The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1044: Base explosion

The monster is regarded as a summoning creature. Although it is not subject to Bai Xiaowen's summoner bonus, it can still be finely manipulated by Bai Xiaowen.

When the Xingyue team hurried over, they could only see the ruins of the second tower on their own middle road.

The 1st and 2nd towers play a very important role in the crystal destruction mode. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the defensive hub and the banner of the Chinese army.

Losing these two towers, the Xingyue team can only let the White Phoenix team run rampant in their own wild area, and continue to expand their advantages.

More importantly, those eight groups of monsters are not disposable consumables.

After controlling the monsters and pushing the tower, Bai Xiaowen can still control the monsters' retreat and keep a monster army-of course, the duration of these summoned monsters is limited, and will automatically disappear after a few minutes.

With the strength of the White Phoenix team, under these favorable conditions, you can actually try to push a wave of high ground.

It's just that Bai Xiaowen did not take risks.

The fixed 300 bombing damage of the defense tower still cannot be underestimated. In addition, in the DOTA map, attacks from low terrain will have a certain probability of "lost"-that is, a negative effect of miss, which is natural for the defense Advantage.

After all, the White Phoenix team lacked one person and did not force the tower. Bai Xiaowen led the monsters and summoned army, and set off on the road.

Li Shuyi continued to plow the other wild areas and collect new wild soul stones.

Bai Xiaowen and Han Xu successively unplugged one tower and two towers on the upper road, and then fought the lower road.

The Xingyue team finally couldn't bear it. Before the second tower, they started the first team battle with the three of the White Phoenix team.

It was also the last teamfight.

Three or five, and not much suspense.

Xingyue team's attributes are at a disadvantage, and Qiao Rui's soul rhythm is weak, which further widens the attribute gap.

Bai Xiaowen's endless stream of strong control left Han Xinyue, the sole hero of the Xingyue team, with no room for output.

One face to face, the tank man Lu Yan of the Xingyue clan fell under the multiple slivers of Bai Xiaowen. The soldier male King Xing was restrained in place by the spirit snake whip method, and soon followed the call of creatures.

As for the master male, Bai Baili, unfortunately, she encountered Li Shuyi who came around from the wild area and fell again under the invincible sacrifice.

The assistant male Zhiqi and Han Xinyue fled, the butcher's meat hook flew out.

The auxiliary male branch jumped out and helped Han Xinyue block the hook.

Then he hung up.

Xingyue Clan was hit with a wave of zero-for-four! Bai Xiaowen harvested three kills.

The Xingyue team forced the team to join the team, so that the game lost its suspense ... Or, there was no suspense in the game, it just ended sooner or later.

In the idea of ​​the Xingyue team, if the White Phoenix team swells and forcibly raises the tower, they can also rely on the output of the defense tower and the geographical advantage of the high ground to fight back, maybe they can come back.

However, the White Phoenix team is too stable, and does not give them this opportunity at all, but just constantly pulls out the external strongholds to expand their advantages.

In this case, if you stick to the high ground and never get out, it is equivalent to chronic death.

After losing six defensive towers outside, wait until the White Phoenix team wins those leader-level monsters (ancient units), such as Black Dragon, Dragon Witch, or even the soul stone of Roshan. More reckless.

"Lose. The power gap is too obvious." The only surviving Han Xinyue, watching the White Phoenix team under the soldiers, exhaled softly.

Originally, there was a little unwillingness in his heart, but after seeing Bai Xiaowen far away, Han Xinyue's little unwillingness quickly dissipated.

It doesn't seem to be shameful to lose to him.

I don't know if I can add a friend after the game.

It's a little bit small. I'm 26 this year. I heard that he's under 20 years old.

But it doesn't matter, the female junior junior holds the BRIC.

It's just a couple of years before I get married.

Is the wedding in Chinese or Western style? I heard that traveling and getting married are also very popular.

Hey, I don't know if my baby is more like me or more like him. Which elementary school should I go to?


Han Xinyue, who had thought of hugging his grandson, woke up when he heard the explosion of his base.

But waking up or not is an end, keep the tower? Her teammates are dead, she is a shooter, what is the use of the hero profession?

So when I saw Han Xinyue in a daze in the spring, my teammates did not blame her, but blame herself.

It's all too vegan for us, we can't protect the goddess, and let her tremble in the spring alone, and we deserve to die!

Commentator, in front of the big screen.

Seeing the Scourge's main base explode, the two commentators sighed tacitly.

Although psychologically prepared, the star power gap exposed by this team in this game is still clear.

The four in the wild area were not killed when they were counterattacked. It is also possible to use Li Shuyi's strength and strength to explain this type of warfare. However, Han Xu was counterattacked by Han Xu and resolved the offensive. This is really not true. Law interpretation.

It was no strange thing to pick up from the second tower in the lower lane and be hanged by the White Phoenix team.

In any case, the circle should be round. Since there is no way to explain the gap between the two teams, hold up an opponent.

"In this game, we can still see that the strength of the White Phoenix team is at the crushing level. I am afraid that no team in the second league can find them to confront them directly." The female commentator first said, "Don't forget this White Phoenix The team is understaffed, four to five. "

Male commentator said: "I feel that the return of the White Phoenix team from the spirit world has been greatly improved. Li Shuyi's shadowless cut is estimated to have risen to LV10? Is there such a powerful effect that she can fight back with four fights, she It is bound to get some adventure in the spirit world exploration, and even directly obtain the mutation skills. "

The female commentary said: "Han Xu's performance is also remarkable, that is, he defended the first wave of the Xingyue team on the road. In the previous data, Han Xu did not have the ability to throw chains, not to mention the ghost ship. Terrifying large AOE ... "

"It shows that Han Xu's exploration in the spirit world has been very rewarding, and he has obtained a large amount of revenue distribution in the team. It must be said that it is comfortable to have a group of thigh teammates. Han Xu's current level is worse than a real hero professional tank Not too much, it is no longer a shortcoming in the team. "

The female commentator agreed, and thanks to the "ghost ship"-that is, the deep sea impact-this large AOE control technology, Han Xu can have a place in any league strong team.

"Well, players from both sides have already appeared, and then we take a 30-minute break for the second game. The two captains please come on stage and draw for the second game."

Seeing the players from the two teams return to the lounge ~ ~ The male commentary said that the uncle did not want to help the White Phoenix team, and went directly to the next link.

The female commentary was never exhausted, and she wanted to give Bai Xiaowen another wave of decision-making power and radiation power. After all, it is the captain, it is not appropriate to not blow, and not every single order can take into account the resources of the wild area, it is a person to be two or three.

Soon, Bai Xiaowen and Han Xinyue came to power again.

This time, Bai Xiaowen was still empty of BAN, and Han Xinyue still banned the defensive mode-it was even more difficult to beat the defensive fighter.

The game mode is finalized and it is still a team battle-real killing mode!

Both commentators took a breath. Then they looked at Han Xinyue with a touch of sympathy.

. m.

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