast king hunter drooling at Casio with green eyes, I silently felt sorry for this centaur The hero gets worried.

"Elementary gold? If it is less than thirty, that is to say, it is not bad to be considered an adult among centaurs, but it is still a little worse than the golden peak Beastmaster half-dragon, especially that guy is definitely for the purpose. The unscrupulous type. The more outstanding you are, the more dangerous you are."

I wanted to remind this centaur, but Beifeng talked and laughed with him along the way, which made me not know how to do it.

Beifeng's guy only looked at his appearance, he was tall and burly, with a simple face, and he gave people a good impression, but his deep and rich voice was always slow and gentle, and his conversation was funny and knowledgeable, quite mature Taste of elders and sages.

Well, it is precisely because of his good looks and good eloquence that there are so many victims and the social harm is so great.

And the image of this loyal big brother, with appropriate and reserved kindness, and a sincere and silly smile, is especially appetizing for Casio, who seems indifferent but is full of worries about the future.

Soon, after the initial temptation, under the efforts of Beifeng, the two became chatting and laughing.

Diana couldn't stand it anymore, and kindly went to remind him, but she was so stupid that she didn't say a word, but was sent back sadly.

"Intelligent creatures are so shallow. They are used to making judgments based on the race and appearance of life. Yes, I am a half-dragon with the blood of a black dragon, but those who know me well know that I love life and small animals very much. Yes, I am ugly, but anyone who knows me well knows that I am also very gentle."

Well, his injured eyes seem to have been greatly wronged, as if Diana is a bad guy with racial discrimination, and under Casio's rather annoyed glare, in the end, the kind Diana still can't say those disgusting dirty things , could only shake his head and retreat.

"Elder Sister, you are meddlesome, and that centaur boy will know about it in two days."

"But, by then, it will be too late!"

"Pfft!" Sure enough, the more innocent a person is, the richer his association ability is. Hearing this "it's too late", the others immediately laughed, and then looked at the famous golden bow with playful eyes, especially his lower half. God's vest.

"The boy doesn't know the harm of the sad wind, so he will sing chrysanthemums the next day."

Well, I don’t know who made a crooked poem, the funny tone and lyrics made everyone laugh, well, facing Diana’s questioning eyes of “how can you do this”, at least I won’t admit it is A moment of inspiration for me.

The rather arrogant Casio ignored everyone after he entered the team, and even pretended not to hear the polite greetings from Koloss, and called others by race along the way, "Hey, that goblin" and "Hey, that fat human" , has easily offended many people.

So, seeing the sad wind aiming at him, except for the kind Diana, everyone didn't mean to tell the truth, and they were happy to watch his jokes.

And then, apart from encountering another joint sniper attack by the dark elves near the exit, the journey went smoothly.

But after going to the underground world, bathed in the familiar and unfamiliar warm sunlight, looking at the vast blue sky and the vast land that can't be seen at a glance, even I am quite excited.

The Holy Sword of Roland at the waist also resonated slightly, as if expressing its eagerness, and the direction it wanted to go to was naturally the north of the continent.

"Donglan Principality? A descendant of Lan? I want to test his quality. If he can't meet my requirements, he will insult this glorious name."

Shaking his head, he temporarily put aside his extra thoughts, and looked back, only to find that the conditions of the caravan companions were not very good.

Momo, who was so energetic in the past, slumped on the ground with her eyes closed, and Diana also knelt down with a pale face, muttering words, as if she was praying.

"It won't fall, it won't fall."

When I got closer, I realized that she was talking to herself. Immediately, I couldn't help but laugh.

This is not a rare problem. Even on the surface, if miners stay underground for a long time, if they come out to look up at the sky, they will feel as if they will be caught by the sky at any time. The illusion of falling from the sky.

This is an almost instinctive illusion of living beings. Experienced miners will be fine after a while, but for the dark elves who have stayed in the underground world all their lives, it is not so easy to deal with.

