The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1030: What a teammate

However, Master Antoine lacked interest in these materials and did not promise to continue to build equipment for Bai Xiaowen. Instead, he recommended his disciple Han Xu to Bai Xiaowen.

"A true foundry master needs a lot of precious materials to hone. These materials are not bad, but they can't make Antoine feel heartfelt. Leave it to Montan Henry. He will become an excellent blacksmith. of."

Bai Xiaowen is no longer the same, and he also knows that high prestige is useful, but it does not mean that these masters can be driven unlimitedly for their own benefit.

In addition, Master Antoine also makes sense. Since Han Xu has taken up the job of a blacksmith, he will need materials to practice his hands in the future.

After the two masters left, there were only members of the White Phoenix team in the hall, and they finally gathered around and happily watched the three green suits.

The power of the Deep Sea King suit is unquestionable.

Compared with the "Vicious Tooth Priest Set" on the fat man as a reference, firstly, the King of the Deep Sea set only occupies a necklace, a jewelry field and a ring field, which are all insignificant positions, but the Fang Tooth Priest set takes Weapons and jackets are the two most important parts.

Why is the occupation area important? Because the green suit, in addition to the set feature bonus, the single item itself is generally not competitive, it can be good to attach 5 points of equivalent gold equipment, additional skills are not thought of.

Weapons focus on special effects, and topcoats focus on quality and additional skills. These two important parts, if they are forcibly equipped with a suit, tend to lower the strength of the Awakened.

By this comparison, the accessories, necklaces and rings occupied by the King of the Deep Sea suit are much better.

Also look at the quality of the single piece. The three-piece set of the King of the Deep Sea itself is still the best equipment with both attributes and additional skills. Although the pendant has no additional skills, the added 6-point physique exceeds the average gold equipment.

The "guiding" skill of the compass is the de-control technique, which does not conflict with the control of food and props. It is self-evident that the importance of de-control is more important. The passive ability of Shadow of the Sea Snake attached to Huajie is a pretty good defensive skill, which can reduce a considerable amount of individual damage.

Finally, and the most important comparison is the suit feature.

The 10-point adjustable free attribute is still considered as a basic attribute, which is very flexible and practical, and can be supplemented when the basic attribute does not meet the equipment requirements.

Deep sea impact is a powerful area control technique. Skills with both damage and control characteristics are very rare and absolute superb skills.

What's more, these two sets of features have doubled the effect in the water battle environment, which is icing on the cake.

Maybe some people think that the fangs of the fangs of the priest are more fat than the set of the king of the deep sea, but it should be noted that the application of the fangs of the fangs of the fangs is very narrow. People who do not have toxic injuries wear it, which is basically a waste suit. For the fat boy who always has toxic damage output, it is a god.

Relatively speaking, the suit of the King of the Deep Sea is very versatile, almost everyone can wear it, and it will definitely improve after wearing it. The physical properties of the three-piece suit will not be too much for any awakened person. Free attribute points and AOE control skills are more beneficial.

It is obvious that the Deep Sea King suit is stronger than the Fangfang Priest suit. Because the King of the Deep Sea suit comes from three lords. Although the battle rating is very low, it is a suit produced by the lord, after all, it is the top suit of the awakening plane. Can be stronger than it, that is, four-piece suit, five-piece set of top-level suits.

"Did you pay any attention to it? The King of the Deep Sea suit did not even have equipment requirements!" Qiao Rui's eyes lit up again.

Bai Xiaowen tilted his head: "Sister Qiao, wouldn't you say, give these three sets to Xiaojun?"

Qiao Rui smiled and said nothing.

"Wow, I'm so envious of Jun, it's a winner in life." Li Shuyi said.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said, "I know your kindness, but don't make a joke, the King of the Deep Sea suit has three pieces of equipment that have been greatly improved for our team and cannot be used by Jun."

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen said firmly, "More importantly, it is not a good thing to leave Xiaojun with so many best-in-class equipment before waking up. Things that are too easy to get will not be cherished, and it will promote her inertia. From the perspective of the rules of the spirit world, there is no gain without giving. Only the strength gained after hard work can truly belong to us. We don't even know what career path Xiaojun will take in the future. "

Bai Xiaowen glanced at his teammates: "Assign them in the team. My accessories and rings are very tight, so I won't make fun."

"My jewelry position, the demon fire jade pendant and the blood emperor coat of arms are all very good, and are not compatible with these three-piece suit." Li Shu appearance.

Qiao Rui said, "I'm an assistant. Survivability is strong enough, and I don't need it anymore." Her eyes looked at Cecilia, exposing her inquiries.

Cecilia shook her head: "I'm a remote physical output, what do you want so many physiques to do. Can't you protect me?"

Most of Cecilia's current equipment is standard gold equipment (supplied), and it is indeed necessary to upgrade. However, it is not appropriate to replace the gold suits of strength and agility with the constitution of the King of the Deep Sea, which will reduce her output ability.

For example, it is like an LOL game in the AD era. There are ADCs on top of front lineups, auxiliary teammates to protect them, and an ADC with a good output environment. Of course, the output is full, and no meat will be produced.

"Okay, everyone seems to agree with me, so give it to Han Xu." Bai Xiaowen said.

Han Xu paused: "Give me?"

Bai Xiaowen smiled and said, "Yes, here you are."

Han Xu felt a lot of words in his heart for a moment, but in the end he didn't say anything, but nodded in silence, a heavy feeling came to his heart.

With such teammates, what is the need for a husband? This harmonious team atmosphere is what Han Xu dreamed of.

After the suit was assigned to Han Xu, the White Phoenix team was on the Kuroshio level, and there was only one last thing left: redemption.

The total merit value of all members of the White Phoenix team reached more than 60,000 points. It should be noted that many things Bai Xiaowen did, such as exploring the dust-sealed temples, healing the earth, etc., were not missions. He would not be rewarded with merit points, but would only increase his reputation on the Kuroshio level.

If all of Bai Xiaowen's actions are converted into success points, as a prophet, the merit for the Kuroshio plane cannot be calculated ~ ~ You can't afford to take off the quartermaster's underwear.

Bai Xiaowen had previously seen with Quartermaster Felix. The Kuroshio Plane does not have many new specialties. Although it is a unified plane, the richness of goods is far less than the Jiange Plane.

However, since the coalition camp is a pan-continental alliance, the supply of goods itself is still abundant.

Bai Xiaowen directly redeemed the twelve "Teleportation Mantras", that is, back to the city roll. Sixty thousand merits, said that it would be spent.

Bai Xiaowen said that Jun should be more exercise, not to give her too good conditions, but for the safety of Jun, he broke his heart. These twelve teleportation spells can at least guarantee that Jun's awakening path will not be life-threatening.

If Xiaojun is very powerful, he can use these teleportation spells and sell them for other psionic items as needed. Such things as returning to the city are hard currency with absolute value preservation. 8)

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