The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1047: Charter of Nicholas IV

At the end of the game month, the White Phoenix team ushered in a new rest month.

On this day, when Bai Xiaowen routinely inspected the transfer of goods in the warehouse, he suddenly made a sound.

"What's wrong?" Li Shuyi, who was directing Jun's exercise next to him, turned his head like a cricket with a tentacle.

"There was an unplanned situation in the territory. There was a secret sign agreed by Cecilia in the warehouse items."

Bai Xiaowen snapped his fingers: "I called Cecilia over and asked about the situation."

After Bai Xiaowen's summoning, Cecilia in a costume appeared in front of Bai Xiaowen.

"Dior." Cecilia hurried forward, first hugs Bai Xiaowen, kissed her lips and said, "Territory ... wrong, it is the Gorse Empire that is abnormal, beyond my decision."

Bai Xiaowen awkwardly let go of Cecilia's sturdy and tight waist: "Tell me."

Cecilia took out a letter.

The material of this letter is good parchment paper, and it must have been made through various processes such as incense. Not only does it not have the smell of sheepskin, but it also reveals a quiet aroma.

Most importantly, the seal of the imperial royal family can be seen on the fire paint of the envelope!

"A letter from the Gorse royal family?"

Bai Xiaowen took over.

Cecilia hurriedly said, "It is Prince Nicholas ... No, it should be called a letter from Nicholas IV to you. In the letter, he seals you as the lord of the north, and can be in the entire Gorse Empire, at will. Right to act! "

Bai Xiaowen read the letter again.

The content of the letter was modified in many ways, full of the elegant style of the aristocracy, but Bai Xiaowen could still see the two words in it.


In fact, as Cecilia said, Nicholas named Bai Xiaowen as the lord of the Northland, meaning that the entire Northland, including the Black Rock City that Bai Xiaowen laid last time, is Bai Xiaowen's legal territory. In addition, there is a note-style order stamped with the seal of the Gorse Empire Emperor!

"The holders of this order are performing important empire tasks, and officials at all levels loyal to the Gorse Empire must not be perplexed and provide convenience within their ability. Nicholas IV."

Originally it was just an ordinary note, but with the signatures of Emperor Seal and Nicholas, the meaning was completely different. For example, Jo Mo is the Shang Fang sword of the commissioner, one level higher than the yellow horse coat.

The reason why Nicholas promised such a big benefit was simple.

He was in great trouble and needed the support of Bai Xiaowen, the White Stone lord, and the actual ruler of the North!

Bai Xiaowen also got an additional piece of information from it, that is, Nicholas has already ascended the throne, and has changed from a prince to Nicholas IV.

Bai Xiaowen was prompted by the rules of the spirit world.

"You have a charter from the Gorse Empire, the royal orthodox camp leader, Nicholas IV."

"Your whitestone collar permanent seal order incorporates new temporary permissions."

"A: The range of land was extended to the entire North."

"B: When you use the fiefdom order to enter the Kane plane, you can explore the territory of the Gorse Empire at will, removing restrictions in the territory."

"Special reminder: The above permissions are temporary. If Nicholas IV loses power, the temporary permissions will automatically disappear."

"Note: Circumstances of Nicholas IV's loss of power include abdication, death, or the fall of the orthodox royal family."

Bai Xiaowen felt that the permanent seal of Bai Shi's collar made a slight glow, and then converged. Looking at the land closure order again, it has become the "permanent land closure order of the Northern Territory"!

Of course, this is only temporary. If Nicholas IV is defeated in the struggle for power, this fiefdom will be returned to its original form.

It was wise for Nicholas IV to use this charter to pull Bai Xiaowen into his chariot.

However, Bai Xiaowen still has a lot to learn. He asked, "What about the Gorse Empire now? Opposing Nicholas IV, it should be his uncle."

Cecilia nodded: "The north is relatively remote, and I don't know much about it. After the old emperor died, Prince Nicholas should have taken office immediately, but his uncle Guramans tangled with a group of old nobles After the coup d'état ...

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said: "Prince Nicholas is not a mediocre master, occupying an orthodox position, and has military power in his hand. That uncle Wang wanted a coup to take the throne.

Cecilia said: "Yes, the two sides launched the first civil war in the central provinces. Guramans was defeated and fled. The prince Nicholas was ascended to the throne and became Nicholas IV. Shu Guramans fled to Xisha Province ... "

"How many provinces does the Gorse Empire have?" Li Shuyi listened a little.

Bai Xiaowen smiled gently: "The administrative division of the Gorse Empire is very simple. The central region where the capital is located is called the central province, and it has the largest area and the richest. In addition, one east, south, north, and south The provinces are also very short. For example, the Northland where our white stone collar is located is the Northland Province. "

Bai Xiaowen's memory is outstanding, and what he learned on the Kane plane can be clearly recalled after a long time.

Cecilia, who is an indigenous native of the Kane Plane, is even clearer, adding: "The names of other provinces are generally related to geography. There are many plains in the eastern region, so it becomes the eastern province, and the south faces the sea. There are many islands, waterways, and harbours. They are called the South China Sea Province, and the west is dominated by deserts and wilderness. They are called Xisha Province. "

After a pause, Cecilia said, "When the old emperor was in office, he carried out a series of reforms, including recovering some of the power of the old nobles, repealing some improper laws, blocking new nobles, etc. These reforms have suffered a lot Nobility's resistance is opposed by the five major provinces. Xisha Province is the base camp of the old nobility. "

Bai Xiaowen came to understand: "Nicholas IV should be the old emperor's policy program and continue to weaken the power of the nobility. Then Uncle Guramans should be a banner launched by the old nobility who did not want to give up power."

"Reclaiming the power of nobles?" Li Shuyi blinked. "Xiaowen should now be regarded as a big nobleman in the north. From the perspective of interests, we don't seem to be on the side of the prince."

"Strictly not," Cecilia smiled. "The former Lord of Whitestone was indeed an old-fashioned aristocracy. He had the power to kill and kill the people in the territory. But Dior accepted the book of Prince Nicholas ~ www ~ is the new aristocracy he promoted, and has no right to take back the lives of his people at will. "

"Is this the difference?" Li Shuyi scratched her braid.

"There are other differences," Bai Xiaowen smiled. "For example ... the early night right is gone."

"... This is okay, it seems that the old emperor is still very wise." Li Shuyi crackled and applauded.

"Well, these are not the points. The point is that the old school aristocrats believe that the royal family has violated their legal rights inherited since ancient times, so they support the Guramans and the orthodox royal confrontation. What are the respective support rates of both sides?" Bai Xiaowen asked Cecilia.

"The province of Xisha, most of the nobles in the province support Guramans and have sent private troops against the royal family. In addition, most of the nobles are on the sidelines."

. m.

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