The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1031: return

After learning the news that the prophet is about to return, many high-level figures from the Kuroshio plane came to see him off.

Even if someone sees the prophet unhappy, he dare not show it at this time.

It has a good relationship with Bai Xiaowen, and Yahan and Queen Carmelo, who have experienced birth and death, are even more reluctant. Among the other lords, the female elf Dorothy Gold Leaf also felt very sorry. She has no need to say that she likes Bai Xiaowen, and her degree of affection has reached the level of heartbeat. Now, the bud of this relationship can only end without illness. ——Because of longevity, the elves are more restrained in their feelings.

It's mainly because Bai Xiaowen didn't have the energy to stir up the female elf and enter her emotional world-of course, Bai Xiaowen didn't want to see one and he wanted one.

"Xiaowen, do you say the Kuroshio plane will restart immediately after we go back?" Li Shuyi asked.

"It should be like this. The chairman and the old uncle said that after the plane is unified, they will enter into the reincarnation reinvention. All spirit figures are regenerated according to the world background and returned to level 1 ..." Bai Xiaowen said.

"Hey, I feel quite a pity. We met a lot of friends here." Li Shuyi was a little sorry.

Bai Xiaowen nodded and said, "Yeah, Queen Carmelo and Yahan are the top men of the Kuroshio Plane. They have a strong relationship with me, and other lords are also familiar with us. If the Kuroshio Plane is not reinvented, we will If we match here later, we will have a unique advantage. "

In one sentence Qiao Rui laughed out: "What do you think, the rules of the spirit world will not give you such good things."

Li Shuyi's slender fingers pecked her chin: "Well ... the lord named Dorothia also has a particularly strong relationship with you, and he also actively instructed Sister Sai to come ..."

Cecilia froze: "Did she come to point me because of Dior?"

Li Shuyi asked: "Sister Sai, don't you have any points in your heart?"

Bai Xiaowen quickly waved his hand: "It's not me, I don't have one, don't talk nonsense ... By the way, Cecilia has been instructed by the lord, is there any gain?"

In a word, Cecilia nodded: "Yes, my continuous shooting skills have changed ... now called Split Arrows, and I have re-extracted the skill special effects." She said that she set the skills to the display state. .

[Split Arrow: Mutation Skill. Cecilia's long-range shooting speed increased by 150% for the next 5 seconds, and each shot automatically split into (7) arrows. LV4 special effects: Through: Each split arrow can cause damage to all enemies on a straight path, and the damage of the arrow is reduced by 20% for each enemy that penetrates it. LV7 Special Effect: Suppressed Shot: Enemies hit by the Split Arrow must pass a Constitution check, otherwise they will fall into a turbulent state, reducing their movement speed by 40% for 3 seconds. 】

This split arrow skill is indeed a mutation technique, which is a lot stronger than the previous "continuous shooting". The number of arrow splits has doubled, not to mention that there are penetration effects, combined with blood rose toxin passive, absolutely Strong physical group attack skills.

Of course, Cecilia's acquisition of this mutation technique is not as easy as Bai Xiaowen's original, and he took a look at Guan Erye's pretend to complete it. She followed Dorothia throughout the battle, and Dorothia consciously taught and taught her, plus the subsequent hard work, to achieve this.

With Bai Xiaowen's good relationship with the lords, of course, they can ask the lords to teach the skills of the members of the White Phoenix team and explore new mutation techniques. In fact, he did the same. In the seven-day battle against the snake-man base, several lords blocked Bai Xiaowen's face and tried to teach the members of the White Phoenix team, but in the end they achieved zero.

On the one hand, the study of mutation techniques is not so easy. On the other hand, the awakening person can not rely on the prestige of identity to claim inexhaustibility. In particular, the teaching of such spiritual figures is generally useful only if it is "actively taught."

Like Master Antoine Greybeard, he fancyed Han Xu's forging qualifications, actively taught Han Xu's forging skills, and started a blacksmith vice career.

Li Shuyi did not have such good luck. Even if Master Antoine was forced by Bai Xiaowen to accept Li Shuyi as an apprentice, he would not be able to open a sub-professional and would only damage his relationship with Master Antoine.

Is there a way to let the spirit figures actively teach? There is also an equivalent exchange. The awakened person must pay something. After being recognized by the rules of the spirit world, it is easier for them to learn the skills. In a word, Bai Zhi can't.

Farewell to the Kuroshio crowd, the five of the White Phoenix team ascended a mountain, and finally glanced here.

Began to clear the sky, gradually receding tide, dark land ...

The white light flickered, and the White Phoenix team chose to return.


In the void, every scene flashed like a movie.

However, at the end of the picture, it was fixed on Bai Xiaowen's destruction of the last snake-man base. During the period, the pictures of the lord, as well as the battle in the blood vessels and brain cavity of the lord, did not appear. Erased.

Bai Xiaowen was also used to this, and the task of scavengers was not included in the evaluation of clearance. He knew this as early as the Ramses plane.

However, in the performance of Bai Xiaowen in the Kuroshio plane, scavenger missions accounted for a large proportion, after all, S-class heroes! Without the evaluation of the scavenger mission, Bai Xiaowen's performance will be pulled down a lot.

But no matter how low, Bai Xiaowen's performance is still dazzling, and the position of the prophet is definitely beyond the limit that a normal awakening can do.

"Well, you see, the clearance picture has not disappeared, and continues to evolve." Li Shuyi's voice sounded.

Five people looked at the original ~ ~ the original frame, the perspective quickly zoomed out, forming a bird's eye view of the Kuroshio plane.

The picture became three-dimensional, and eventually turned into a globe-like, slightly rotating illusive sphere. On the surface of the sphere, the images of the Kuroshio continent countries are very clearly visible. Obviously, this is a miniature model of the Kuroshio Plane.

"It seems to be unified, will the rules of the spirit world show us the process of reincarnation of the plane?" Bai Xiaowen was a little excited. This experience is very valuable and can face the secrets in the depths of the spirit world.

The rotation of the Kuroshio sphere stopped.

A bunch of white light with extremely fluctuating energy is emitted from the inside of the sphere, and the light cannot be seen directly. Qiao Rui, Li Shuyi and others closed their eyes.

Bai Xiaowen also covered his eyes, but his left eye opened a crack forcibly, a slight red light flickered, staring at the scene where this face evolved.

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