The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1045: 2 to 0!

For one thing, the two commentaries just for the face of the Star Moon Team did not explicitly point out.

That is the Crystal Destroy Mode, which is a game system that favors entertainment. The rhythm is slower than normal games and is more friendly to weak teams.

The reason lies in the existence of the defensive tower, with 300 fixed physical bombing damages per round, unable to parry or evade (this is the point), and can only be carried by the health and damage reduction. Any awakened person cannot ignore it-this is already close A shooter lord's level A output ability, but lacks intelligent manipulation, and cannot move.

The strong team cannot start the five-man team without any scruples. If there is no monster as a cannon fodder and provides BUFF effect, the middle team can easily create opportunities for the weak team to counterattack.

Going straight to fight the weird is even easier to explode in place.

Simply put, the strong team must also operate, take advantage of the wild area resources to expand their advantages, and then find opportunities to remove the opponent's defense tower, step by step to expand the strategic depth. After compressing the opponent to a certain extent, they went to fight the strange and collect soul stones, and finally rushed to the high ground in a rush.

This is the normal way to win.

Of course, if there is a huge gap in strength, five heroes are holding professional teams against five elites, and there is nothing wrong with pushing directly. But that kind of competition lacks entertainment and attention, and does not get any training experience.

Han Xu's suit, and Li Shuyi's awakening skills, need to conduct actual combat with the awakened to test the finesse and show the strength of the united team to the outside world.

Coupled with returning to the first game, Bai Xiaowen chose to be stable.

The real kill mode is different.

In this mode, there is no defense tower protection, and the defending side has no terrain advantage.

The strength gap between strong and weak teams will be infinitely enlarged.

This is the sympathy in the eyes of the two commentators.

However, they saw Han Xinyue's face without any frustrated expression, and his eyes even brightened.

This shocked the two commentary chrysanthemums. Does the Xingyue team have any means to suppress the bottom of the box? Yes, after all, it is a team that has just gotten a lot of benefits from the spirit world. Ganghao has won four consecutive victories ...

So the two commentaries had some hope for the second game.


Thirty minutes later, the White Phoenix team proved a bit to the two commentators.

Any hope is false.

Mountain forest terrain.

Qiao Rui's reconnaissance ability was the first to discover the movement of the Xingyue clan. She and Bai Xiaowen's dual spiritual shield completely broke the mental detection of Xingyue clan mage Guo Baili, blocked the Xingyue clan in a valley, and launched a raid.

When the crisp bell sounded, the ghost ship whistled out, and the moment when it hit the four beautifully, it was doomed to the defeat of the Xingyue team.

The only Han Xinyue who escaped from the control range, facing Li Shuyi with invincible sacrifice, she did not have any power to fight back—Assassin Tianke shooter, and although Li Shuyi did not have the stealth ability of the assassin, she talked about the ability of multi-stage breakthrough and sustained high output. , But more terrible than regular assassins.

The death knight led three terrifying knights and launched an army charge. Under the designated airdrop, Fei Tsai and Kitts took a ticket to the younger brother, blocking the back of the Xingyue team.

Obviously it was four or five, but the Xingyue team seemed to be the side to be surrounded.

The battle soon ended.

Tank man Lu Yan fell last, and the grand prompt sounded throughout the battlefield.

Victory Party, White Phoenix Team!


In the selection of MVP, the White Phoenix team voted unanimously for Han Xu.

In the official judgment, it was believed that Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi both had bright performances and played a greater role. However, the official has to consider the internal opinions of the winning team, so they chose to compromise.

Four members of the White Phoenix team appeared and bowed to the audience.

On the big screen, Han Xu's slightly muned photo was quickly enlarged, accompanied by MVP text, which drew applause from the auditorium.

In the eyes of the audience, Han Xu ’s big move ghost ship in the two games was very beautiful. The tower guard in the first game resolved the offensive, and it was even more dazzling. Give applause.

The audience in Luzhou is still very good. Of course, it is also because the Xingyue team does not have a lot of fan base locally, it is different to change to a local A-level team in Luzhou, which is the glory of the base city of Luzhou, and the audience will definitely support their team.

"Lao Han, what do you think?" Bai Xiaowen smiled.

Han Xu smiled and didn't speak. For him, it doesn't matter if he is MVP. He is also very clear that this is the result of the team's intention to show strength, otherwise there should be no opportunity for his performance. In a word, the White Phoenix team is now too strong, in the regular season of the second league, completely stand out.

The two teams shook hands, Han Xinyue hesitated again and again, still did not gather the courage to add Bai Xiaowen's online friends, or asked him for contact information.

Both games lost too badly.

I should still focus on exploring the strength of growth in the spirit world, not because he looks good and cannot move.

But that's great too.

Then wait until you are defeated before adding him to be friendly.


The White Phoenix team went home, but the four-to-five and the clean two-to-zero ratio no doubt caused a lot of media exclaim.

Little has been mentioned about the dark horse. Some media have used words like "advent" to describe the strength of the White Phoenix team.

The senior leaders of the major guilds see it more clearly than ordinary journalists in the media.

Giant God Guild.

Seeing MVP Han Xu, President Fu Yiping frowned and said, "This Han Xu looks like an elite career? How can there be such a strong move."

"He is definitely not using conventional combat skills," said Fu Hong. "I asked for a video of the live game and played it at a slower speed of 0.25x ... I found that Han Xu had three in his body when he used that trick ghost ship. Each part shows a different green light, but it is relatively weak and cannot be seen unless you look closely. "

"The suit?"

"It must be a suit!"

The conference room was full of exclamations ~ ~ The White Phoenix team was really willing. "

"I'm willing to give such a powerful suit."

"Bai Xiaowen is really a prodigal boy. This suit that directly gives a powerful move is very versatile. He can use it himself, but he can also give it to Li Shuyi. For Han Xu? Don't be afraid that Han Xu will change the court once the contract period is reached." The 200-pound fat man said.

Fu Hong shook his head with a sneer and looked at the high-level guild leaders of this group of vegetarian meals: "You underestimated Bai Xiaowen's structure and underestimated his ability too. Do you think that the suit on Han Xu's body is the only suit of the White Phoenix team?"

Fu Hong sighed lightly: "I found a long time ago that there are three sets of Bai Xiaowen's summoned creatures ..."

. m.

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