They were born in the underground world, and they are used to being above the clouds, where there are still dark rock walls, and they are even more used to the first light of morning being brought by the luminous moss on the rock walls.

When the seemingly natural rock top suddenly disappears, it is as if the human beings living on the surface suddenly lose the sun and blue sky. Even if they rationally know that nothing is wrong, extreme physical and mental discomfort is inevitable.

As far as I know, it takes at least a few months to overcome this instinctive reaction nicknamed "open area phobia", and there are not a few who have not overcome it for a lifetime.

The gray elves, who were already a little sensitive to light, were in the worst condition, so they were asked to rest in the carriage, while that Casio, even though his hooves were trembling slightly, still pretended to be calm and tried to stand up straight.

As for the old fritters like Silver Hook and Hoyle, I don’t know how many times they have been to the surface world, and the guys from the law department are the same, they are already laughing and joking about what they should do.

As for Green, who should be on the ground for the first time, he can't see his expression at all with such thick armor and bird-wing helmet, but judging from the fact that he kept fumbling for the grenade around his waist, he is not having a good time, and now he is heading towards the explosion. Things need security.

What, one person is missing? Well, I have deliberately ignored it, and you still want to mention him, this is your own death.

"Are you okay, or take a rest in the carriage."

"No, no need. I'm fine."

Looking at other people who are ignoring, even Big Brother Beifeng sincerely greets out of concern, how could a stubborn young man admit defeat in front of everyone.

"Then, buddy, lend me a hand, I'm a little dizzy."

The black half-dragon suddenly sat on the ground and leaned against Casio's horse's belly. Casio was taken aback for a moment, then understood, and smiled on his indifferent and proud face.

"Well, since this is the case, let you rely on it."

So, the proud centaur prince bent his hooves and sat down like a war horse, letting Sad Feng rest on one side of his abdomen.

Gradually, sitting on the ground, with support, feeling the body temperature of his companions, and feeling the solid ground, the beating heart of the young centaur prince also slowed down, and his "phobia of open areas" was greatly improved.

Then, Prince Sagittarius, who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, finally melted the iceberg, and smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, Brother Beifeng."

"Thank you for what I do, I should be the one thanking you."

"Hehe. Brother, you are so kind."

"You haven't seen my wonderful place yet. You will have a chance in the future."

While chatting, the centaur and the half-dragon were leaning together, their hands "accidentally" touching and then hurriedly separated, the scene was so emotional that they couldn't look directly at it.

The terrible scene in front of me made me rub my head, and secretly made up my mind that I must find an unoccupied corner as soon as possible to bury Sad Feng alive, so as not to continue to pollute my eyes.

And judging from the gnashing of teeth or vomiting-like everyone beside him, there are not a few people who hold this idea. If it weren't for the fact that this young ace shooter is not weak, he might have already put it into action.

Langsburg is not far from the exit of the underground city, and arrived just before sunset, but when we got there, we encountered new troubles just as we approached the city gate.

"That one over there, take off your helmet for inspection. Whose slave is that half-dragon? Will he bite? Does he have an epidemic prevention certificate?"

Immediately, when he heard that Big Brother was regarded as an animal, the impulsive Casio was touching his bow, intending to kill the guard directly according to his old habits, but I stopped him quickly. the wanted.

In fact, the guard's argument is also reasonable. If it weren't for seeing that there were paladins in our party, I am afraid that the moment he saw the half-dragon man, he would have shouted and besieged us.

The half-dragon people are a special race of creation, they are different from the dragon descendants produced by mixed blood.

Although they have their own ethnic group and culture, they are indeed unnatural products. In the chaotic ancient times, the colorful evil dragon god Tiamat and evil wizards created them and used them to serve the evil (chaos-inclined) colored dragons ( Red dragon, black dragon, blue dragon, etc.), and Beifeng himself is a half-dragon with the blood of a black dragon.

In contrast, relatively kind metal dragons (golden dragons, silver dragons, etc. that tend to be orderly) have no affection for these half-dragon people. Due to the natural suppression of blood, most half-dragon people are still the blood of evil dragons. Servants, for example, as the new Dragon Queen, in the Dragon City that Xiaohong is building, there are countless half-dragon servants.

This is also the reason why Beifeng was able to gain Casio's approval with that set of rhetoric before, because in many places, even if the talent is outstanding and the individual combat power is not bad, the half-dragon people are indeed discriminated against because of the fate of their servants.

Of course, in the chaotic underground world, black dragons and red dragons are also easy to die in battle, so their servants and their descendants can easily be freed, which is probably the place where there are the most free half-dragons.

Therefore, in the eyes of humans, the black half-dragon is equal to the minions of the evil dragon, and now there are paladins in this team, so it is logical to infer that this half-dragon is just a slave or a trophy of a certain mage.

"I am the slave of this centaur."

"Thank you little brother, it's okay, I've seen this kind of layman a lot, don't be as knowledgeable as him.

Beifeng grabbed the impulsive Casio and whispered in his ear, and it seemed that he was trying not to embarrass the other party. Beifeng also took the initiative to admit that he was the other party's slave. Immediately, Casio was inexplicably moved.

Immediately, when the eyes of the two men met, the lightning flashed, and all the affection was in the eye contact, so there was no need for unnecessary words, and in the eyes of onlookers, this scene became unbearable to witness again.

"Ouch! Momo is going to vomit, Momo is really going to vomit!"

At this moment, I am seriously thinking about whether it is feasible to throw them away, let them fend for themselves, and find an archer by myself.

Well, after one side was resolved, there was another problem there. Green insisted on not taking off his helmet, and the guards naturally refused to let him go. However, their dispute attracted more guards. When these city guards used With guarded eyes staring at us, when the ballista on the city wall was slowly adjusting its target, I knew that this was going to die.

"Detect evil!"

With the effect of this ring of magic, when the holy light falls, the villains, or the holders of the power of chaos, will be dyed red.

In an instant, the black half-dragon man was glowing red, while the bodies of the others glowed with a faint white light.

"This officer, look at the brilliance on his body. He is also a kind citizen of order. It's just that my brother has a high degree of burns, and the underside of the armor is ugly. I'm afraid to scare others, so I haven't dared to uncover it."

I clasped the guard's hand to explain, but with a flick of my wrist, a small purse slipped into the guard's sleeve.

"Do me a favor? Look at Bijana (Goddess of Wealth)."

It was not the first time for the pockmarked young guard to accept bribes. He looked around and found that no one was paying attention, so he shook his sleeves again, and the sound of metal impacting was heard inside. It seemed that the weight was not light. Immediately nodded in satisfaction.

"Go in. Don't make trouble."

But when our convoy entered, Heloise's voice rang in my ears.

"That bag is not light, how much did it cost? This is not your habit."


"I guess it's all copper coins, so it's 30 copper coins at most, but it's not too little for the guards."

"5 gold coins."

"How is it possible! You cheapskate will suffer!!"

"Hehe, I made a lot of money before this trip, so what is this small amount of money?"

"No, it's not about money, but about your character that you will never suffer! Is it 5 gold coins? Is it a flower elf magic gold coin that will dissipate overnight?"

"That thing is worth a hundred times more than ordinary gold coins. In order to prevent the other party from taking advantage, wouldn't it be a big loss for me to pay so much?"

"No, according to my understanding of you, as long as you are happy and make others unhappy, you are willing to pay no matter how much you give. Hey, don't be a fool, teacher, I am so curious."

"Then you are curious."

While lamenting that this stupid sight really understands me deeply, I don't intend to reveal the answer.

According to my understanding of her, this familiar named Omniscient has an endless desire for knowledge and secrets. Once curiosity arises, she will definitely go to the bottom of it. Otherwise, she will not be able to sleep all night. Then, I can take the opportunity to achieve my goals.

"Hey, hey, don't be like this, I will think about it again tonight. Otherwise, I promise to teach you ice magic, and I will teach you ice magic that even a magic idiot can use. You should say it now."

Well, sure enough, I gave in in an instant, and my goal was reached.

I am still too weak now, even if it is only a little bit stronger, it is good, and I can actually use undead magic and ice magic in this state. I am also a master of undead magic, but if I am labeled as a necromancer because of this, If you become a wanted criminal directly, this identity is over.

Therefore, although it belongs to the chaos side, the elemental magic that human mages on the order side will inevitably practice has become the only choice.

But my knowledge of ice magic is still at the stage of gathering magic power to blast past, and there is a magic master of all departments by my side, so I naturally ask her for advice.

"Bah, let my mother teach you this unworthy disciple, and get raped again? Dreaming!"

Well, if you use the magic pet contract to suppress her, she will indeed teach, but if you deliberately miss a little bit, it will be enough for me to finish the game at a critical moment.

But I am not in a hurry, she understands me, and I understand her. In fact, as long as you find the right method, this Banshee Queen is easy to deal with. You just wait patiently for an opportunity, an opportunity to arouse the other party's curiosity.

Sure enough, within a week after Kyogen was released, she was hooked.

Looking at the kitten who scratched my neck hard, but couldn't even break through the skin of the Titan's torso, I laughed.

"Okay, the answer is revealed. It is indeed 5 gold coins. Didn't my two black iron long swords with 10 gold coins stop practicing with Momo before? So, I put the fragments in which bag, they are considered waste Take advantage of it. However, it used to be 5 gold coins, and it is worth 5 gold coins now."

The workmanship of that long sword is poor, and the manual cost is completely negligible. The material cost is basically equal to the price of the sword, but I will not be bored to rebuild a black iron sword.

"Impossible, when did you prepare!"

"Be prepared on the way. It has been many years, as long as the performance is in place, this trick has never failed."

Yes, I already knew that there would be problems when we entered the city. The bag fragments were already prepared on the way, and even the lines of bribery and the action of giving money were rehearsed.

"Bastard! How dare you grab me! Boy, wait for me."

The sudden shout from behind made me shake my head even more.

"Hey, even this line has not changed, it really lacks new ideas."

"You are not afraid that he will lead a team to trouble you."

"It's fine for a small soldier to take cards, but it's really strange that he can mobilize his colleagues to seek personal revenge."

"If he slanders you as a spy, can't he call a helper? Isn't that how knight novels are written? This is a classic routine."

I took a sympathetic look at Heloise. If you read too many novels about routine knights, you will be brain-dead. With this kind of intelligence, you are still known as an all-knowing person.

"Then first we need to explain why he let the spies in. Moreover, if it is found that we are not spies, but he just falsely reported military information for revenge, the little soldier will lose his head."

"Worthy of being my disciple, you are really treacherous and cunning."

"Thanks for the compliment, but please call him seasoned."

The master and the apprentice looked at each other, feeling a sense of sympathy for each other, but behind, Momo, who saw this scene, suddenly pulled Diana's sleeve.

"Look at Luo Lan, he looked at that cat with a strange expression, he regarded it as a human being. Could it be that he is also the same kind of sad wind, did he not touch the head of the eldest sister that night?"

Ever since Diana, who was irritated by Momo, showed that she was still a girl, Momo kept making various malicious speculations about Roland.

"Shut up! Don't mention that night!" Diana also sighed helplessly, remembering the extremely strange eyes everyone looked at after that day.

"Recently, my luck is really bad. I really offended the god of misfortune."

Not long after, this complaint reached my ears, and I immediately laughed happily.

"You didn't offend the god of misfortune, but the halo of the god of plague. Haha, I found another luckier than me. Hello, unlucky lightning rod No. 3, let's get along well." rs ()

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